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i am using VS 2015 enterprise on a mvc6 .net core project. When i @import a partial i expect to get intellisense for all the classes in the @import file but i don't. I get intellisense for all other things i import like variables and mixins. Also it does compile and work fine but no intellisense. If i use less it gives me intellisense but sass does not. I need to use sass for this project. Here is example
_SassStylesheet . scss . btn { color : red ;}
then i import the file into another stylesheet
@import "_SassStylesheet . scss" . btn2 {@extend . btn}
There is no intellisense for .btn
I dont think this is an @extend issue as if i just type . after the @import statement i don't get any css classes imported from that stylsheet. Here's Example
@import "_SassStylesheet . scss" no intellisense as it should show me all the classes from imported stylesheet but does not.
I think this may be a vs 2015 issue or web compiler. Not sure as i have tried not using those and setting up grunt-postcss and grunt sass. I am new to front end tooling. This seems like a simple solution it would be as intellsiense works for @include which is for mixins. Also even if i dont use @extend and just type dot i still don't get intellisense for classes in that stylesheet.
What I have tried:
web compiler, postcss, grunt sass. soo many other things i cant remember
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