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I don’t understand how the break statement “knows” that it is within a loop for it to exit out of in the first place.


If no switch, while, do, or for statement in the immediately enclosing method, constructor, or initializer contains the break statement, a compile-time error occurs.


for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

if(i % 2 == 0) {



0: iconst_0 # push integer 0 onto stack

1: istore_1 # store top of stack in local 1 as integer

# i = 0

2: iload_1 # push integer in local 1 onto stack

3: bipush 10 # push integer 10 onto stack

5: if_icmpge 23 # pop and compare top two (as integers), jump if first >= second

# if i >= 10, end for

8: iload_1 # push integer in local 1 onto stack

9: iconst_2 # push integer 2 onto stack

10: irem # pop top two and computes first % second and pushes result

# i % 2

11: ifne 17 # pop top (as integer) and jump if not zero to 17

# if(i % 2 == 0)

14: goto 23 # this is the break statement

17: iinc 1, 1 # increment local 1 by 1

# i++

20: goto 2 # go to top of loop

# loop

23: return # end of loop body

I don’t understand how the break statement “knows” that it is within a loop for it to exit out of in the first place.break语句不知道它在一个开关或循环语句中。编译器验证break语句是否在一个开关或循环语句中。如果遇到不在循环语句中的中断语句,它将发出编译时错误。If no s... public int findRepeatNumber(int[] nums) { int n=-1; lableA:for(int i=0;i<nums.length-1;i++){ for(int j=i+1;j<=nums.length-1;j++){ if(nums[i
java 中已知的三种跳出多重循环的方式: System.out.println("--------- java 中跳出多重循环的三种方式:---------"); System.out.println("---------第一种,使用带有标号的的break语句---------"); String a1 = ""; String b1 = "";