
1、订单数据:链接: 提取码:529n
2、用户数据:链接: 提取码:6vmq


a、语句出错:把文件路径导入到 cmd 黑窗口得到的路径斜杆是‘\’ ,要修改为‘/’,路径不能带有中文。
b、要有fields terminated by ',' 因为csv 文件是以逗号为分割符的。


SELECT month(paidtime) as 月份, count(distinct userId) as 用户数 FROM czy.order_info
where isPaid = '已支付'
group by month(paidtime) ;

思路:先筛选出‘三月份’及‘已支付’的数据,再对用户Id进行分组,求得用户id及其对应的购买次数,最后通过子查询的方式,嵌套一个select语句,令购买次数 >1的用户的购买次数变成1并相加求和以便求出购买多次的用户数,而购买次数不大于1的购买次数变成null,不参与计数,最后求得购买多次的用户数及当月有消费的用户总数。


select concat((count(userId)/54799)*100,'%') as 三月份复购率 from 
(select month(paidtime), userId ,count(userId) as uc from czy.order_info
where month(paidtime) = 3
and isPaid = '已支付'
group by userId having count(userId) > 1) as fu;


select count(userId) as 三月份用户总数,count(if(uc>1,1,null)) as 三月份复购用户数 from 
    (select userId ,count(userId) as uc from czy.order_info
    where month(paidtime) = 3 and isPaid = '已支付'
    group by userId) as fg;


select md as 月份, count(userId) as 各月份用户总数,count(if(uc>1,1,null)) as 各月份复购用户数 from 
    (select userId, month(paidtime) as md, count(userId) as uc from czy.order_info
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by month(paidtime),userId) as fg
group by md ;


select concat((count(distinct userId)/54799)*100,'%') as 三月份回购率 from czy.order_info
where month(paidtime) = 4
and userId in (select distinct userId from czy.order_info
               where isPaid = '已支付' and month(paidtime) = 3
               group by userId);


思路:先筛选出各个月份’已支付‘的’用户id‘,此处需将各个月份中用户购买的时间点统一成同一个月份的第一天,对各个月份和‘用户id‘进行分组,以便操作,再通过left join的方式,让其’用户id'一一对应,但前后的月份相差一个月,最后计算出当月的用户数 及回购的用户数。

select t1.m as 月份,count(t1.m) as 用户总数,count(t2.m) as 回购用户数, 
 concat((count(t2.m)/count(t1.m))*100,'%') as 回购率 from
    (select userId , date_format(paidtime,'%Y-%m-01') as m from czy.order_info
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by userId , date_format(paidtime,'%Y-%m-01')) as t1
left join
    (select userId , date_format(paidtime,'%Y-%m-01') as m from czy.order_info
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by userId , date_format(paidtime,'%Y-%m-01')) as t2
on t1.userId = t2.userId and t1.m = date_sub(t2.m,interval 1 month)
group by t1.m;

思路:将order_info表与user_info表进行内部联结inner join,对’用户id‘和对应的’性别sex‘进行分组,并统计每个用户的消费次数,最后再对性别进行分组,求出’男‘&’女‘对应的平均消费次数

select sex as 性别,avg(ct) as 平均消费次数 from 
    (select userId,sex,count(userId) as ct from czy.order_info as o
    inner join
        (SELECT * FROM czy.userinfo
        where sex <> '') as s
    on o.userId = s.useId 
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by userId,sex) as b
group by sex;


思路:先筛选出‘已支付’的‘用户id’,并对用户进行分组group by,再挑选出消费次数>1的用户id,最后得出第一次消费和最后一次消费的时间点及时间差。

select userId as 用户,max(paidtime) as 最后一次消费,min(paidtime) as 第一次消费,datediff(max(paidtime),min(paidtime)) as 两次消费的时间差 from czy.order_info
where isPaid = '已支付'
group by userId having count(userId) > 1;


select avg(jg) as 平均间隔 from
    (select userId,max(paidtime),min(paidtime),datediff(max(paidtime),min(paidtime)) as jg from czy.order_info
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by userId having count(userId) > 1) j



select age, avg(sp) from
    (select u.userId, age,sum(price) as sp from czy.order_info as u
    inner join
        (select useId, ceil((year(now())-year(birth))/10) as age from czy.userinfo
        where birth > '1901-00-00') as ad
    on u.userId = ad.useId
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by u.userId, age) as n
group by age;



select (count(distinct userId) * 0.2)as 百分之20的用户数 from czy.order_info
where isPaid = '已支付'
select userId, sum(price) as total from czy.order_info
where isPaid = '已支付'
group by userId
order by total desc
limit 17129;
select sum(total) as top20的消费总额 from
    (select userId, sum(price) as total from czy.order_info
    where isPaid = '已支付'
    group by userId
    order by total desc
    limit 17129) u ;