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研究生: 張寒音
研究生(外文): Han-Yin Chang
論文名稱: 2D和3D與實體和虛擬環境之意象圖表法-以行動電話為例
論文名稱(外文): Image Map of 2D and 3D Physical and Virtual Environment - The case study of Mobile Phone
指導教授: 陳建旭 陳建旭引用關係
指導教授(外文): Chien-Hsu Chen
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立成功大學
系所名稱: 工業設計學系碩博士班
學門: 設計學門
學類: 產品設計學類
論文種類: 學術論文
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 2D3D 實體物件 手機 Image Map 虛擬物件
外文關鍵詞: image map tangible object 2D3D virtual object mobile
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傳統的意象圖表(Image Map)是設計師常用來刺激靈感與表達想法的一種工具,其具有理性的分析評估及感性的概念與創意。諸如關於意象分析的感性工學也是提供設計師,如何在客觀理性分析及有效率的截取消費者對產品感性訴求的方法,其所得到的結果,能將所得的相關綜合性的圖表數據和文字敘述,依所需探討的語彙以及圖片呈現在Image Map中,讓設計師或決策者能從資訊視覺化的這些語彙、圖片、數據所彙整的資訊中快速地得到造形概念的構想。但是其建構的方式多半屬於二維的,所呈現的資訊不能展現較複雜化的資訊,因此目前Image Map應用在設計上的功效有限。

本研究嘗試從實體和虛擬以及2D和3D等不同介面呈現方式來建構不同的Image Map,使其在兼顧使用者需求上,能提供各種不同Image Map介面建構上的差異探討空間,甚至提供未來有關運用實體或虛擬以及2D或3D之特性於建構設計工具的研究發展。


本研究嘗試運用擴增實境(AR)的技術導入Image Map,並比較傳統2D介面、模型機3D介面以及2D與3D的虛擬介面。實驗結果顯示,以傳達手機資訊的概念為評估標準,模型機3D介面表現最為出色;Image Map座標判讀,傳統2D誤差較小,但各個介面都在可容許的誤差範圍(皆在0.2個單位以內);在使用者主觀滿意度表現上,傳統2D仍是較為熟悉的介面;而在創新上,受測者普遍認為,新穎的3D虛擬介面勝過其他介面型態。
Fierce in this competition, the era of information explosion, the fast and correct information of grasping is the condition that the winner must take. The same reason is suitable equally in this field of industrial design, because of development of science and technology and maturity of the production technology, the designer’s intention is not limited any more. So diversified products flood the whole consumer market, and as the designer, how to face the pluralistic consumer market of today, can see through the first chance, its key often lies in learning the difference that different consumers are fond of in the heart, in order to design the new products satisfied with consumer demand.

The traditional Image Map is a kind of tool that the designer came to stimulate the inspiration and express the idea. It has rational analysis assessing and perceptual concept and intention. Such as to offer designer about perceptual engineering that image analyse, how analyse and efficient intercepting consumer to the perceptual method that demand of product in objective reason, the result received by it, can narrate the relevant and comprehensive chart data and characters of the income, take notice of the chart in accordance with the vocabulary and picture needed to probe into, enable the designer or the policymaker to get the idea of the shaping concept fast in these vocabulary, picture, information gathered together whole of data from the information vision. But it builds way to construct and belongs to the two-dimensional one mostly, the information appeared can’t represent more complicated information, so the image chart is applied to the efficiency on the design limited at present.

Try to present the way to build and construct different image charts from different interfaces, such as entity and invention, 2D and 3D, etc. In this research, make it can offer all kinds of Image Map interfaces to build the difference constructed and gone to and probe into the space in giving consideration to user’s demand, offer future about use entity or invention, 2D and characteristic of 3D on is it construct research of design tool develop to build even.

The experimental arrangement divides into three different experiments and probes into different themes. Experiment one, probe into and does not present the way with the interface and judge to the user whether there is influence in modeling; Experiment two, probe into and lie between differently in the face of judging the user there is influence in the position; Test three and probe into the user and adopt different interfaces and carry on
the content and discuss and use and experiencing the difference on inter dynamically. Finally, the experiments of these three stages, are being carried on the end by experiments of persons who are examining, all require users to decide the view and measure forms to test satisfied.

Try to use the skill of AR to channel into Image Map in this research, and more traditional 2D interface, model machine 3D interface and the fictitious interfaces of 2D and 3D. The experimental result shows, regard transmitting the concept of the information of the cell-phone as the standard of assessing, model machine 3D interface is the most more outstanding than now; The coordinate interpretation of Image Map, traditional 2D error is relatively little, but each interface is on the tolerable error range (all within 0.2 units); In user's subjective satisfaction behaves, traditional 2D is still a interface that is comparatively familiar with; In innovating, generally thought by the persons who examine, the novel fictitious interface of 3D surpasses other interface type attitudes.
第一章 緒論...........................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機....................................1
1.2 研究目的..........................................2
1.3 研究假設..........................................2
1.4 研究範圍與限制....................................3
1.5 研究架構與流程....................................4
第二章 文獻探討.......................................5
2.1 二維與三維介面之差異..............................5
2.2 意象圖表法........................................7
2.3 擴增實境..........................................10
第三章 2D、3D實體和虛擬介面...........................12
3.1 實體介面..........................................12
3.2 虛擬介面..........................................13
第四章 實驗設計.......................................15
4.1 實驗目的..........................................15
4.2 參與者............................................16
4.3 實驗環境設定與器材................................16
4.4 實驗程序..........................................18
實驗三:執行Image Map..........................25
第五章 實驗結果.......................................27
5.1 實驗一:判別產品造形..............................27
5.2 實驗二:判別位置..................................28
5.3 實驗三:執行Image Map.............................30
第六章 討論與結論.....................................32
6.1 介面對於Image Map在工作上效度的影響...............32
6.2 介面對於Image Map在工作上主觀滿意度的差別.........33
6.3 結論..............................................34
6.4 未來展望..........................................34

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