如截断后标签换行 tr和span中间有换行符,无空格。
function __mailreplace($content, $type) {
//替换回车换行符(注意替换字符串后添加 空格,以便在wordwrap方法中可以将字符串换行)
if (strtolower ( $type ) == "html") {
$content = ltrim ( $content );
$content = str_replace ( array ('\n', '\r\n' ), "<br/> ", $content );
$content = str_replace ( array (chr ( 13 ), chr ( 13 ) . chr ( 10 ) ), "<br/> ", $content );
$content = str_replace ( " ", " ", $content );
$content = str_replace ( "</tr>", "</tr> ", $content );
} else {
$content = str_replace ( array ("<br>", "<br/>" ), "\r\n", $content );
$content = str_replace ( " ", " ", $content );
$content = preg_replace ( "| +|", " ", $content );
$unwrap = array ();
if (preg_match_all ( '|(<a.*>.*</a>)|U', $content, $matches )) {
for($i = 0; $i < count ( $matches ['0'] ); $i ++) {
$unwrap [] = $matches ['1'] [$i];
$content = str_replace ( $matches ['1'] [$i], "{{a-link" . $i . "}}", $content );
$content = wordwrap ( $content, 75, "\r\n ", FALSE );
if (count ( $unwrap ) > 0) {
foreach ( $unwrap as $key => $val ) {
$content = str_replace ( "{{a-link" . $key . "}}", $val, $content );
return $content;
public function word_wrap($str, $charlim = '') {
// Se the character limit
if ($charlim == '') {
$charlim = ($this->wrapchars == "") ? "76" : $this->wrapchars;
// Reduce multiple spaces 去除多余空格
$str = preg_replace ( "| +|", " ", $str );
// Standardize newlines 替换回车 换行符
if (strpos ( $str, "\r" ) !== FALSE) {
$str = str_replace ( array ("\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $str );
// If the current word is surrounded by {unwrap} tags we'll
// strip the entire chunk and replace it with a marker. 批量替换特定标签(改为批量替换a链接)
$unwrap = array ();
if (preg_match_all ( "|(\{unwrap\}.+?\{/unwrap\})|s", $str, $matches )) {
for($i = 0; $i < count ( $matches ['0'] ); $i ++) {
$unwrap [] = $matches ['1'] [$i];
$str = str_replace ( $matches ['1'] [$i], "{{unwrapped" . $i . "}}", $str );
// Use PHP's native public function to do the initial wordwrap.
// We set the cut flag to FALSE so that any individual words that are
// too long get left alone. In the next step we'll deal with them.
// 截断字符串
$str = wordwrap ( $str, $charlim, "\n", FALSE );
// Split the string into individual lines of text and cycle through them
$output = "";
foreach ( explode ( "\n", $str ) as $line ) {
// Is the line within the allowed character count?
// If so we'll join it to the output and continue
if (strlen ( $line ) <= $charlim) {
$output .= $line . $this->newline;
$temp = '';
while ( (strlen ( $line )) > $charlim ) {
// If the over-length word is a URL we won't wrap it
if (preg_match ( "!\[url.+\]|://|wwww.!", $line )) {
// Trim the word down
$temp .= substr ( $line, 0, $charlim - 1 );
$line = substr ( $line, $charlim - 1 );
// If $temp contains data it means we had to split up an over-length
// word into smaller chunks so we'll add it back to our current line
if ($temp != '') {
$output .= $temp . $this->newline . $line;
} else {
$output .= $line;
$output .= $this->newline;
// Put our markers back
// 将替换字符串替换回来
if (count ( $unwrap ) > 0) {
foreach ( $unwrap as $key => $val ) {
$output = str_replace ( "{{unwrapped" . $key . "}}", $val, $output );
return $output;