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Value of child two A

This is a different value for Sibling one A

This is a different value for Child one A

This is a different value for Child Two A

A final value for Sibling one A

A final value for Child one A

A final value for Child one A

My main requirement is to loop through each one of the nodes and when the current node in question is "SiblingOneA", the code makes a check to see if the sibling node directly adjacent is "SiblingTwoA". If so, then it should retrieve all the children nodes (both the elements themselves, and the values within the elements).

So far, this is my code:

from lxml import etree

XMLDoc = etree.parse('example.xml')

rootXMLElement = XMLDoc.

I have the following example.xml structure:This is Sibling One AValue of child one AValue of child two AThis is a different value for Sibling one AThis is a different value for Child one AThis is a di...
示例可以附件 下载 1.加载xml文件 加载XML文件共有2种方法,一是加载指定字符串,二是加载指定文件 2. 获取 element的方法 a) 通过getiterator b) 过 getchildren c) find方法 d) findall方法 示例如下: 复制代码 代码如下:#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- from xml.etree import ElementTree def print_node(node): ””’打印结点基本信息”’ print “==============================================” print “node.
python 有三种方法解析XML,SAX,DOM,以及ElementTree ###1.SAX (simple API for XML )        pyhton 标准库包含SAX解析器,SAX是一种典型的极为快速的工具,在解析XML时,不会占用大量内存。 但是这是基于回调机制的,因此在某些数据 ,它会调用某些方法进行传递。这意味着必须为数据指定句柄, 以维持自己的状态,这是非常困难的
,每个 节点 有一个唯一的id和一个名称name,还有一个可选的parent 节点 和一个children列表。 现在,假设你有一个根 节点 root,你想要 获取 某个 节点 的所有上级 节点 ,可以使用Stream API 的flatMap方法和递归来实现: ```java public static List<Node> getAllParents(Node node) { if (node.getParent() == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); // 如果 节点 没有parent,返回一个空列表 List<Node> parents = new ArrayList<>(); parents.add(node.getParent()); parents.addAll(getAllParents(node.getParent())); // 递归 获取 所有上级 节点 return parents; // 获取 某个 节点 的所有上级 节点 public static List<Node> getAllParents(Node root, String nodeId) { Node node = findNode(root, nodeId); if (node == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); // 如果 节点 不存在,返回一个空列表 return getAllParents(node); // 查找某个 节点 public static Node findNode(Node node, String nodeId) { if (node.getId().equals(nodeId)) { return node; for (Node child : node. getChildren ()) { Node result = findNode(child, nodeId); if (result != null) { return result; return null; 使用示例: ```java Node root = new Node("1", "root", null, new ArrayList<>()); Node node1 = new Node("2", "node1", root, new ArrayList<>()); Node node2 = new Node("3", "node2", root, new ArrayList<>()); Node node11 = new Node("4", "node11", node1, new ArrayList<>()); Node node12 = new Node("5", "node12", node1, new ArrayList<>()); Node node21 = new Node("6", "node21", node2, new ArrayList<>()); List<Node> parents = getAllParents(root, "4"); // 获取 节点 4的所有上级 节点 parents.forEach(parent -> System.out.println(parent.getName())); // 输出:node1, root