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从《 KEY 》开始,pg.lost 的风格逐渐转向更为压抑与沉重的基调,采用了定音鼓以及增加弦的数目扩展音域,也在吉他部分做了很多改变。《 Versus 》则做出了更多的改变,不论从乐曲基调或是电子合成器元素的增加,我们都能看出 pg.lost 的变化—— 向他们所想要成为的 heavy band、hard band 前进。

起初,我不太能够适应这种变化。直到循环了好几次,尽管后金属的成分更重,却仍然从《 Versus 》中听出了感动。

因为 pg.lost 已经成为一支成熟乐队,「在此之前,我们只是在排练室里不断尝试演奏,然后说:' 这个很酷,我们做这个还有那个 ’。这次我们在各自的家中写下灵感,然后大家一起讨论是否可以做成那样的音乐。我们从前不敢说自己想要怎样的音乐,如今我们相互讨论,变得更加团结」,Kristian 认为这张专辑是真正的传统器乐摇滚。

「I think this album is actually the first album we’ve done that is written traditionally. We really write the music… I think this is the first album that we are actually very satisfied with. The whole concept of the album, the whole sounds, the materials…It took so long to like ourselves. It’s been a big struggle all the time. We were really proud of this one. When it was finished, it felt like finished.」

—— Kristian Karlsson