Neo4j 插件APOC使用示例(九)执行复杂cypher
- 独立运行多个cypher并将结果合并
- 统计每一类label的数量:
CALL db.labels() yield label
CALL"match (:`"+label+"`) return count(*) as count", null) yield value
return label, value.count as count
- 统计每一类label的属性key:
CALL db.labels() yield label
CALL"MATCH (n:`"+label+"`) RETURN keys(n) as keys LIMIT 1",null) yield value
RETURN label, value.keys as keys
2. 在set和remove中执行包含动态值的cyper
- 假设数据为:
- 下面的例子将label修改为只有首字母大写
CALL db.labels()
YIELD label
RETURN apoc.text.capitalize(toLower(label)) AS value;
- 但这只是改变了返回的字符串,并没有修改数据库中node的label
- 需要将原来的node设置为新label,并删除旧的label
MATCH (node)
WITH node, labels(node)[0] AS label
CALL apoc.cypher.doIt(
"WITH $node AS node
REMOVE node:" + label + "\n" +
"SET node:" + apoc.text.capitalize(toLower(label)) + "\n" +
"RETURN node",
{node: node})
YIELD value
RETURN value;
3. 在movie DB上运行包含动态值的cypher
- 查询每个label的node数量
CALL db.labels()
YIELD label
CALL"MATCH (:" + label + ") RETURN count(*) AS count", {})
YIELD value
RETURN label, value.count AS count;
- 查询每种关系的类型和数量
CALL db.relationshipTypes()
YIELD relationshipType
CALL"MATCH ()-[:" + relationshipType + "]->() RETURN count(*) AS count", {})
YIELD value
RETURN relationshipType, value.count AS count;
4. 运行多个cypher语句,并将结果合并
CALL apoc.cypher.runMany(
'CREATE (n:Node {name:$name});
MATCH (n {name:$name})
CREATE (n)-[:X {name:$name2}]->(n);',
{name:"John", name2:"Doe"}
5. 运行嵌套的动态cypher,并将子查询的第一列返回
CALL db.labels()
YIELD label
RETURN label,
"MATCH (n:`" + label + "`)
WITH DISTINCT keys(n) AS keys
RETURN DISTINCT apoc.coll.sort(keys)",
{}) AS keys;
6. 运行单条cypher语句,并将子查询的第一列返回
CALL db.relationshipTypes()
YIELD relationshipType
RETURN relationshipType,
apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnSingle("MATCH ()-[:" + relationshipType + "]->() RETURN count(*)", {}) AS count;
7. 根据条件执行cypher语句,进行读或者写操作
- 将一跳或者两跳的邻居node中数目较多的一跳节点返回(when 类似于三目运算符,更复杂情况用
MATCH (start:Node)-[:REL]->(a)-[:REL]->(b)
WITH collect(distinct a) as aNodes, collect(distinct b) as bNodes
CALL apoc.when(
size(aNodes) <= size(bNodes),
'RETURN aNodes as resultNodes',
'RETURN bNodes as resultNodes',
{aNodes:aNodes, bNodes:bNodes})
YIELD value
RETURN value.resultNodes as resultNodes
8. 指定cypher运行时间,都时间后立即结束并将结果返回
CALL apoc.cypher.runTimeboxed(