  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
System::String ^ Trim(char trimChar);
public string Trim (char trimChar);
member this.Trim : char -> string
Public Function Trim (trimChar As Char) As String

方法 Trim(System.Char) 从当前字符串中删除字符的所有前导实例和尾随实例 trimChar 。 遇到不同于 trimChar 的字符时,每个前导和尾随剪裁操作都会停止。 例如,如果 trimChar - 且当前字符串为“---abc---xyz----”,则 Trim(System.Char) 该方法返回“abc---xyz”。 若要删除字符串中单词之间的字符,请使用 .NET 正则表达式

如果 方法 Trim(System.Char) 从当前实例中删除任何字符,则此方法不会修改当前实例的值。 相反,它将返回一个新字符串,其中在当前实例中找到的所有前导字符和尾随 trimChar 字符都将被删除。

如果当前字符串等于 Empty 或当前实例中的所有字符都由字符组成 trimChar ,则 方法返回 Empty

 System::String ^ Trim(ReadOnlySpan<char> trimChars);
public string Trim (ReadOnlySpan<char> trimChars);
member this.Trim : ReadOnlySpan<char> -> string
Public Function Trim (trimChars As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char)) As String
String^ firstName = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write("Enter your middle name or initial: "); String^ middleName = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write("Enter your last name: "); String^ lastName = Console::ReadLine(); Console::WriteLine(); Console::WriteLine("You entered '{0}', '{1}', and '{2}'.", firstName, middleName, lastName); String^ name = ((firstName->Trim() + " " + middleName->Trim())->Trim() + " " + lastName->Trim())->Trim(); Console::WriteLine("The result is " + name + "."); // The following is possible output from this example: // Enter your first name: John // Enter your middle name or initial: // Enter your last name: Doe // You entered ' John ', '', and ' Doe'. // The result is John Doe. using System; public class Example public static void Main() Console.Write("Enter your first name: "); string firstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter your middle name or initial: "); string middleName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter your last name: "); string lastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("You entered '{0}', '{1}', and '{2}'.", firstName, middleName, lastName); string name = ((firstName.Trim() + " " + middleName.Trim()).Trim() + " " + lastName.Trim()).Trim(); Console.WriteLine("The result is " + name + "."); // The following is a possible output from this example: // Enter your first name: John // Enter your middle name or initial: // Enter your last name: Doe // You entered ' John ', '', and ' Doe'. // The result is John Doe. printf "Enter your first name: " let firstName = stdin.ReadLine() printf "Enter your middle name or initial: " let middleName = stdin.ReadLine() printf "Enter your last name: " let lastName = stdin.ReadLine() printfn $"\nYou entered '{firstName}', '{middleName}', and '{lastName}'." let name = ((firstName.Trim() + " " + middleName.Trim()).Trim() + " " + lastName.Trim()).Trim() printfn $"The result is {name}." // The following is a possible output from this example: // Enter your first name: John // Enter your middle name or initial: // Enter your last name: Doe // You entered ' John ', '', and ' Doe'. // The result is John Doe. Module Example Public Sub Main() Console.Write("Enter your first name: ") Dim firstName As String = Console.ReadLine() Console.Write("Enter your middle name or initial: ") Dim middleName As String = Console.ReadLine() Console.Write("Enter your last name: ") Dim lastName As String = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("You entered '{0}', '{1}', and '{2}'.", _ firstName, middleName, lastName) Dim name As String = ((firstName.Trim() + " " + middleName.Trim()).Trim() _ + " " + lastName.Trim()).Trim() Console.WriteLine("The result is " + name + ".") End Sub End Module ' The following is possible output from this example: ' Enter your first name: John ' Enter your middle name or initial: ' Enter your last name: Doe ' You entered ' John ', '', and ' Doe'. ' The result is John Doe.

方法 Trim 从当前字符串中删除所有前导空格和尾随空格字符。 遇到非空格字符时,每个前导和尾随剪裁操作都会停止。 例如,如果当前字符串为“abc xyz”,则 Trim 方法返回“abc xyz”。 若要删除字符串中单词之间的空格字符,请使用 .NET 正则表达式

如果 方法 Trim 从当前实例中删除任何字符,则此方法不会修改当前实例的值。 相反,它会返回一个新字符串,其中将删除在当前实例中找到的所有前导空格和尾随空格字符。

如果当前字符串等于 Empty 或当前实例中的所有字符都由空格字符组成,则 方法返回 Empty

空格字符由 Unicode 标准定义。 方法 Trim 删除任何前导字符和尾随字符,这些字符在传递给 Char.IsWhiteSpace 方法时会生成 返回值 true


.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 及更早版本维护此方法剪裁的空白字符的内部列表。 从 .NET Framework 4 开始,该方法将剪裁所有 Unicode 空格字符 (即在传递给 IsWhiteSpace(Char) 方法) 时生成 true 返回值的字符。 由于此更改, Trim() .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 及更早版本中的方法删除了两个字符,即零宽度空间 (U+200B) 和零宽度无中断空间 (U+FEFF) ,而 Trim() .NET Framework 4 及更高版本中的方法不会删除。 此外, Trim() .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 及更早版本中的方法不会剪裁三个 Unicode 空格字符:MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR (U+180E) 、NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE (U+202F) 和 MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE (U+205F) 。

 System::String ^ Trim(... cli::array <char> ^ trimChars);
public string Trim (params char[] trimChars);
public string Trim (params char[]? trimChars);
member this.Trim : char[] -> string
Public Function Trim (ParamArray trimChars As Char()) As String
array<Char>^ charsToTrim = { L'*', L' ', L'\\' }; String^ banner = "*** Much Ado About Nothing ***"; String^ result = banner->Trim(charsToTrim); Console::WriteLine("Trimmmed\n {0}\nto\n '{1}'", banner, result); // The example displays the following output: // Trimmmed // *** Much Ado About Nothing *** // to // 'Much Ado About Nothing' char[] charsToTrim = { '*', ' ', '\''}; string banner = "*** Much Ado About Nothing ***"; string result = banner.Trim(charsToTrim); Console.WriteLine("Trimmed\n {0}\nto\n '{1}'", banner, result); // The example displays the following output: // Trimmed // *** Much Ado About Nothing *** // to // 'Much Ado About Nothing' let charsToTrim = [| '*'; ' '; '\'' |] let banner = "*** Much Ado About Nothing ***" let result = banner.Trim charsToTrim printfn $"Trimmmed\n {banner}\nto\n '{result}'" // The example displays the following output: // Trimmmed // *** Much Ado About Nothing *** // to // 'Much Ado About Nothing' Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim charsToTrim() As Char = { "*"c, " "c, "'"c} Dim banner As String = "*** Much Ado About Nothing ***" Dim result As String = banner.Trim(charsToTrim) Console.WriteLine("Trimmmed{0} {1}{0}to{0} '{2}'", _ vbCrLf, banner, result) End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Trimmmed ' *** Much Ado About Nothing *** ' to ' 'Much Ado About Nothing'

方法 Trim(System.Char[]) 从当前字符串中删除 参数中的所有 trimChars 前导字符和尾随字符。 遇到不在 中的 trimChars 字符时,每个前导和尾随剪裁操作都会停止。 例如,如果当前字符串为“123abc456xyz789”,并且 trimChars 包含从“1”到“9”的数字,则 Trim(System.Char[]) 该方法返回“abc456xyz”。

如果 方法 Trim(System.Char[]) 从当前实例中删除任何字符,则此方法不会修改当前实例的值。 相反,它将返回一个新字符串,其中在当前实例中找到的所有前导字符和尾随 trimChars 字符都将被删除。

如果当前字符串等于 Empty 或当前实例中的所有字符都由 数组中的 trimChars 字符组成,则 方法返回 Empty

如果 trimChars null 或空数组,此方法将删除导致方法在传递到 Char.IsWhiteSpace 方法时返回 true 的任何前导字符或尾随字符。


.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 及更早版本维护此方法剪裁的空白字符的内部列表(如果 trimChars null )或空数组。 从 .NET Framework 4 开始,如果 trimChars null 或空数组,该方法将剪裁所有 Unicode 空格字符 (即,在传递给 IsWhiteSpace(Char) 方法时生成 true 返回值的字符) 。 由于此更改, Trim() .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 及更早版本中的方法删除了两个字符:零宽度空间 (U+200B) 和零宽度无中断空间 (U+FEFF) ,而 Trim() .NET Framework 4 及更高版本中的方法不会删除。 此外, Trim() .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 及更早版本中的方法不会剪裁三个 Unicode 空格字符:MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR (U+180E) 、NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE (U+202F) 和 MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE (U+205F) 。

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