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发布者:电智-管理员 发布时间:2019-03-19 浏览次数: 2157

姓   名:刘景锋




联系电话: 1 3719281058

邮    箱: liujingfeng @scau.edu.cn

办公地点:电智学院 2 号楼 2 09

个人 简介:

刘景锋,华南农业大学,电子工程学院 ( 人工智能学院 ) ,副教授。工作上态度认真,科研上努力钻研。根据自己求学和访学经历,能够做到了解学生,坦诚对待学生,并且认真指导。也希望学生能够有强烈主动的学习热情和探索动力。


博士 中山大学物理学院 (2006-2011)

研究领域 : 量子光学,光与物质相互作用,光子晶体结构中的量子调控

导    师 : 王雪华教授

硕士 华南师范大学光电子信息科学与技术学院 (2001-2004)

研究领域 : 量子信息 , 量子密钥分发

导    师 : 梁瑞生教授

学士 聊城大学物理系 (1997-2001)



2019/10- 至今,华南农业大学,电子工程学院 ( 人工智能学院 ) ,副教授

2022/02-2023/02 新加坡科技设计大学 访问学者,合作导师: Wu Lin

2014/12- 2 019 / 10 ,华南农业大学,电子工程学院,副教授

2017/06-2017/08 美国威斯康星大学 ,电子工程学院短期访问,合作导师: Zongfu YU

2015/03-2016/03 美国威斯康星大学 ,电子工程学院访问学者,合作导师: Zongfu YU

2007/ 0 7-2014/12 ,华南农业大学,理学院,讲师

200 4 / 0 7-20 07 / 07 ,华南农业大学,理学院,助教


本人的前些年的研究聚焦在利用微纳结构 调控量子系统的光辐射和光散射,并取得了一系列的研究成果。在光辐射和散射调控研究中, 本人 发展了空间量子通道理论、非均匀耗散结构中的量子格林函数理论、杂化腔结构中的少模式量子化模型和新的点群变换理论。

近年的研究兴趣聚焦在人工智能和物理科学的结合,探索深度学习技术在微纳结构设计中的重要应用。并尝试从物理学的角度探索人工智能的可解释性 ( 跟随 MIT Harvard Google 的研究 )

承担科研项目 情况

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11874438 ,表面等离激元与单量子系统室温强耦合作用量子调控研究, 2019.01-2022.12 64 万元,在研,参与排名第二。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 11204089 ,光子晶体中的量子纠缠动力学演化及其保护机理研究, 2013/01-2015/12 25 万元,已结题,主持。

3 . 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 11504115, 耦合光子晶体微腔调控自发辐射研究 , 2016/01-2019/12, 20 万元 , 已结题, 参与排名第二

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 11504050, 金属纳米颗粒结构中受限光场与量子点强耦合相互作用理论研究 , 2016/01-2019/12, 20 万元 , 已结题, 参与排名第二

5 .国家自然科学基金重点项目, 11334015 ,人工微纳结构中纳米光场及光电子器件性能的仿真设计和快速计算, 2014/01-2018/12, 325 万元 , 已结题 , 参与排名第三

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 1104083, 新型人工晶格波导中晶格孤子对称性自发破缺的研究 ,2012/01-2014/12, 25 万元 , 已结题 , 排名第二

代表性 论著 ( * 通信作者, # 共同贡献作者 )

  1. Yu-Wei Lu, Yan-hui Zhao,  Run-hua Li,* Jing-Feng Liu , * Anomalous spontaneous emission dynamics at chiral exceptional points, Optics Express, Opt. Express 30 (23), 41784-41803 (2022) .

  2. Wen-Jie Zhou, Jia-bin You, Xiao Xiong, Yu-Wei Lu, Lay Kee Ang, Jing-Feng Liu ,* Lin Wu*, Cavity spectral-hole -burning to boost coherence in plasmon-emitter strong coupling systems, Nanotechnology 33, 47(2022)

  3. Jing-Feng Liu , Gengyan Chen, Lingyan Li, Renming Liu, Wei Li, Guanghui Liu, Feng Wu & Yongzhu Chen .  Radiative coupling of two quantum emitters in arbitrary metallic nanostructures. Scientific Reports 12, 6901 (2022)

  4. Yu-Wei Lu, Wen-Jie Zhou, Yongyao Li, Runhua Li, Jing-Feng Liu *, Lin Wu *, and Haishu Tan *. Unveiling atom- photon quasi-bound states in hybrid plasmonic-photonic cavity. Nanophotonics 11, 3307 (2022).

  5. Yu-Wei Lu # , Jing-Feng Liu # , Renming Liu, Rongbin Su, and Xue-Hua Wang. Quantum exceptional chamber induced by large nondipole effect of a quantum dot coupled to a nano-plasmonic resonator. Nanophotonics 10, 2431-2440 (2021).

  6. Gengyan Chen, Jing-Feng Liu ,* Renming Liu, Guanghui Liu, Yongzhu Chen, Zhanxu Chen, and Xue-Hua Wang*,Radiative coupling and decay dynamics of two two-level quantum emitters in arbitrary dielectric nanostructures, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013828 (2020).

  7. Yu-Wei Lu, Ling-Yan Li, Chun-Lian You and Jing-Feng Liu .*Spectra of plasmon-exciton composite under weak coherent pumping within cavity QED treatment, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53,035401(2020).

  8. Zhang-Kai Zhou # , Jing-Feng Liu , # Yajun Bao, Lin Wu, Ching Eng Png, Xue-Hua Wang, Cheng-Wei Qiu Quantum plasmonics get applied Progress in Quantum Electronics 2019,65(2):1–20.

  9. Yuwei Lu, Lingyan Li, Jing-Feng Liu .* Influence of surface roughness on strong light-matter interaction of a quantum emitter-metallic nanoparticle system , Scientific Reports, 2018. 8(1): 0~7115.

  10. Jing-Feng Liu , Ming Zhou, Lei Yin, Xuewen Chen, Zongfu Yu, Enhancing the optical cross section of quantum antenna, Physical Review A 95,013814(2017).

  11. Jing-Feng Liu , Ming Zhou, and Zongfu Yu, Quantum scattering theory of Fock states in high-dimensional space Optics Letters 41, 4166 (2016).

  12. Junhong Deng, Jing-Feng Liu ,* Suiyan Tan, Zhihong Huang, YongyaoLi, Propagation dynamic of a Gaussian in the inverted nonlinear photonic crystal Optik 125, 4088(2014).

  13. Jing-Feng Liu , Lingyan Li, Yongyao Li, Haoxiang Jiang, High efficient and accuracy calculating of local density of states in two-dimensional photonic crystals, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 044402 (2013).

  14. Jing-Feng Liu , Lingyan Li, Yongyao Li, Haoxiang Jiang, Non-Markovian Spontaneous Emission Dynamic Evolution of an Emitter in Woodpile Photonic Crystals, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81, 114402(2012).

  15. Jing-Feng Liu , Haoxiang Jiang, Zongsong Gan, Baohua Jia, Xuehua Wang, Min Gu, Orientation-Dependent Local Density of States in Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals, Phys. Rev. A 85, 015802 (2012).

  16. Jing-Feng Liu , Haoxiang Jiang, Zongsong Gan, Baohua Jia, Congjun Jin, Xuehua Wang, Min Gu, Lifetime distribution of spontaneous emission from emitter(s) in three-dimensional woodpile photonic crystals, Optics Express 19, 11623 (2011).

  17. Jing-Feng Liu , Xuehua Wang, Spontaneous emission in micro- and nano-structures, Frontier Physics in China 5, 245 (2010).


  1. Yu-Wei Lu, Wei Li, Renming Liu, Yangxiong Wu, Haishu Tan, Yongyao Li, and Jing-Feng Liu . Plasmon-assisted low-threshold nanolasers. Physical Review B 106, 115434 (2022).

  2. Yu-Wei Lu, Jing-Feng Liu , Runhua Li, Haishu Tan, and Yongyao Li. Fano effect induced giant and robust enhancement of photon correlations in cavity QED systems. Optics Letters 14, 3411 (2022).

  3. Yu-Wei Lu, Jing-Feng Liu , Runhua Li, Yanxiong Wu, Haishu Tan, and Yongyao Li. Single-photon blockade in quasichiral atom–photon interaction: simultaneous high purity and high efficiency. New Journal of Physics 24, 053029 (2022).

  4. Wenbo Zhang, Jia-Bin You, Jingfeng Liu , Xiao Xiong, Zixian Li, Ching Eng Png, Lin Wu, Cheng-Wei Qiu, and Zhang-Kai Zhou Steering Room-Temperature Plexcitonic Strong Coupling: A Diexcitonic Perspective Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 8979–8986(2021)

  5. Yu-Wei Lu, Jing-Feng Liu, Zeyang Liao, and Xue-Hua Wang*. Plasmonic-photonic cavity for high efficiency single-photon blockade. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 274212 (2021)

  6. Gengyan Chen, Jing-Feng Liu , Hao-Xiang Jiang, Guanghui Liu, Yongzhu Chen, Zhanxu Chen, Xue-Hua Wang, Impact of Dipole Orientation on Strongly-Coupled System Composed of a Single Quantum Dot and a Photonic Crystal L3 Cavity, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2019, 52(3): 035503.

  7. GengYan Chen, Jing-Feng Liu , Yi-Cong Yu, RenMing Liu, GuiXin Zhu, YongZhu Chen, ZhanXu Chen, Xue-Hua Wang*, Dual Effects of Disorder on the Strongly-Coupled System Composed of a Single Quantum Dot and a Photonic Crystal L3 Cavity, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2019, 62(6): 64211.

  8. Lei Ying, Ming Zhou, Xiaoguang Luo, Jingfeng Liu , and Zongfu Yu. Strong magneto-optical response enabled by quantum two-level Optica, 5, 1156 (2018)

  9. Ming Zhou, Jingfeng Liu , Mikhail A. Kats, Zongfu Yu, Optical metasurface based on the resonant scattering in electronic transition , ACS Photonics 4, 1279(2017).

  10. Yuw ei Lu , Chunlian You , Jingfeng Liu , Haoxiang Jiang , Lingyan Li , Undamped trace distance and coherence preservation of quantum bit in photonic crystal, Optics Communications 403 , 385–390(2017)

  11. Ming Zhou, Jingfeng Liu , Mikhail A. Kats, and Zongfu Yu, Optical Metasurface Based on the Resonant Scattering in Electronic Transitions, ACS Photonics 4, 1279(2017).

  12. Xiaoguang Luo, Ming Zhou, Jingfeng Liu , Teng Qiu and Zongfu Yu, Magneto-optical metamaterials with extraordinarily strong magneto-optical effect, Applied Physics Letters , 108,131104 (2016)

  13. Jiahua Li, Zhiqiang Wei, Jiuliang Xu, Zhang-Kai Zhou, Delin Kong, Jingfeng Liu , Jiaming Liu, Xiaoyu Duan, Jiancai Xue, Jing Wang, Xuehua Wang, A Large-Scale Flexible Plasmonic Nanorod Array with Multifunction of Strong Photoluminescence Emission and Radiation Enhancement. Advanced Optical Materials 3,1355(2015)

  14. Zhaopin Chen, Jingfeng Liu , Shenhe Fu, Yongyao Li, Boris A. Malomed, Discrete solitons and vortices on two-dimensional lattices of PT –symmetric couplers, Optics Express 22 , 29679 (2014)

  15. Jiaming Liu, Jingfeng Liu , Yicong Yu, Lingyu, Zeng, Xuehua Wang, Strong Anisotropic Lifetime Orientation Distributions of a Two-Level Quantum Emitter around a Plasmonic Nanorod, Nanoscale Research Letters 9 , 194(2014)

  16. Yicong Yu, Jingfeng Liu , Xiaolu Zhuo, Gengyan Chen, Chongjun Jin, Xuehua Wang, Vacuum Rabi splitting in a coupled system of single quantum dot and photonic crystal cavity: effect of local and propagation Green’s functions, Optics Express 21 , 23486 (2013)

  17. Gengyan Chen, Yicong Yu, Xiaolu Zhuo, Yonggang Huang, Haoxiang Jiang, Jingfeng Liu , Chongjun Jin, Xuehua Wang, Ab initio determination of local coupling interaction in arbitrary nanostructures: Application to photonic crystal slabs and cavities, Phys. Rev. B 87 , 195138 (2013)

  18. Gengyan Chen, Jingfeng Liu , Haoxiang Jiang, Xiaolu Zhuo, Yicong Yu, Chongjun Jin, Xuehua Wang, Slab thickness tuning approach for solid-state strong coupling between photonic crystal slab nanocavity and a quantum dot, Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 187(2013)

  19. Yongyao Li, Jingfeng Liu , Wei Pang, Boris A. Malomed, Symmetry breaking in dipolar matter-wave solition in dual-core coupler, Phys. Rev. A 87 , 013604(2013)

  20. Zongsong Gan, Baohua Jia, Jingfeng Liu , Xuehua Wang, Min Gu, Enhancement of spontaneous emission in three-dimensional low refractiveindex photonic crystals with designed defects, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 071109(2012)

  21. Haoxing Jiang, Jingfeng Liu , Genyan Chen, Xuehua Wang, Diffractive Properties of Imaginary-Part Photonic Crystal Slab, Nanoscale Research Letters 7, 335(2012)

  22. Xiaoyun Wang, Banfu ding, Jingfeng Liu , Lin Yan, Heping Zhao, Non-Markovian and Markovian Dynamics of a V-type Three-Level Atom, Commun. Theor. Phys. 57, 276 (2012)

  23. Bangfu Ding, Xiaoyun Wang, Jingfeng Liu , Lin Yan, Heping Zhao, Quantum Discord Dynamics in Two Different Non-Markovian Reservoirs, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 28, 104216 (2011)