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有哪些笑完之后发人深省的笑话? - 生活 - 知乎


Comedy is a funny way of being serious
---------- Peter Ustinov

Saddly, those jokes are neither funny nor serious, they are just.... shit.

上一篇文章( 知乎专栏 )提到,后现代风格的讽刺喜剧提供了一种避开“叙事陷阱”的解构问题的角度,但是这些讽刺艺术作品中很多都落入这样一个陷阱:为了追求“笑果”和“机智”,笑话本身变得过于玩世不恭、傲慢、惺惺作态。它们中的大多数并不提供任何新的视角,不过是用俏皮话重复了观众们已经知道的事情,而装作是一个崭新的观点罢了。典型如《南方公园》,和大家熟悉的各种吐槽网红。更加糟糕的是,这些笑话不仅仅没有灵魂,更多的时候实在贩卖和传播戾气----让观众一笑过后情绪更加低落,有些观众误以为这种低落是在“深省”从而给它们很高的评价。




(幽默是不能被翻译,也是不能被解读的,特别是stand up comedy,delivery是营造气氛很关键的一点。仅仅是讲笑话的人用词的顺序,语速,语气就能决定一个笑话是否好笑,所以光光是写下来,气氛就没有,更不要谈换成另外一种语言------语序和语言逻辑都变化了。所以下一段中,幽默部分被我剥离了,只留下对话的内容。要体会路易的幽默,请参考原视频,链接已经给出。)


You need to build an ability to just be yourself and not be doing something. That's what the phones are taking away, is the ability to just sit there. That's being a person. Because underneath everything in your life there is that thing, that empty—forever empty. That knowledge that it's all for nothing and that you're alone. It's down there.

事情是这样的,你得锻炼那种“什么事情都不做”的能力。手机剥夺得正是这样的机会---它剥夺了我们那种“就干坐在那儿”的状态。那种状态实际就是 做人 的状态,想想是吧!因为你一辈子你做的所有事情都在表层,这些东西之下,有个空虚的内核----那个简单的自省----“生活是没有意义的,你永远是孤独的。"这种认识每个人都有,而且它就在那儿,在所有东西下面。

And sometimes when things clear away, you're not watching anything, you're in your car, and you start going, 'oh no, here it comes. That I'm alone.' It's starts to visit on you. Just this sadness. Life is tremendously sad, just by being in it...


That's why we text and drive. I look around, pretty much 100 percent of the people driving are texting. And they're killing, everybody's murdering each other with their cars. But people are willing to risk taking a life and ruining their own because they don't want to be alone for a second because it's so hard.

所以我们一边开车一边玩手机。我身边100%的人都会有一边开车一边玩手机的时候。他们会冒撞死别人,毁了自己一生的风险,仅仅是因为他们不想沉浸在那几秒钟的孤独里面,这就是为什么 做人 这么难。

I was in my car once and Bruce Springsteen's song was on, Jungle Land , and there's one part when he sound really far away, I heard it, and it gave me this fall backs to school depression feeling, make me really sad. And I go, 'oh, I'm getting sad, gotta get the phone and write "hi" to like 50 people'...then I said, 'you know what, don't. Just be sad. Just let the sadness, stand in the way of it, and let it hit you like a truck.'

有一回,我坐在车里面,电台在放Bruce Springsteen的歌,那首Jungle Land。里面有一段他的声音听起来离得特别远,我听了以后就突然有种那种类似“返校忧郁”的悲伤感。我就:“呀呀呀!来了来了”,我立刻去伸手够手机,我要给50个人发信息说:“嗨!”然后等他们跟我说话,伸了一半,我就想:不,不发了,就悲伤好了,就站那儿,让悲伤像一辆卡车一样撞上来。

And I let it come, and I just started to feel 'oh my God,'and I pulled over and I just cried like a bitch. I cried so much. And it was beautiful. Sadness is poetic. You're lucky to live sad moments.


And then I had happy feelings. Because when you let yourself feel sad, your body has antibodies, it has happiness that comes rushing in to meet the sadness. So I was grateful to feel sad, and then I met it with true, profound happiness. It was such a trip.


The thing is, because we don't want that first bit of sad, we push it away with a little phone or a jack-off or the food. You never feel completely sad or completely happy, you just feel kinda satisfied with your product, and then you die. So that's why I don't want to get a phone for my kids.

问题就出在,我们不想去感受那第一份悲伤,那太难了,我们坚持不了,我们就伸手去够手机,或者打飞机,或者吃东西,把它推开。这样久了, 你就从来不会感受完全的难过,也不会感到完全的喜悦,就是对你拥有的产品们感觉还马马虎虎,差不多比较满足,然后你就死了。 嗯,对,这就是为什么我不让我小孩儿用手机(观众笑)

Everything is amazing and nobody is happy(一切都是那么奇妙,但是没人因此高兴)


Louis CK: Those were simpler times I think. I just feel like, we may be going back to that by the way, but ah, in a way good because when I read things like the foundations of capitalism are shattering I'm like maybe we need that. Maybe we need some time where we're walking around with a donkey with pots clanking on the sides, ya know.


Conan O'Brien: You think that that would just bring us back to reality.


Louis: Ya, because everything is amazing right now and nobody's happy. Like in my lifetime the changes in the world have been incredible. When I was a kid we had a rotary phone. We had a phone you had to stand next to and you had to dial it, (yes) you know. You know, you ever realize how primitive, you're making sparks in a phone and you actually would hate people with zeros in their numbers 'cause it was more (right) oh, this guy's got two zeros, screw that guy, why do I wanna, ugh... and then if, if they called and you weren't home the phone would just ring lonely by itself.


And then when, if you wanted money you had to go in the bank for (yes) when it was open for like three hours. You had to stand in line, write yourself a check like an idiot, and then when you ran outta money you just go, well I can't do any more things now (yeah, right) I can't do any more things (that's it, yeah) that was it. And, and, and even if you had a credit card they, the guy'd go ugh and he'd bring out this whole shunk, shunk and he'd write and he'd have to call the president to see if you had any money.....


Conan: It's all true kids. You had to call the president, yeah. It was rediculous. (yes) Do you feel that we now, in the 21st century, we take technology for granted.


Louis: Well, yeah, 'cause now we live in, in an amazing, amazing world and it's wasted on the, on the crappiest generation of just spoiled idiots that don't care because, this is what people are like now. They got their phone and they're like eeaagh, it won't, give it a second! Give it, it's going to space, would ya give it a second to get back from space, it's the speed of light, it's true, it's true. (yeah) I was on a, I was on an airplane and there was internet, high speed internet on the airplane (yes) that's the newest thing that I know exists. And I'm sitting on the plane and they go open up your laptop and you can go on the internet and it's fast and I'm watching YouTube clips it's amazing. I'm in an airplane and then it breaks down and they apologize the internet is not working and the guy next to me goes pua this is bull****. Like how quickly the world owes him something (yes) he knew existed only 10 seconds ago (right, right) and on planes ....



Flying (Verbs as Nouns) is the worst one because people come back from flights and they tell you their story and it's like a horror story. It's, they act like their flight was like a cattle car in the 40's in Germany. (yeah) That's how bad they make it sound (right). They're like it was the worst day of my life. First of all we didn't board for 20 minutes (right) and then we get on the plane and they made us sit there on the runway for 40 minutes. We had to sit there. Oh really, what happened next? Did you fly through the air incredibly like a bird? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight, you non-contributing zero? Wow, you're flying! It's amazing! Everybody on every plane should just constantly be going, oh my God, wow (yes) you're flying, you're, you're sitting in a chair in the sky (yes, yeah, yeah) but it doesn't go back a lot. And it smells really. You know, here's the thing. People like they say there's delays on flights (yeah) delays really New York to California in 5 hours. That used to take 30 years to do that and a bunch of you would die on the way there and have a baby. You'd be with a whole different group of people by the time you got there. Now you watch a movie you take a dump and you're home.




科技带来的信息轰炸削弱人们体验真实情感的话题早已不新鲜,时不时就被某段视频,谋篇文章拉出来炒一炒,但是翻来覆去就是那么几段车轱辘话。第一段访谈中,路易分享的是自己由于一段音乐触发的孤独感的经历,这种经历是每个人都能产生共鸣的-----没有什么特殊事件触发,就是自己呆着呆着,突然就被孤独感袭击了;然而,智能手机给我提供了一种非常轻易的走入舒适区的方法----分心,观众看到这里,就会联系自己的经历:“是啊,智能设备出现之后,我有多久没有那种单纯浸泡在孤独里面的感受了?”我们不断的刷feed,时间线,来挤占一切零散时间,就因为我们怕那一点点零星的孤独。最后 “你就从来不会感受完全的难过,也不会感到完全的喜悦,就是对你拥有的产品们感觉还马马虎虎,差不多比较满足,然后你就死了。 ”很轻松地drive home。



这和马克思100多年前预言的事情是一样的,《资本论》说了这样一个故事:资本主义最终的缺陷是它的极度高效,产业工人无法认识appreciate自己工作的分量,消费者也无法认识appreciate他消费的产品的价值,浓缩为一句话就是 一切都是那么奇妙,但是没人因此高兴”




----------------Ludwig Wittgenstein

编辑于 2017-01-15 23:56
