#如果只是包含NA/Inf/NaN,读入都是视为数值d <- data.frame(x=c(NA,2,3,Inf,-Inf,NaN),y=c(1,Inf,6,NA,4,NaN))dstr(d)> d x y1 NA 12 2 Inf3 3 64 Inf NA5 -Inf 46 NaN NaN'data.frame': 6 obs. of 2 variables: $ x: num NA 2 3 Inf -Inf ... $ y: num 1 Inf 6 NA 4 ...
> d[!is.na(d$x),] #去掉NA和NaN x y2 2 Inf3 3 64 Inf NA5 -Inf 4> d[!is.nan(d$x),] #去掉NaN x y1 NA 12 2 Inf3 3 64 Inf NA5 -Inf 4> d[!is.infinite(d$x),] #去掉Inf x y1 NA 12 2 Inf3 3 66 NaN NaN
> d[is.finite(d$x),] #去掉Inf、NA和NaN,推荐 x y2 2 Inf3 3 6> d[!is.na(d$x)&!is.nan(d$x)&!is.infinite(d$x),] x y2 2 Inf3 3 6
d <- data.frame(x=c(NA,2.0,3.3,0.2,4,Inf,NaN,"*","$","#"),y=c(1,NA,4,"*",'&',2,3,4,2,1))> d x y1 <NA> 12 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 27 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1> str(d)'data.frame': 10 obs. of 2 variables: $ x: Factor w/ 9 levels "#","$","*","0.2",..: NA 5 6 4 7 8 9 3 2 1 $ y: Factor w/ 6 levels "&","*","1","2",..: 3 NA 6 2 1 4 5 6 4 3
> d[!is.na(d$x),] x y2 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 27 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1
> d[!is.nan(d$x),] x y1 <NA> 12 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 27 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1> d[!is.infinite(d$x),] x y1 <NA> 12 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 27 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1> d[is.finite(d$x),] x y2 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 27 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1
> d[!is.nan(as.numeric(as.character(d$x))),] x y1 <NA> 12 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 28 * 49 $ 210 # 1Warning message:In `[.data.frame`(d, !is.nan(as.numeric(as.character(d$x))), ) : NAs introduced by coercion> d[!is.infinite(as.numeric(as.character(d$x))),] x y1 <NA> 12 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &7 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1Warning message:In `[.data.frame`(d, !is.infinite(as.numeric(as.character(d$x))), : NAs introduced by coercion> d[is.finite(as.numeric(as.character(d$x))),] x y2 2 <NA>3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &Warning message:In `[.data.frame`(d, is.finite(as.numeric(as.character(d$x))), ) : NAs introduced by coercion
t <- grep("^\\d+$",as.character(d$x))#as.numeric(as.character(d$x[t]))d[t,] #这里还是因子型,根据需要再转换为数值> t[1] 2 5> d[t,] x y2 2 <NA>5 4 &
d <- data.frame(x=c(NA,2,3,Inf,-Inf,NaN),y=c(1,Inf,6,NA,4,NaN))> na.omit(d) x y3 3.3 44 0.2 *5 4 &6 Inf 27 NaN 38 * 49 $ 210 # 1> d[!is.nan(rowSums(d)),] x y1 NA 12 2 Inf3 3 64 Inf NA5 -Inf 4> d[!is.infinite(rowSums(d)),] #为啥还有一个Inf的行? x y1 NA 13 3 64 Inf NA6 NaN NaN> d[is.finite(rowSums(d)),] #去掉Inf、NA和NaN,推荐 x y3 3 6
或者使用R包 IDPmisc::NaRv 来处理:
> require(IDPmisc)> NaRV.omit(d) x y3 3 6
> index <- apply(d,1,function(x){grepl("^\\d+$",as.character(x))})> index [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6][1,] FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE[2,] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE> d[apply(index,2,function(x)all(x)),] x y3 3 6
index <- apply(d,1,function(x){grepl("^\\d+$",as.character(x))})d[apply(index,2,function(x)all(x)),]
Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15773189/remove-na-nan-inf-in-a-matrix https://www.thinbug.com/q/25276155
作者: Bioinfarmer
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