Research Interests:Powder/particle technology. Particle characterisation and data interpretation. Particle packing characteristics and porosity prediction. Particle-structure-property relations. Nanoparticles and application. Solids flow and segregation. Fluid flow, heat and mass transfer in packed and fluidised beds. Processing and handling of bulk/particulate materials. Simulation of particulate...
澳大利亚蒙纳士大学副校长、兼蒙纳士大学苏州校区校长和蒙纳士大学-东南大学联合研究院院长、澳大利亚颗粒技术仿真与模拟研究中心主任澳大利亚科学院院士、澳大利亚工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士余艾冰教授于1963年生于广东开平。1982年获中国东北工学院(现东北大学)学士学位,1985年获硕士学位。1990年获澳大利亚伍仑贡大学博士学位。1990至1992年在澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究机构(CSIRO)矿物与过程工程所从事博士后研究。后执教于新南威尔士大学材料科学与工程学院,历任讲师(1992-1995)、高级讲师(1995-1997)、副教授(1998-2000),教授(2001-)及大学杰出教授(2007-2014)。曾兼任学校或国家研究中心领导,包括新南威尔士大学颗粒体系仿真与模拟研究中心主任、澳大利亚功能纳米材料研究中心副主任、宝钢澳大利亚研发中心技术委员会主任、中澳矿冶和材料联合研究中心主任等职。2014五月起任澳大利亚蒙纳士大学副校长,并兼任蒙纳士大学苏州校区校长和蒙纳士大学-东南大学联合研究院院长。2016年创立了澳大利亚计算颗粒技术研究中心和江苏省产业研究院工业过程模拟与优化研究所(苏州)。余教授是颗粒科学与技术和过程工程领域杰出的科学家,是颗粒填充、颗粒及多相流、以及计算机模拟与仿真多个研究领域的权威。他至今已发表超过1000篇学术论文(其中778篇发表于SCI国际学术期刊), 为不同的国际学术会议作了数十次大会特邀主题报告。其科研成果已被广泛应用于冶金、材料、化工和矿物加工工业,同中国、澳大利亚和许多国家的研究机构及许多跨国公司建立了高层次的紧密的合作伙伴关系。为新南威尔士及蒙纳士大学直接吸引了超过7500万澳元的科研经费(包括六十多项澳大利亚国家研究基金项目),已经培养超过40多名博士后和103多名博士;目前直接领导着一个由十五位教研人员及三十多名研究生组成的世界级的研究团队。曾成功组织了多次国际学术会议,并参予组织了数十次国际、国内学术会议。他目前是Powder Technology和Granular Matter期刊的执行编辑,Handbook of Powder Science and Engineering的主编, 在其研究领域内曾任超过20个学术期刊任编委,包括Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Powder Technology, ISIJ International, National Science Review等。余教授先后荣获多个澳大利亚国家级奖项及学术称号,其中包括CSIRO博士后研究员(1990-91),ARC伊丽莎白女皇二世研究员(1993-97)和澳大利亚国家教授(2005-09)。2007年被新南威尔士大学任命为Scientia Professorship(杰出教授)和授予科学博士(Doctor of Science)学位。2008-2013年荣获澳大利亚学术地位最高的联邦教授(ARC Federation Fellow)。2002年获美国钢铁协会Josef Kapitan奖; 2010年荣获澳大利亚科学院应用科学领域终身成就奖-伊恩沃克奖章(Ian Wark Medal ),新南威尔士州2010年度科学家称号,以及澳纽化工专业协会的ExxonMobile大奖; 2011年被澳大利亚工程师学会选入前100位学术、科研及企业界最有影响的工程师; 2016年被Elsevier选入化工领域高被引学者; 2019年被选为澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong)杰出校友和荣获美国化工学会AIChE Thomas Baron奖。2021年,被澳大利亚蒙纳士大学授予蒙纳士大学杰出教授(Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor)。余教授于2004年当选为澳大利亚工程院院士,2011年当选为澳大利亚科学院院士。他在两院曾任不同职务,包括澳大利亚工程院理事会委员、新南威尔士州分院名誉秘书长(即分院副院长),澳大利亚科学院应用物理与工程科学学部委员会委员(兼主任委员)、新南威尔士州分院院长等职。2017年当选为中国工程院外籍院士。 余教授现任或曾任澳大利亚国家研究基金专家评委,澳大利亚研究质量评审委员会委员,澳大利亚国家功能纳米材料先进中心副主任,澳大利亚颗粒学会秘书长,澳大利亚海外奖学金专家评委,澳大利亚-中国海外研究基金专家评委;中国科学院海外评审专家,长江教授海外评审专家,全澳华人专家学者联合会主席,中国国务院侨办专家咨询委员会委员,中华全国华侨特聘专家,北京和广州市海外科技人才顾问,江苏省海外交流协会名誉会长,福建龙净海外首席专家和宝钢集团宝钢教授等职。
Over 1,000 publications including 13 edited books, special issues and conference proceedings, 18 book chapters, 823 papers in learned journals, and 304 papers in conference proceedings mainly in the fields of particle science and technology, and process engineering, plus 28 patents (please see the list of publications at the back for details). To date (January 2022), the number of citations for his 823 collected SCI publications is 29,932, with an h-index of 81 according to the ISI Web of Science (according to the Google Scholar: citations=42,225, h-index=96).
Awards/Prizes/Distinctions1986 Kembla Coal & Coke (KCC) Scholar (86-89)1990 CSIRO Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (90-91)1993 ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship Award (93-97)2001 Anthony Mason Fellowship Award, UNSW2002 Josef Kapitan Ironmaking Award, Iron and Steel Society (ISS) 2002 Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholar Award, China (03)2004 Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) 2005 ARC Australian Professorial Fellowship (APF) Award (05-09)2006 Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales (07-)2007 Doctor of Science (DSc), University of New South Wales2008 ARC Federation Fellowship (FF) Award (08-13)2009 Ian Wark Medal and Lecture 2010 (for outstanding research contributing to the prosperity of Australia, one recipient per two years), Australian Academy of Science2010 ExxonMobile Award (for significant ongoing contributions to Chemical Engineering through a series of related publications over a number of years), Australian and New Zealand Federation of Chemical Engineers.2010 NSW Scientist of the Year (in the category of engineering, mathematics and computer sciences), NSW State Government. 2011 Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award, the Royal Academyof Engineering (UK)2011 Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (AAS)2011 Top 100 Most Influential Engineers in Australia, Institution of Engineers Australia2012 Supervisor of the Year Award, UNSW Postdoctoral Academy2014 Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales, (http://www.royalsoc.org.au/) 2014 Baosteel Professor, Baosteel, China2014 Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow, Monash University2016 Listed in Most Cited Researchers in Chemical Engineering, Elsevier2017 Academician (Foreign Fellow), Chinese Academy of Engineering 2019 Alumni Award for Research and Scholarship, University of Wollongong2019 Thomas Baron Award in Fluid-Particle Systems, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)2021 Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor, Monash UniversityProfessional Activities:(a) Membership of Professional Societies:1996-1999 Vice-President, Chinese Australian Academic Society2000-2003 Vice-President, Australian Chinese Society of Science and Technology2003-2006 Secretary, Australasian Particle Technology Society 2004- Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers 2004- Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (http://www.atse.org.au/)2006-2010 Honorary Secretary, NSW Division, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (also member of ATSE Assembly/Council in 2008-10)2007- President (07-08), Chair of Advisory Board (09-10) and Honorary President (11- ), Federation of Chinese Scholars in Australia (http://www.focsa.org.au/)2010- Elected Committee Member, Association pour l'Etude de la Micromécanique des Milieux Granu (AEMMG)2011- Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (http://www.science.org.au/)2013-2014 Chair, NSW Region, Australian Academy of Science (the position held until moving to Monash Univ.in Melbourne)2013-2016 Member and then Chair from 2014, Sectional committee of physical and engineering sciences, Australian Academy of Science 2013- Australian representative, Chemical Reaction Engineering Committee2014- Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales (http://www.royalsoc.org.au/) 2017- Foreign Fellow/Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering (http://www.cae.cn/cae/html/main/col50/column_50_1.html) (b) Professional (Editing/Refereeing) Service:Being active in refereeing papers for many international journals (e.g. Powder Technology, Chemical Engineering Science, Journal of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Langmuir, Physical Review (PRL & PRE), Nature, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, and Minerals Engineering). More importantly, involved in various editorial work as listed below:1999 Engineering Editor, SCIENCE-ADVANCING INTO THE NEW MILLENNUM, People's Education Press (China), 1999 (ISBN 7-107-13208-3)2002 Co-editor, Proc. Int. Blast Furnace Lower Zone Symposium, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2005 (ISBN 920806 30 X)2003- Associate Editor, Chinese Science Bulletin, Springer (ISSN: 1001-6538)2004 Guest Editor, Steel Research International (for a special issue on process metallurgy), Wiley InterScience (ISSN: 1611-3683)2005- Member of Editorial Board and Thematic Editor (2009-), Particuology, Elsevier (ISSN: 1672-2515)2005-08 Member of Editorial Board, Science in China – B: Chemistry, Springer (ISSN: 1006-9291)2007- Member of Editorial Board, 4 journals published by Bentham Science Publisher: Recent Patents on Engineering (ISSN: 1872-2121), Recent Patents on Nanotechnology (ISSN: 1872-2105), Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 1874-4788), and Recent Patents on Materials Science (ISSN: 1874-4648)2007- Member of Editorial Board, Powder Technology, Elsevier (ISSN: 0032-5910)2008- Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation (IJESMS), Interscience Publishers (ISSN: 1755-9758)2008- Member of Editorial Board, Granular Matter, Springer (ISSN: 1434-5021)2008 Guest Editor, Special issue on simulation and modeling of particulate systems, Particuology, Elsevier (ISSN: 1672-2515) 2009-11 Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, American Chemical Society Publications (ISSN: 0888-5885)2009 Guest Editor, Minerals Engineering (special issue on computational mineral processing), Elsevier (ISSN: 0892-6875)2010 Guest Editor (for a special issue on iron and steel making), Steel Research International, Wiley InterScience (ISSN: 1611-3683)2011- Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Rare Metals, The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (ISSN: 0258-7076)2011-14 Member of Advisory Board, ISIJ International, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISSN: 0915-1559)2012- Member of Advisory Board, ISRN Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 2090-861X)2012- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Material Science and Engineering, OMICS Publishing Group (ISSN: 2169-0022)2013- Member of Editorial Board, Rare Metals, Springer (ISSN: 1001-0521)2013- Associate Editor, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Elsevier (ISSN: 2095-4956)2013- Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Nano Studies & Technology, SciDoc Publisher (ISSN: 2167-8685)2013- Member of Editorial Board, National Science Review (NSR), Oxford Journals (ISSN: 2095-5138)2013- Editor, Powder Technology, Elsevier (ISSN: 0032-5910)2014- Editor-in-Chief, Handbook (or Book Series) of Powder Science and Engineering, Springer2014 Guest Editor, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Elsevier (ISSN: 0301-7516)2016- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Ommega Publishers (ISSN: 2377-1372)2017- Editor, Granular Matter, Elsevier (ISSN: 1434-5021)