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Abstract: The main purpose of the present study was to examine how people adopt information in emergency escape judgment and decision-making, and how people′s mode of thinking and decision-making style influence their information adoption. The study included 82 Sub

Key words: emergency, source of information, judgment, decision-making

摘要: 选取82名被试,探讨在突发危急事件的逃生判断和决策中人们对不同信息源的采纳偏向,同时探讨直觉和分析两种思维倾向以及直觉和分析两种决策风格对逃生判断和决策中信息源采纳的影响。结果:(1)在模拟突发危急事件的逃生判断和决策中人们对不同信息源的采纳倾向存在明显差异,来自权威、熟悉以及具有高信任度的信息源更容易被采纳;(2)直觉性思维倾向启动条件下和分析性思维倾向启动条件下的信息源采纳倾向差异不明显;(3)直觉型决策风格对信息源的采纳倾向具有明显预测性,而分析型决策风格对信息源的采纳倾向不具有明显预测性。主要结论


Li Hong;Xu Yang;Chen Shi;Gao Anqi. Effects of Intuition and Analysis on the Adoption of Sources of Information in Escape Decision-Making[J]. .

李虹;徐炀;陈石;高安琪. 逃生决策中的信息源直觉和分析对采纳偏向的影响[J]. .

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