from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('Workbook_Name.xlsx', data_only = True)
ws = wb['Worksheet1']
# Code that shows me each cf rule's formula, fill type, priority, etc
cellrangeslist = list(ws.conditional_formatting._cf_rules)
for cellrange in cellrangeslist:
for i in cellrange.cfRule:
print('{:10s}{:8s}{:40s}{:10s}{:10s}'.format(str(i.dxf.fill.bgColor.index), str(i.dxf.fill.bgColor.type), str(i.formula), str(i.stopIfTrue), str(i.priority)))
# This is where I want to be able to identify which cf rule is applied to a given cell
# Code that interprets cell styling into appropriate tags, e.g.
for r in ws.iter_rows(min_row = ws.min_row, max_row = ws.max_row, min_col = ws.min_column, max_col = ws.max_column):
for cell in r:
if cell.font.b == True:
cell.value = "[bold]"+cell.value
# Code to write each cell as a string literal to a CSV file
import xlwings as xw
from xlwings.constants import RgbColor
def colour_lookup(cfc):
cell_colour = (key for key, value in colour_dict.items() if value == cfc)
for key in cell_colour:
return key
colour_dict = { key: getattr(RgbColor, key) for key in dir(RgbColor) if not key.startswith('_') }
wb = xw.Book('test.xlsx)
ws = wb.sheets('Sheet1')
cf = ws['C1'].api.FormatConditions
print("Number of conditional formatting rules: " + str(cf._inner.Count))
print("Colour applied to conditional format cell:\n\tEnumerated: " +
print("\tRGBColor: " + colour_lookup(cf._inner.Parent.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color))
for idx, cf_detail in enumerate(cf, start=1):
print("Conditional Format " + str(idx))
print("\tRGBColor: " + colour_lookup(cf_detail._inner.Interior.Color))
Number of conditional formatting rules: 2
Colour applied to conditional format cell:
Enumerated: 32768.0
RGBColor: rgbGreen
Conditional Format 1