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杂种优势是F1杂种优于其父本的优势。由于这种现象在瓜中尚不清楚,因此在意大利中部的六个环境中基于八个遗传距离较远的育种系进行了半透析试验,评估了商业上重要的特征:产量,总可溶性固形物(TSS)和成熟天数(DTR) 。为了估算加性(一般结合能力; GCA)和非加性基因效应(特异性结合能力; SCA),采用格里芬方法2和4分析了产量,并将结果与​​GGE(按环境划分的基因型和基因型)进行比较交互)双线图方法;仅通过格里芬(Griffing)的方法四评估了TSS和早期性。总体而言,对于所有检查的性状,GCA比SCA的相关性显着更高。最小二乘均方(LsM),中父母杂种优势(MPH),计算最佳亲本杂种优势(BPH)以及欧几里得距离和马氏距离,并与遗传距离(GD)进行比较。由于发现一些相关性具有统计意义(仅针对TSS),因此仅通过了解其亲本的遗传距离很难预测杂交组合的价值。尽管如此,仍观察到杂种优势,表明存在上位效应(加性×加性相互作用)和/或格里芬方法中嵌入的SCA被低估。重要的Env×Entries变异来源表明在特定环境中杂交种的发展。从育种角度讨论了结果。由于发现一些相关性具有统计意义(仅针对TSS),因此仅通过了解其父母的遗传距离很难预测杂交组合的价值。尽管如此,仍观察到杂种优势,表明存在上位性效应(加性×加性相互作用)和/或格里芬方法中嵌入的SCA被低估。重要的Env×Entries变异来源表明在特定环境中杂交种的发展。从育种角度讨论了结果。由于发现一些相关性具有统计意义(仅针对TSS),因此仅通过了解其亲本的遗传距离很难预测杂交组合的价值。尽管如此,仍观察到杂种优势,表明存在上位效应(加性×加性相互作用)和/或格里芬方法中嵌入的SCA的低估。重要的Env×Entries变异来源表明在特定环境中杂交种的发展。从育种角度讨论了结果。表明存在上位效应(加性×加性相互作用)和/或格里芬方法中嵌入的SCA的低估。重要的Env×Entries变异来源表明在特定环境中杂交种的发展。从育种角度讨论了结果。表明存在上位效应(加性×加性相互作用)和/或格里芬方法中嵌入的SCA的低估。重要的Env×Entries变异来源表明在特定环境中杂交种的发展。从育种角度讨论了结果。 Heterosis is the superiority of an F1 hybrid over its parents. Since this phenomenon is still unclear in melon, a half diallel experiment based on eight genetically distant breeding lines was conducted in six environments of Central Italy, assessing commercially important traits: yield, total soluble solids (TSS), and days to ripening (DTR). To estimate the additive (general combining ability; GCA) and the non-additive gene effects (specific combining ability; SCA), yield was analyzed by Griffing's methods two and four, and the results were compared to the GGE (Genotype plus Genotype by Environment interaction) biplot methodology; TSS and earliness were evaluated only by Griffing's method four. Overall, GCAs were significantly more relevant than SCAs for all examined traits. Least square means (LsM), mid-parent heterosis (MPH), best-parent heterosis (BPH), as well as Euclidean and Mahalanobis' distances were calculated and compared with the genetic distance (GD). As a few correlations were found statistically significant (only for TSS), it was difficult to predict the value of a hybrid combination only by knowing the genetic distance of its parents. Despite this, heterosis was observed, indicating either the presence of epistatic effects (additive × additive interactions) and/or an underestimate of SCAs embedded within Griffing's method. The significant Env × Entries source of variation suggests development of hybrids in specific environments. The results are discussed with a breeding perspective.