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  • Symptom

    PART: Platform Framework 5.0 SP2 Platform
    PRODUCT: Distributed Order Management
    COMPONENT: MSMQ Transport
    OS: Sun
    DATABASE: Oracle 8.1.7

    2003-07-21 17:26:57,274:INFO : Initializing data cache... : YCPSystem
    Unable to load message catalog - mqji
    2003-07-21 17:27:06,572:ERROR : Could not start adapter successfully for serverName: TEST : IntegrationAdapter
    2003-07-21 17:27:06,573:ERROR : [1058833626573]Error description not available : IntegrationAdapter
    2003-07-21 17:27:06,750:ERRORDTL: [1058833626573]
    <Error ErrorCode="JMSContext1"<br>ErrorDescription="Error description not available" ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="">
    <Attribute Name="ErrorDescription" Value="Error description not available"/>
    <Attribute Name="ErrorCode" Value="JMSContext1"/>
    <Error ErrorCode="javax.jms.JMSSecurityException"<br>ErrorDescription="" ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager">
    <Stack>javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager at
    com. ibm.mq.jms.MQConnection.createQMXA(MQConnection.java:758)
    com.ibm.mq.jm s.MQQueueConnection.<init>(MQQueueConnection.java:214)
    com.ibm.mq.jms.M QQueueConnection.<init>(MQQueueConnection.java:78)
    com.ibm.mq.jms.MQXAQ ueueConnection.<init>(MQXAQueueConnection.java:46)
    com.ibm.mq.jms.MQXAQ ueueConnectionFactory.createXAQueueConnection(MQXAQueueConnectionFactory.java:53 )
    com.ibm.ejs.jms.mq.JMSWrapXAQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnect ion(JMSWrapXAQueueConnectionFactory.java:116)
    com.yantra.interop.servic es.jms.JMSContext.configure(JMSContext.java(Compiled
    Code)) at
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.IntegrationAdapter.initConfig(IntegrationAd apter.java:147)
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.IntegrationAdapter.start (IntegrationAdapter.java:317)
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.Integratio nAdapter.main(IntegrationAdapter.java:399) </Stack>
    <Stack>com.yantra.interop.services.ServiceConfigurationE xception
    com.yantra.interop.services.jms.JMSContext.configure(JMSContex t.java(Compiled
    Code)) at
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.IntegrationAdapter.initConfig(IntegrationAd apter.java:147)
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.IntegrationAdapter.start (IntegrationAdapter.java:317)
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.Integratio nAdapter.main(IntegrationAdapter.java:399) </Stack>
    <Error<br>ErrorCode="com.yantra.interop.services.Service ConfigurationException"<br>ErrorDescription="Error description not available" ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="">
    <Attribute Name="ErrorDescription" Value="Error description not available"/>
    <Attribute Name="ErrorCode" Value="com.yantra.interop.services.ServiceConfigurationException"/>
    <Stack>co m.yantra.integration.adapter.AdapterException at
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.IntegrationAdapter.initConfig(IntegrationAd apter.java:191)
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.IntegrationAdapter.start (IntegrationAdapter.java:317)
    com.yantra.integration.adapter.Integratio nAdapter.main(IntegrationAdapter.java:399) </Stack>
    : IntegrationAdapter

    Resolving The Problem

    This kind of error can be caused if you are using an incorrect username or password or both.
    Also ensure that the usernames used by MQ are assigned to the relevant groups and given appropriate user permissions.

    i.e., Make sure that the userid used to start the IntegrationAdapter belongs to the mqm user group.
    Also make sure the the MQM user group has Read, Execute and Write permission on the mq related folders,
    especially /var/mqm. All messages are stored in directories under /var/mqm. The purpose of the mqm user is to have a user that can administer the MQ without using root.
    This should solve the problem.

    After adding your user to the MQM user group, you will need to refresh the MQ security cache.
    Run runmqsc and then do IBM Corp. 1994, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
    Starting MQSC for queue manager sterling.queue.manager.

    refresh security(*)
    1 : refresh security(*)
    AMQ8560: WebSphere MQ security cache refreshed.
    2 : end
    One MQSC command read.
    No commands have a syntax error.
    All valid MQSC commands were processed.

    ========================================================= =========

    There is also special case available for a development environment
    If you decide that you do not want to perform security checks (for example, in a test environment), you can disable the OAM in one of two ways:
    Set the operating system environment variable MQSNOAUT as follows, before you create a queue manager (if you do this, you cannot add an OAM later):
    1. On Windows systems: SET MQSNOAUT=yes
    On UNIX systems: export MQSNOAUT=yes
    2. Use the WebSphere MQ Services snap-in or edit the queue manager configuration file to remove the service.
    The above options could require you to rebuild the queue manager and the queues. Please validate the steps involved in this process with your MQ team before commencing this option. [{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

    Historical Number
