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The literary magazine has revealed its once-a-decade list of the 20 most promising British writers under 40.文学杂志《格兰塔》公布了十年一次评选出的英国最具潜力作家20人的名单,入围作家要求40岁以下。

The 2013 list features six debut novelists, and includes computer game writers, an ex-professional basketball player, a metal sculptor and a writer who also runs a small independent bookshop.2013年度名单里出现了6位新人,其中有电脑游戏作家,一位退役篮球专业运动员,一位金属雕刻家还有一位小书店老板。


Xiaolu Guo (1973) studied at the Beijing Film Academy and received her MA from the National Film School in London. She has published seven novels in both English and Chinese. A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers was shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction. Her other novels include UFO in Her Eyes and 20 Fragments of a Ravenous

Youth. She directed the award-winning films She, a Chinese and Once Upon a Time Proletarian. Her forthcoming novel is called I Am China。郭小橹(1973-)1997年毕业于北京电影学院 [微博] 文学系,2000年获北京电影学院理论研究室电影美学硕士学位,并且获得了伦敦国家电影学校的文科硕士。她在中英两国出版了7部小说。《恋人版中英词典》入围英国著名文学奖橙子文学奖。其他作品还有《她眼中的UFO》和《饕餮青春的二十个瞬间》。她指导的获奖电影有《中国姑娘》、《曾经的无产者》。她的下一部小说名叫《我是中国》。


In 20 Fragments Of A Ravenous Youth, the capital is Beijing - not Paris - but the provinces, those places that exist to be escaped from, are much the same and so are "all those shiny things in life" that bring the escapees flocking to the centre, seeking fame, fortune and the chance to be someone new。《饕餮青春的二十个瞬间》一书中的故事发生在北京而不是巴黎。“生命中所有闪光的东西”将漂流族带入北京、巴黎这样的中心城市,人们都想逃离其他省份涌入这里寻求名望、财富以及蜕变的机会。

The escapee in 20 Fragments is its narrator, Fenfang, her slightly delayed youth a period she dates not from her flight from the "vast, silent fields" of her home in Western China but from the day she filled in a form for work as an extra at the Beijing Film Studios。《饕餮青春的二十个瞬间》里的北漂族主角是自述者芬芳,她将自己的青春期稍稍延迟,不是从离开中国西部“广袤宁静”的家乡开始,而是从她进入北京电影制片厂当临时演员开始。

"My youth began when I was 21," she writes as the novel begins, "at least, that's when I decided it began ... If you think 21 sounds a bit late to start, just think about the average dumb Chinese peasant, who leaps straight from childhood to middle age with nothing in between. If I was going to miss anything out, it was middle age. Be young or die. That was my plan."“我的青春开始于21岁”,芬芳在小说开头写道,“至少我个人决定这么算……如果你觉得21岁听起来有点晚,那就想想中国普通的无知农民们,他们都是直接从童年期跳跃至中年期,中间没有缓冲。如果我有想错过的时期的话,那么应该是中年期。年轻或死去,这就是我的计划。”

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