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Adobe使用Firefly生成AI技术强化了Photoshop 【05-23-2023】

Adobe supercharges Photoshop with Firefly Generative AI


Pam Clark


Download Photoshop here

Nearly three and a half decades since we first brought Photoshop to the world, we’re writing a new chapter in our history with the integration of Generative AI and Adobe Firefly into Photoshop. Today we deliver an incredible new capability into creators’ hands that empowers them to work at the speed of their imagination while fundamentally transforming the experience into something more natural, intuitive and powerful.

自我们第一次将Photoshop带到世界以来已经过去了将近三个半十年,现在我们正在与Generative AI和Adobe Firefly集成到Photoshop中,为我们的历史写下新篇章。今天,我们将一项令人难以置信的新功能交到创作者手中,使他们能够以想象的速度工作,同时从根本上改变体验,使其更自然、直观和强大。

At the same time, we are also shipping upgrades to some of Photoshop’s most popular workflows, including adjusting the look of an image, removing and replacing content and increasing UI navigation speed.

同时,我们还正在为一些 Photoshop 最受欢迎的工作流程提供升级,包括调整图像外观、删除和替换内容以及提高用户界面导航速度。

Starting today, Photoshop subscribers can tap into the magic of Firefly, our family of creative generative AI models, directly in the Photoshop desktop (beta) app – using their own, natural language to prompt Photoshop to create extraordinary images with Generative Fill. These prompts can be used to add content, remove or replace parts of an image and extend the edges of an image. Generative Fill is infused into every selection feature in Photoshop, and we have created a new generative layer type so you can work non-destructively. In addition, Generative Fill is also available as a module within the Firefly beta .

从今天开始,Photoshop订阅用户可以直接在Photoshop桌面(beta)应用程序中利用我们的创意生成AI模型家族Firefly的魔力,使用他们自己的自然语言来提示Photoshop使用生成填充(Generative Fill)创建非凡的图像。这些提示可以用于添加内容、删除或替换图像的部分以及扩展图像的边缘。Generative Fill被注入到Photoshop的每个选择功能中,并且我们创建了一种新的生成层类型,使您可以进行非破坏性工作。此外,Generative Fill还作为Firefly beta中的一个模块提供。

Generative Fill is powered by Firefly . Firefly launched six weeks ago and has quickly become one of the most successful beta launches in Adobe’s history, with beta users generating over 100 million assets to date. Firefly is the most differentiated generative AI service on the market, and the only one to generate commercially viable, professional quality content directly from creators’ existing workflows. Firefly’s first model is trained on a unique dataset that includes Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content and other public domain content without copyright restrictions.

生成填充是由 萤火虫 提供支持。萤火虫在六周前推出,迅速成为Adobe历史上最成功的测试版推出之一,测试用户到目前为止已经生成了超过1亿个资产。萤火虫是市场上最具差异化的生成式AI服务,也是唯一一种可以直接从创作者现有的工作流程中生成商业可行、专业质量内容的服务。萤火虫的第一个模型是基于一个独特的数据集进行训练的,其中包括Adobe Stock图像、开放许可的内容和其他没有版权限制的公共领域内容。

We are taking a creator-focused approach to generative AI and developing Firefly around our AI ethics principles of accountability, responsibility and transparency. Our intent is to build generative AI in a way that enables customers to monetize their talents, much like Adobe has done with Adobe Stock and Behance. We are developing a compensation model for Adobe Stock contributors and will share details once Firefly is out of beta. In addition, we’re taking steps to prevent artists’ names from being used in Adobe’s generative AI actions and pushing for open industry standards through the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) including a universal “Do Not Train” tag.

我们采取以创作者为中心的方式开发生成式人工智能,并围绕我们的AI道德原则——问责、责任和透明度来开发Firefly。我们的目的是以类似Adobe Stock和Behance的方式构建生成式人工智能,使客户能够将自己的才能变现。我们正在为Adobe Stock的贡献者开发一种补偿模型,并将在Firefly退出测试版后公布详细信息。此外,我们正在采取措施,防止艺术家的姓名被用于Adobe的生成式AI操作,并通过内容真实性倡议(CAI)推动开放行业标准,其中包括一个通用的“不要训练”标记。

CAI’s Content Credentials are "nutrition labels” for digital content that remain associated with content wherever it is used, published or stored. They have already existed within creative workflows in Adobe tools like Photoshop and Lightroom and will include information on content that has been modified with Generative Fill.

CAI 的内容凭证是数字内容的“营养标签”,无论内容在何处使用、发布或存储,它们都将与之相关联。它们已经存在于 Adobe 工具(如 Photoshop 和 Lightroom)的创意工作流程中,并将包括使用生成式填充修改的内容信息。

For more on Generative Fill, see our accompanying blog post , and try it out yourself in the Photoshop (beta) app today and as a module within the Firefly beta .

Disclaimer: The Photoshop (beta) app is available to all Creative Cloud members with a subscription or trial that includes Photoshop. Generative Fill is currently not available for commercial use, not available to people under 18, not available in China, and works with English-only text prompts.

In addition to Generative Fill in the Photoshop (beta) app, today in Photoshop we’re also introducing new tools to dramatically accelerate everyday creative workflows, empowering users to make complex edits and create unique designs while saving time.

有关生成式填充的更多信息,请参阅我们的附带博客文章,并在Photoshop (beta) 应用程序中自行尝试。今天,我们在Photoshop中引入了新工具,可以极大地加快日常创意工作流程,让用户在节省时间的同时进行复杂的编辑和创造独特的设计。此外,Generative Fill目前不适用于商业用途,不适用于18岁以下的人群, 在中国也不可用 ,并且只适用于英语提示。此外,它还是Firefly beta的一个模块。

What’s new in Photoshop


Adjustment Presets


Adjustment Presets are filters that speed up complex tasks by enabling you to preview and change the appearance of images in just a few steps to achieve a distinctive look and feel, instantly.


There are 32 new presets in the Adjustments panel that you can hover over to see what your image would look like with each preset applied before selecting it. Once a preset is selected, it can be further refined by editing the automatically created adjustment layers in the layers panel.


For more information go here .

想要了解更多信息,请点击 此处

Remove Tool


The Remove Tool is an AI-powered feature that enables you to replace an unwanted object by simply brushing over it, preserving the integrity of nearby objects and providing an uninterrupted transition on complex and varied backgrounds.


The Remove Tool is particularly powerful when removing larger objects and matching the smooth focus shift across the image. For example, the tool can remove an entire building or car from an alpine landscape image while seamlessly maintaining the fidelity of the progression from meadow to mountains.


Use the Remove tool for:

  • Big objects
  • An object near other objects
  • An object on a varied-focus background
  • An object with structure behind it (think lines, like a fence or horizon)

For more information go here .


  • 大型物体
  • 靠近其他物体的物体
  • 在聚焦不一的背景上的物体
  • 有结构物体背景的物体(比如围栏或地平线)

要了解更多信息,请访问 此处

Contextual Task Bar


! blog.adobe.com/en/publi

The Contextual Task Bar is an on-screen menu that recommends the most relevant next steps in several key workflows, reducing the number of clicks required to complete a project, and making the most common actions more easily accessible.


For example, when an object is selected, the Contextual Task Bar appears below your selection and suggests actions for selection refinement that you might want to use next, such as Select and Mask, Feather, Invert, Create Adjustment Layer, Fill Selection, or generate something with the new Generative Fill capabilities.


For more information go here .

获取更多信息,请前往 此处

Gradients update


The Gradients feature has been significantly improved, and the workflow has been expedited.

The feature enables you to create gradients in just a few steps and now includes new on-canvas controls which help you have precise controls over many aspects of the gradient in real-time. A live preview that’s created automatically shows you instantly how the changes you make affect your image.

You can now also make non-destructive edits to your gradients, which means you can go back and make changes to your gradient without permanently altering your original image.

For more information go here .




更多信息,请点击 此处

Speed up your workflows

The new features we’ve introduced to Photoshop are designed to accelerate everyday creative workflows, streamline complex tasks, and reduce clicks. Update your Photoshop app to the latest version now and give them a spin!


我们为 Photoshop 引入的新功能旨在加速日常创意工作流程,简化复杂任务并减少点击次数。 更新您的 Photoshop 应用程序 到最新版本并试用它们吧!

发布于 2023-05-24 22:35 ・IP 属地四川