Having audio flow through your entire house is super cool. If you already have a handful of Google Homes spread throughout the house, it’s easy to do—a couple of toggles, and you’ll be ready to roll.
让音频流过整个房子真是太酷了。 如果您已经在整个房屋中散布了少量的Google Homes,那么操作就很容易-进行几次切换即可开始滚动。
如何在Google Home中创建音频组
How to Create an Audio Group in Google Home
Your first step is to set up audio groups in the Google Home app. You can create multiple groups with the same speakers, which is nice if you have a bunch of Homes and want multiple groups for different occasions.
第一步是在Google Home应用中设置音频组。 您可以使用相同的扬声器创建多个组,如果您有一堆房屋,并希望在不同的场合使用多个组,那将是一个很好的选择。
To get started, fire up the Google Home app, then tap the “Devices” icon in the upper right corner.
首先,启动Google Home应用,然后点击右上角的“设备”图标。
From there, find any speaker you’d like in a group and tap the three-dot overflow menu in the upper right. Choose “Create Group” from this menu.
从那里,找到您想要的任何扬声器组,然后点击右上角的三点式溢出菜单。 从此菜单中选择“创建组”。
On the next screen, give the group a name (use something that Google Assistant can easily understand) and then choose any other speakers you’d like to add to the group. You’ll need at least two speakers to create a group.
在下一个屏幕上,为群组命名(使用Google Assistant可以轻松理解的名称),然后选择您要添加到该群组的其他发言人。 您至少需要两个发言人才能创建一个群组。
After adding your speakers, click the “Save” button to create the group. This should also generate a new entry at the bottom of the Devices page, though I had to close the Home app and re-open it for this new card to show up.
添加扬声器后,单击“保存”按钮创建组。 这也应该在“设备”页面的底部生成一个新条目,尽管我必须关闭Home应用程序并重新打开它才能显示此新卡。
How to Use Your New Audio Group
Audio Groups in Google Home work pretty much the same way as any standalone speaker: either by issuing a voice command or by casting to the group.
Google Home中的音频组的工作方式几乎与任何独立扬声器相同:通过发出语音命令或投射到该组。
To play something with your voice, just say “OK Google, play <song/artist/album> in the <name of your audio group>.” So, for example, I can say “Play In Flames in the back of the house,” and Google Home recognizes this as my audio group.
要用声音播放某些内容,只需说“确定Google,在<音频组的名称>中播放<歌曲/艺术家/专辑>”。 因此,例如,我可以说“在房子后面的火焰中播放”,然后Google Home将其识别为我的音频组。
Similarly, you can cast audio from apps that support this feature, like Pandora, Play Music, and the like. In the app, tap the “Cast” button, then choose your audio group. It’s that easy.
同样,您可以从支持此功能的应用(例如Pandora,Play音乐等)投射音频。 在应用程序中,点击“投射”按钮,然后选择您的音频组。 就这么简单。
如何从Google Home编辑或删除音频组
How to Edit or Remove Audio Groups from Google Home
If you get a new Google Home and want to add it to your group, you can do this quickly. Jump back into the Home app, hit the “Devices” button on the top corner, and then scroll down to your group.
如果您获得一个新的Google Home并将其添加到您的组中,则可以快速完成此操作。 跳回到Home应用程序,单击右上角的“设备”按钮,然后向下滚动到您的组。
Tap the overflow menu button and then tap the “Edit Group” command. From there you can add or remove speakers.
点击溢出菜单按钮,然后点击“编辑组”命令。 从那里您可以添加或删除扬声器。
Similarly, you can remove the group from that same menu by tapping the “Delete Group” command.
谷歌音频转文字Having audio flow through your entire house is super cool. If you already have a handful of Google Homes spread throughout the house, it’s easy to do—a couple of toggles, and you’ll be ready to...
1. 打开https://console.cloud.
2. 首先要注册
同步识别(REST 和 gRPC)将
数据发送到 Speech-to-Text API,对该数据执行识别,并在所有
处理完毕后返回结果。同步识别请求仅限于持续时间不超过 1 分钟的
异步识别(REST 和 gRPC)将
数据发送到 Speech-to-Text API 并启动长时间运行的操作。