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搬运自 https://sites.google.com/site/butwhymath/fourier-analysis/the-fourier-transform ,这个博客一系列的文章都很好

The Fourier Transform


The Fourier Transform and its inverse relate pairs of functions via the two formulas
My goal here again isn't a rigorous derivation of these guys (this can be found all over the internet), but instead an explanation of why exactly they take this form, and what they do.  The Fourier Transform is often described as taking a function in the "time-domain" and expressing it in the "frequency domain" (if the independent variable is time of course; above I used x but the formulas are the same regardless).  To make sense of this notion, we will make a quick detour into vector spaces--don't worry, it will pay off in the end!  We will use our review of vector spaces to motivate the notion that the Fourier Transform represents some sort of a "change of basis" for a function.
Vectors and Bases
To keep things simple, lets start out with a vector in .  Call this guy v .
So far, we have no convenient way to express v , other than this picture.  To help us understand v , lets bring in a set of basis vectors , vectors that are well-understood, and see if we cant write v in terms of them.  Here, we choose to bring in the two standard basis vectors for : e 1 =(1,0), and e 2 =(0,1) .
目前没有比用上面这张图更方便的方法来表示向量 v 。为了对向量 v 多一些理解,让我们引入一些基向量(对这些基向量我们有比较深刻的理解),看看能否用基向量来描述向量v。这里我们引入的是两个经常使用的基向量 e 1 =(1,0), and e 2 =(0,1) .如下图所示
To write v in terms of them, we need a way to somehow say "how much" of v is in the direction of each.  Let's look at how to do this for e 1. Let's say for a second we have a "projection" operation, which takes v and "squishes it down onto e 1. We will call this
为了用基向量表达向量 v, 我们需要搞清楚 v 在其中任意一个基向量方向上走了多远。让我们看一下如何求出其在 e 1 方向上走了多远。我们把这样的操作称之为投影,即为把 v “压向” e 1 方向,看他在 e 1 方向有多长。我们称之为
v e 1 方向上的投影
Now lets do the same for e 2. We now have the "amount" of v in the direction of each of our basis vectors,  so how do we go about using this information to describe the vector?  Well, we used the projection operation and the basis to "take our vector apart", so let's put it back together! Multiplying each basis vector by the projection amount gives us two vectors, and adding these guys together gives us v back.
现在让我们用同样的方法求出 v e 2 方向上的投影。现在我们知道了 v 在任何一个基向量方向上的投影长度。我们该如何用投影长度的信息描述向量 v 呢?嗯,就是通过在不同基向量上投影并将 v 在不同的基向量方向上分解。先用某个基向量方向的投影长度乘以该基向量,然后将他们相加,就得到了向量 v
向量 v =( v e 1 方向上的投影)· e 1 +( v e 2 方向上的投影)· e 2
For now, we will do away with the projection notation, and simply refer to the components as the first and second components of v .  That is, we will say that
If we already know the basis that is being used, we can even go a step farther towards simplification: we can label v by its two components alone!  This allows us to "reconstruct" v at any time we'd like, because we could always just take the two components, multiply them by the respective basis vector, and add.  This lets us say
如果我们已经知道所使用的基向量是什么,那么我们可以更进一步的简化记号标记,我们只需要用在基向量的投影来表示向量 v。 我们可以随时使用在基向量的投影乘以对应的基向量进而得到向量 v。
So, we have a nice coordinate representation of our vector, which we were able to construct by projecting our vector onto each basis vector individually.  Now, what happens if we don't find the "standard" basis particularly convenient for our problem; and we would like to look at v from a different perspective?  Well, we can always just choose a new one, say this basis:
(throughout this, we are only going to consider orthogonal bases, because that is all we will need to make the analogy with the Fourier Transform).  We want a representation of our vector in terms of this basis?  No problem; we can just project v onto each one like before
向量 v =( v b 1 方向上的投影)· b 1 +( v b 2 方向上的投影)· b 2
Which, if we know the basis, can again be shortened to
Where the tildes represent the fact that now the components are the projections onto the b basis vectors instead of the e 's.  These two descriptions of our vector have different numerical values (as they should since each describes the vector in terms of the "amount" of it in a different direction), but there is no question they represent the same vector.  From both representations it is simple to recover v , and in fact you can convert between the two representations with ease (think change of basis matrix).
v 1 上方的波浪符号表示这个值是向量v在b系列基向量上的投影而不是在e系列基向量上的投影。对向量v的两种描述值是不相同的,因为基向量不一样,所以投影应该也不一样,但是毫无疑问这两种表示方式都是指的同一个向量。从这两种表示方式中可以很简单的计算出向量v,并且也可以很容易的从这种表示形式转化为另外一种表示形式。(只要改变基向量就可以了)
Let's take another quick detour and look at how to define the projection operator.  We'll look at two vectors, u,v in , and determine how to project v onto u .
让我们快速的复习一下如何定义投影操作。加入现在实数平面上有两个向量 u,v, 如何定义向量 v 在向量 u 方向上的投影呢?
If we look at this as a triangle, we know the length of the hypotenuse (its just | v |), and the projection we want is the length of the bottom side.  If we know the angle between u and v ; we can express this length as
如果我们看这个三角形,我们知道斜边的长度,也就是向量v的模| v |,向量v在向量u上的投影就是底边的长度。如果我们知道向量u和向量v的夹角,我们可以表示这个长度为:
向量 v 在向量 u 上的投影=向量v的长度 乘以 cosθ
This actually looks quite a bit like the geometric formulation of the dot product between two vectors.  In fact;
向量 v 在向量 u 上的投影=$  \frac{向量v点乘向量u}{向量u的长度} $
So, the projection of v onto u is simply their dot product, re-scaled by the length of u .  If u is a unit vector then, the projection reduces directly to the dot product.
所以,向量 v 在向量 u 上的投影可以理解为向量 v 点乘向量 u 然后除以向量 u 的长度。如果向量 u 是一个单位向量,那么上面的投影计算式子就直接简化成了点积。
Dot Products
It's time now to take a quick look at the dot product; but from now on we wont be restricting ourselves to .  Lets say we got two vectors again, and this time we have expressed them in the standard basis.  That is, we can view our vectors as lists of numbers:
向量 v =$  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} $
向量 u =$  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} $
We can then express their dot product in terms of their coordinates:
$  \vec{u}\cdot \vec{v}=向量u在第1个基向量上的投影\times 向量v在第1个基向量上的投影+向量u在第2个基向量上的投影\times 向量v在第2个基向量上的投影+ ……+向量u在第n个基向量上的投影\times 向量v在第n个基向量上的投影= \sum_{i=1}^{n}向量u在第i个基向量上的投影\times 向量v在第i个基向量上的投影 $
So, in a coordinate representation, we can say that the dot product is the sum of the products of each coordinate.  There is one more important point here: we obviously want  this new definition of the dot product to agree with the geometric one; and if we allow our vectors to be complex numbers, to accomplish this we need to take the complex conjugate of one of our vectors, replacing the above with this new definition:
在坐标的表示形式下,我们可以说点积就是对应坐标乘积的和。这里有一个重要的点:我们显然想要这样的新的定义与几何层面上的相一致( 请参考最后面附件解释1 )。并且如果我们允许向量的坐标是复数,那么为了实现点积的坐标表示形式(即为“点积就是对应坐标乘积的和”这种形式),我们就需要将表示向量的坐标替换成原本数字的共轭复数
Where the overbar represents the complex conjugate.  Obviously this definition reduces to the above if v has all real components, but the only important part is that this is the "good" definition, in that it agrees with our geometric definition, and allows us to use the dot product to express projections.
Just for the sake of having it for reference, lets look at how we would write out an n-dimensional vector in terms of projections onto a basis.  For each basis vector, we would define a projection onto it, and this would give the "amount" of v in that direction.  Our decomposition then looks like
You can think of this graph as a "coordinate representation" of our function f .  To each distance from the origin x , we can say the xth coordinate of f is f(x) .  We can picture this as being an infinite-dimensional analog of our vectors from before: just like for an n-dimensional vector, we can express it in terms of a basis using a list of n numbers, here we have an "infinite-dimensional vector" whose representation has an infinite number of coordinates, one for each x.
Now, the goal of the Fourier Transform is to decompose f into oscillations; which we can think of as analogous to our previous goal of decomposing v into its components along certain basis vectors.  If we can accomplish this for f , then we can write f as a sum of frequencies: informally; if we let osc(k) represent an oscillation at frequency k , then (in analogy to the vector case above) we are looking to perform a decomposition of f of the form
Where f k represents the "amount" of frequency w in f(t). Our first order of business here is to decide how to model our sinusoids.  We would like the sinusoid to be as "pure" as possible, because that way all of the useful information will be in the coefficient f k .  As argued in Engineering Applications , complex exponentials form a very useful model for sinusoids, and a "pure" exponential of the form represents unit amplitude oscillation with zero initial phase - sounds just like what we want!
This allows us to make the definition
Also, the use of the summation sign here is merely suggestive; we need a formal way to "add up all the frequency components".  The spectrum of possible frequencies is a continuous one (in our exponential above, k can take on any real number value), so we need some sort of "continuous" sum.  Luckily, the integral is precisely that.
What we need now is a way to calculate the components of each frequency in the summation.  Just like in the case of vectors, we would like to treat the modes of "pure oscillation" as our basis, and "project" onto them.  The coefficient of each frequency would then just be the "amount" of it in the original function; and we'd be done.  How could we go about this?  Let's try and formulate something along the lines of our projection operator for vectors.
Just like we had
So now, we just need to figure out how to perform this projection of f onto an oscillation.  Previously, we were able to define the projection in terms of the dot product and a scaling factor, so let's go with that approach.  But now, how are we to define a dot product of functions?
Again, lets take a quick detour back to our linear algebra analogy.  We defined the dot product of two vectors to be
How about for an infinite dimensional vector?  Here, every single point on the horizontal axis represents a coordinate (the "xth coordinate of f" ), and so we must sum over every coordinate -- over a continuum.  Just like before, this continuous sum becomes an integral.  Thus, like the dot product of vectors is the sum of the products of the coordinates; the dot product of functions (usually called the L 2 inner product) is the integral of the products of the values:
The only ambigious part of this formula is the "size" of our oscillation function in the denominator.  Since this is just a multiplicative constant in the formula, it's not really that big of a deal, but it turns out that if we set it to be , then we get our transformation to be unitary (something we will want later).  Thus, we have reached a definition of the projection, which gives us the "amount" of oscillation with frequency k in our original function:
Now, for each value of k , this projection above is exactly the coefficient we need in our sum (integral) to reconstitute f out of its component oscillations.  Our formula for reconstitution is just as above:
But, like for each projection,we need to divide each component frequency by to make it all work out nice (this is just a normalization convention, to make sure we get back out what we put in.  Remember we decided to scale each coefficient by this amount, so we are just doing it again).  This gives us our correct formula for the decomposition of f into its frequencies:
Look familiar?  These are the formulas for the Fourier Transform and its inverse presented at the top of this post!  The only difference between what we have here and the standard fomulation is the notation f k . To emphasize that there is a value of this for each real number k, the coefficients are usually written as a function of k, and to distinguish this function from f itself, it's given a hat:
"The amount each oscillation contributes to f can be found by projecting f onto that particular oscillation"
The function holding all the contributions of each oscillation to f is called to Fourier Transform of f, and when you in turn take those components and use them to re-assemble f, it is called the inverse Fourier Transform.  To make one more analogy to linear algebra, the Fourier Transform of a function is just the list of components of the function in the "frequency basis"; and the normal coordinate representation of the function is its expression in the coordinate basis.
We will usually use this standard notation to talk about the Fourier Transform from here on out to avoid confusion, but sometimes it will be useful to remember that the Fourier Transform is really just the formula for a projection, and the inverse is just a way of writing f in our new basis.
One important feature of the transform is that it is usually a complex function.  While this may seem strange (especially if the input is real); its actually quite a natural thing.  Remember, back when we chose the model for our oscillations, we decided to make it so that they all had 0 initial phase (that is, they are all cosines).  So, if for some particular frequency k, the contribution to f is of magnitude 1/2 and initial phase of 45 o , all of this information needs to be encoded into the coeffi cient .  This would require our coefficient to be of the form
and thus, is a complex number.  This shows us that the Fourier Transform at a particular frequency will be real if and only if that frequency contributes with an initial phase of 0, and complex in all other cases.  In fact, when reasoning about the Fourier Transform, it will be easiest to express it in polar form:
In which A(k) is the amplitude with which frequency k contributes to f, and the exponential represents the initial phase (phase at the origin) of the contributing sinusoid.  The "complex-ness" of the Fourier Transform isn't some magical property, but instead it's just a compact way to store both the magnitude and the phase of each contribution.  The reason these are stored as complex numbers in our model is because we chose to use complex exponentials to model oscillation in the first place.  We could of course have done this differently, keeping track of the amplitude and the phase of each contribution separately.  But we wouldn't have ended up with something this nice :D
Visualization of the projection
We have already seen that the Fourier Transform is just a projection, but let's see if we can't find a way to also glean some insight into how this projection is accomplished.  The formula for our projection tells us to multiply f by our desired oscillation, then to integrate over all x values.  To make things a bit simpler; lets choose a particular frequency and just worry about that for the moment, say, frequency k. Our oscillation at frequency k is modeled by a complex exponential, which ammounts to a point rotating along the unit circle at angular speed k .  Note that our required use of the complex conjugate in the projection actually makes this be a clockwise rotation:
So, what does integrating this spinning thing do?  An integral is just a continuous analog of addition, so in effect we are "adding together" all the points on the curve above.  What does it mean to add these points?  Well, they can be thought of as vectors (since the complex numbers form a vector space), so what we are really doing is adding together a bunch of vectors.  At the end of the day after you've added a ton of vectors, what you are left with is the net effect of those vectors.  You are left with a single vector which represents the action of all the other vectors "smashed together".
Recap time:  to calculate the projection of f onto a particular frequency oscillation, we first take f , and we spin it about the origin of a plane counterclockwise.  We then proceed to find the average, or net effect, of all the vectors produced during the spinning.  When we are done, we will be left with a single vector (or possibly nothing, if all of them cancel each other).  This vector we are left with will have both an amplitude and a phase when viewed as a complex number, and these will represent the contribution of frequency k to our decomposition of f .
How could spinning a function at a certain speed manage to perform the projection we want?  Lets look at an example to see.  Lets say we define f as below:
I chose a function like this because it is quite easy to see "by inspection" what the component frequencies of it are.  Lets say however, that we want to figure out how much the frequency 1 contributes to f. In standard notation, we are looking for , but it will be more convient to remember that what we are really looking for is
We will do this precisely by the method described above; we will rotate f in a circle at a frequency of 1, and then find the net effect.  Because this particular function has a period of 2PI, there are some slight technicalities, but we can avoid them by actually just integrating over a single period 1 :
The net contribution of angular frequency 1 can then be seen to be represented by an arrow along the negative imaginary axis.  The magnitude of this arrow tells us the amplitude of the contribution, and its phase (90 o from the real axis) tells us that the contribution is sinusoidal.
If sinusoidal contributions are represented by vectors along the imaginary axes, lets look at a cosinusoidal contribution: we will spin the function at an angular speed of 10 to single out the cosine at that frequency.
Thus, as we should have expected, the net effect is a smaller arrow along the real axis, representing zero initial phase.
Yet another case we can investigate is that of angular speed 2.  In our formula, we have both sinusoidal and cosinusoidal oscillations at that frequency.  From elementary trigonometry we know that the sum of these two is a single oscillation with an initial phase shift.  For illustrative purposes, let's perform our projection onto this frequency and see.
The net contribution is found to be phase shifted at 45 o , representing a combination of both real (cosine) and imaginary (sine) components.
There's still one more thing we can check out with this example: what if we spin our function at angular frequency 4?  Looking back at the original function, there is no oscillations at that frequency present; so we expect the Fourier component at that frequency to be 0.
So, spinning a function at one of its "resonant frequencies" (a frequency that appears in it's spectrum) causes it to trace out a pattern from which information can be gleaned, whereas spinning a function at a frequency that it does not posess leads to random noise which in the end sums to zero.  If the close analogies of the Fourier Transform with the projection function weren't enough to convince you that what we are doing here is "selecting" a frequency out of f, hopefully this short illustration of how the projection is accomplished is.
Abstracting the Transform
Well, we started with the goal of breaking a function apart into its component frequencies, and we were successful.  Our treatment so far has not made obvious why instead of calling the frequency spectrum of f , we call it f 's Fourier Transform.  Also, we must still elaborate on the rather strange decision to call f itself, when written in terms of its component frequencies, the Inverse Fourier Transform of f. These notions come from the great utility we have found in looking at our transform equations in a different light.  Instead of seeing as the frequency components of f just written in shorthand; consider for a second that we can view as a function completely independently if we would like.  Sure, it has a different independent variable, but if we stop for a minute and forget that that variable stands for frequency, we now have a pair of functions of a real variable, which are related to each other by a mathematical operation (more specifically, by a specific integral).  We can look at the relationship between these two functions as
Let's think about how we would write our notion that "a function can be written as a sum of its frequency components":  well; its frequency components are encoded in it's Fourier Transform, and summing them together gets us right back to the original function itself.  In operator-speak then, this amounts to the equation
This lets us view the Fourier Transform as an (almost) 2 bijection on function space: we can use the transform to convert our function to an equivelant, but different one; and then get back to our original using the inverse whenever we like.
Whats the use of doing this?  Well, by itself its not that cool; but if you can find a way to translate not just functions, but entire problems using the Fourier Transform, it can give you a whole new perspective on the problem.  Look at logarithms and exponentials.  By themselves, they are just an example of a bijection of and .  In fact, we can write
Which is formally the same kind of relationship we have with the Fourier Transform and its inverse!  This bijection dosen't just let us identify numbers in the two spaces however; it also lets us map operations back and forth.  Namely, the rules of exponents tell us that the exponential of a sum is the product of the exponentials, and the log of a product is the sum of the logs.  This lets us say
And through these two properties we can use the bijection to our advantage:  if we have a sum that would be easier to understand as a product, we can take the exponential for a bit and just remember to take the logarithm at the end of the day.  If we have a product that we would like to "break apart" with addition, we can use the logarithm, and then exponentiate later.  In effect, the mapping of both numbers and operations between these two spaces gives us a "dictionary" of sorts, where given one problem we can translate it into a different, but equivelant problem which may be easier to solve.  Also, although exponentiation originally had something to do with repeated multiplication, this is of no consequence here: all we care about is that there is some magic map (and inverse map) which lets us get new problems from old problems.
As we will see, this state of affairs is largely replicated in Fourier Analysis: we have constructed for ourselves a frequency decomposition of a function, but in the end this led to an abstract bijection between functions.  Is there a way to make a "dictionary" between the two function spaces, like there is between the two number systems under exponentiation?  It turns out there is; which is the main topic of Properties of the Fourier Transform .
  • The contribution of each frequency to a function is the projection of that function on the frequency
  • Projecting on a frequency is accomplished by spinning the function at that frequency, and looking at the net effect
  • The set of contribution amounts for each frequency in a function is called its Fourier Transform
  • Re-constituting a function from its frequency components is called the Inverse Fourier Transform
  • We can look at the coordinate representation and the frequency representation as two ways to get information about the same function; and we can look at their values as being the components in two different "bases"
  • We can alternatively view the Fourier Transform as an abstract relationship between two functions, and transform between them to aid solving problems
  • Footnotes:
    1: Using our formula, its clear that not all functions will have "nice" frequency spectra.  Since the notion of projecting onto a frequency requires an integral over the entire real line, we need this integral to converge for it to be useful.  Thinking about this requirement for a second; since our oscillation is made of a cosine and imaginary sine function; both of which are bounded in [-1, 1]; the magnitude of our integrand is going to be less than or equal to the magnitude of f at every point.  If f is such a function that the integral of its square converges, then obviously the integral of f converges, and it follows that our projection integral (which is less than or equal to f's integral) must converge as well.  We can formulate this requirement by saying that we only will allow ourselves to take the Fourier Transform of square integrable functions.  You can go ahead and try to apply our projection formula to other functions, but what you get out won't itself be a function, but a more general distribution (like, the Dirac delta function or something).  So; why is it ok to use the function in the example (which is obviously not square integrable) as an example?  Think about the fact that after spinning one period of the function about the origin, we got an arrow giving the magnitude and direction of that frequency's contribution.  If we tried to integrate over the whole real line (along which there are an infinite number of periods), we would get an infinite answer.  If we did it carefully; we would get a delta function.  Whats important here is that since each period is the same, all the useful information about the relative sizes and the phases of our eventual delta functions are contained within the spinning of a single period.  Since this is all the information we were really after, I think it still holds as a valid illustration of the technique.
    2: Before you can call it a bijection, you have to first identify functions with a finite number of removable discontinuities.  This of course is a natural requirement, seeing that the transform is defined by an integral; and whatever values are taken by f on that set of measure zero aren't going to affect the integral's value.