  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接




tcp_options=_DEFAULT,**kwargs):"""Create a new ConnectionParameters instance. See `Parameters` for

default values.

:param str host: Hostname or IP Address to connect to

:param int port: TCP port to connect to

:param str virtual_host: RabbitMQ virtual host to use

:param pika.credentials.Credentials credentials: auth credentials

:param int channel_max: Maximum number of channels to allow

:param int frame_max: The maximum byte size for an AMQP frame

:param int heartbeat: Heartbeat timeout. Max between this value

and server's proposal will be used as the heartbeat timeout. Use 0

to deactivate heartbeats and None to accept server's proposal.

:param bool ssl: Enable SSL

:param dict ssl_options: None or a dict of arguments to be passed to


:param int connection_attempts: Maximum number of retry attempts

:param int|float retry_delay: Time to wait in seconds, before the next

:param int|float socket_timeout: Use for high latency networks

:param str locale: Set the locale value

:param bool backpressure_detection: DEPRECATED in favor of

`Connection.Blocked` and `Connection.Unblocked`. See


:param blocked_connection_timeout: If not None,

the value is a non-negative timeout, in seconds, for the

connection to remain blocked (triggered by Connection.Blocked from

broker); if the timeout expires before connection becomes unblocked,

the connection will be torn down, triggering the adapter-specific

mechanism for informing client app about the closed connection (

e.g., on_close_callback or ConnectionClosed exception) with

`reason_code` of `InternalCloseReasons.BLOCKED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT`.

:type blocked_connection_timeout: None, int, float

:param client_properties: None or dict of client properties used to

override the fields in the default client properties reported to

RabbitMQ via `Connection.StartOk` method.

:param heartbeat_interval: DEPRECATED; use `heartbeat` instead, and

don't pass both

:param tcp_options: None or a dict of TCP options to set for socket"""

def __init__(self, #pylint: disable=R0913,R0914,R0912host=_DEFAULT,port=_DEFAULT,virtual_host=_DEFAULT,credentials=_DEFAULT,channel_max=_DEFAULT,frame_max=_DEFAULT,heartbeat=_DEFAULT,ssl=_DEFAULT,ssl... 在消费 rabbitMQ 队列时, 每次进入回调函数内需要进行一些比较耗时的操作;操作完成后给 rabbitMQ server发送ack信号以dequeue本条消息。 问题就发生在发送ack操作时, 程序提示 链接 已被断开或socket error。 #!/usr/bin #coding: utf-8 import pika import time USER = 'guest' PWD = 'guest' TEST_QUEUE = 'just4test' def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print(body) time. 本文主要是介绍Go,从语言对比分析的角度切入。之所以选择与 Python 、Erlang对比,是因为做为高级语言,它们语言特性上有较大的相似性,不过最主要的原因是这几个我比较熟悉。 Go的很多语言特性借鉴与它的三个祖先:C,Pascal和CSP。Go的语法、数据类型、控制流等继承于C,Go的包、面对对象等思想来源于Pa...
使用 Pika 连接 rabbitmq 集群 使用 python 编程经常会用到 pika 来向 rabbitmq 发送消息,单个 rabbitmq 节点连接比较简单,本文介绍 使用 rabbitmq 集群情况下的连接方式。 vip 连接方式 在 client 与 rabbitmq server 之间通过 haproxy 等负载均衡来提供 vip,我 使用 的环境就是采用这种方式,但是遇到某一节点挂掉...