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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 熊展坤)近日,我校信息学院人工智能与知识发现团队以“Multi-relational Contrastive Learning Graph Neural Network for Drug-drug Interaction Event Prediction”为题的论文被国际人工智能领域会议AAAI-2023(The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)录用。研究团队提出了一种新的药物反应事件预测方法,解决了现有方法药物信息整合不全,罕见药物反应事件预测精度低的问题。




信息学院博士生熊展坤、刘世超老师和博士生黄锋为论文共同第一作者,信息学院章文教授为论文通讯作者。信息学院博士生王紫嫣、博士生刘旋和纽约州立大学Binghamton分校张仲非教授(IEEE Fellow)也参与了该研究工作。



Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) could lead to various unexpected adverse consequences, so-called DDI events. Predicting DDI events can reduce the potential risk of combinatorial therapy and improve the safety of medication use, and has attracted much attention in the deep learning community. Recently, graph neural network (GNN)-based models have aroused broad interest and achieved satisfactory results in the DDI event prediction. Most existing GNN-based models ignore either drug structural information or drug interactive information, but both aspects of information are important for DDI event prediction. Furthermore, accurately predicting rare DDI events is hindered by their inadequate labeled instances. In this paper, we propose a new method, Multi-Relational Contrastive learning Graph Neural Network, MRCGNN for brevity, to predict DDI events. Specifically, MRCGNN integrates the two aspects of information by deploying a GNN on the multi-relational DDI event graph attributed with the drug features extracted from drug molecular graphs. Moreover, we implement a multi-relational graph contrastive learning with a designed dual-view negative counterpart augmentation strategy, to capture implicit information about rare DDI events. Extensive experiments on two datasets show that MRCGNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Besides, we observe that MRCGNN achieves satisfactory performance when predicting rare DDI events.

会议链接: https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-23/