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 static System::Decimal Abs(System::Decimal value);
public static decimal Abs (decimal value);
static member Abs : decimal -> decimal
Public Shared Function Abs (value As Decimal) As Decimal


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(Decimal) 使用して、複数 Decimal の値の絶対値を取得します。

decimal[] decimals = { Decimal.MaxValue, 12.45M, 0M, -19.69M, Decimal.MinValue }; foreach (decimal value in decimals) Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(79228162514264337593543950335) = 79228162514264337593543950335 // Abs(12.45) = 12.45 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-19.69) = 19.69 // Abs(-79228162514264337593543950335) = 79228162514264337593543950335 open System let decimals = [ Decimal.MaxValue; 12.45M; 0M -19.69M; Decimal.MinValue ] for value in decimals do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs value}" // The example displays the following output: // Abs(79228162514264337593543950335) = 79228162514264337593543950335 // Abs(12.45) = 12.45 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-19.69) = 19.69 // Abs(-79228162514264337593543950335) = 79228162514264337593543950335 Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim decimals() As Decimal = { Decimal.MaxValue, 12.45D, 0D, -19.69D, _ Decimal.MinValue } For Each value As Decimal In decimals Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(79228162514264337593543950335) = 79228162514264337593543950335 ' Abs(12.45) = 12.45 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-19.69) = 19.69 ' Abs(-79228162514264337593543950335) = 79228162514264337593543950335

a Decimal の絶対値は、符号のない数値です。 たとえば、1.2 と -1.2 の両方の絶対値は 1.2 です。

static double Abs(double value);
public static double Abs (double value);
static member Abs : double -> double
Public Shared Function Abs (value As Double) As Double


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(Double) 使用して、複数 Double の値の絶対値を取得します。

double[] doubles = { Double.MaxValue, 16.354e-17, 15.098123, 0, -19.069713, -15.058e18, Double.MinValue }; foreach (double value in doubles) Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(1.79769313486232E+308) = 1.79769313486232E+308 // Abs(1.6354E-16) = 1.6354E-16 // Abs(15.098123) = 15.098123 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-19.069713) = 19.069713 // Abs(-1.5058E+19) = 1.5058E+19 // Abs(-1.79769313486232E+308) = 1.79769313486232E+308 open System let doubles = [ Double.MaxValue; 16.354e-17; 15.098123; 0 -19.069713; -15.058e18; Double.MinValue ] for value in doubles do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs value}" // The example displays the following output: // Abs(1.79769313486232E+308) = 1.79769313486232E+308 // Abs(1.6354E-16) = 1.6354E-16 // Abs(15.098123) = 15.098123 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-19.069713) = 19.069713 // Abs(-1.5058E+19) = 1.5058E+19 // Abs(-1.79769313486232E+308) = 1.79769313486232E+308 Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim doubles() As Double = { Double.MaxValue, 16.354e-17, 15.098123, 0, _ -19.069713, -15.058e18, Double.MinValue } For Each value As Double In doubles Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(1.79769313486232E+308) = 1.79769313486232E+308 ' Abs(1.6354E-16) = 1.6354E-16 ' Abs(15.098123) = 15.098123 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-19.069713) = 19.069713 ' Abs(-1.5058E+19) = 1.5058E+19 ' Abs(-1.79769313486232E+308) = 1.79769313486232E+308

a Double の絶対値は、符号のない数値です。 たとえば、1.2e03 と -1.2e03 の両方の絶対値は 1.2e03 です。

等しいか、または PositiveInfinity 等しい NegativeInfinity 場合 value 、戻り値は PositiveInfinity . が等しい NaN 場合 value 、戻り値は NaN .

static short Abs(short value);
public static short Abs (short value);
static member Abs : int16 -> int16
Public Shared Function Abs (value As Short) As Short


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(Int16) 使用して、複数 Int16 の値の絶対値を取得します。

short[] values = { Int16.MaxValue, 10328, 0, -1476, Int16.MinValue }; foreach (short value in values) try { Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", value); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(32767) = 32767 // Abs(10328) = 10328 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-1476) = 1476 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -32768. open System let values = [ Int16.MaxValue; 10328s; 0s; -1476s; Int16.MinValue ] for value in values do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs value}" with :? OverflowException -> printfn $"Unable to calculate the absolute value of {value}." // The example displays the following output: // Abs(32767) = 32767 // Abs(10328) = 10328 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-1476) = 1476 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -32768. Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim values() As Short = { Int16.MaxValue, 10328, 0, -1476, Int16.MinValue } For Each value As Short In values Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) Catch e As OverflowException Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", _ value) End Try End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(32767) = 32767 ' Abs(10328) = 10328 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-1476) = 1476 ' Unable to calculate the absolute value of -32768.

an Int16 の絶対値は、符号のない数値です。 たとえば、123 と -123 の両方の絶対値は 123 です。

static int Abs(int value);
public static int Abs (int value);
static member Abs : int -> int
Public Shared Function Abs (value As Integer) As Integer


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(Int32) 使用して、複数 Int32 の値の絶対値を取得します。

int[] values = { Int32.MaxValue, 16921, 0, -804128, Int32.MinValue }; foreach (int value in values) try { Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", value); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(2147483647) = 2147483647 // Abs(16921) = 16921 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-804128) = 804128 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -2147483648. open System let values = [ Int32.MaxValue; 16921; 0; -804128; Int32.MinValue ] for value in values do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}" with :? OverflowException -> printfn $"Unable to calculate the absolute value of {value}." // The example displays the following output: // Abs(2147483647) = 2147483647 // Abs(16921) = 16921 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-804128) = 804128 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -2147483648. Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim values() As Integer = { Int32.MaxValue, 16921, 0, -804128, Int32.MinValue } For Each value As Integer In values Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) Catch e As OverflowException Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", _ value) End Try End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(2147483647) = 2147483647 ' Abs(16921) = 16921 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-804128) = 804128 ' Unable to calculate the absolute value of -2147483648.

an Int32 の絶対値は、符号のない数値です。 たとえば、123 と -123 の両方の絶対値は 123 です。

static long Abs(long value);
public static long Abs (long value);
static member Abs : int64 -> int64
Public Shared Function Abs (value As Long) As Long


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(Int64) 使用して、複数 Int64 の値の絶対値を取得します。

long[] values = { Int64.MaxValue, 109013, 0, -6871982, Int64.MinValue }; foreach (long value in values) try { Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", value); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(9223372036854775807) = 9223372036854775807 // Abs(109013) = 109013 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-6871982) = 6871982 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -9223372036854775808. open System let values = [ Int64.MaxValue; 109013; 0; -6871982; Int64.MinValue ] for value in values do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs value}" with :? OverflowException -> printfn $"Unable to calculate the absolute value of {value}." // The example displays the following output: // Abs(9223372036854775807) = 9223372036854775807 // Abs(109013) = 109013 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-6871982) = 6871982 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -9223372036854775808. Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim values() As Long = { Int64.MaxValue, 109013, 0, -6871982, Int64.MinValue } For Each value As Long In values Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) Catch e As OverflowException Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", _ value) End Try End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(9223372036854775807) = 9223372036854775807 ' Abs(109013) = 109013 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-6871982) = 6871982 ' Unable to calculate the absolute value of -9223372036854775808.

an Int64 の絶対値は、符号のない数値です。 たとえば、123 と -123 の両方の絶対値は 123 です。

static IntPtr Abs(IntPtr value);
public static nint Abs (nint value);
public static IntPtr Abs (IntPtr value);
static member Abs : nativeint -> nativeint
Public Shared Function Abs (value As IntPtr) As IntPtr


static System::SByte Abs(System::SByte value);
public static sbyte Abs (sbyte value);
static member Abs : sbyte -> sbyte
Public Shared Function Abs (value As SByte) As SByte


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(SByte) 使用して、複数 SByte の値の絶対値を取得します。

sbyte[] values = { SByte.MaxValue, 98, 0, -32, SByte.MinValue }; foreach (sbyte value in values) try { Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", value); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(127) = 127 // Abs(98) = 98 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-32) = 32 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -128. open System let values = [ SByte.MaxValue; 98y; 0y; -32y; SByte.MinValue ] for value in values do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs value}" with :? OverflowException -> printfn $"Unable to calculate the absolute value of {value}." // The example displays the following output: // Abs(127) = 127 // Abs(98) = 98 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-32) = 32 // Unable to calculate the absolute value of -128. Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim values() As SByte = { SByte.MaxValue, 98, 0, -32, SByte.MinValue } For Each value As SByte In values Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) Catch e As OverflowException Console.WriteLine("Unable to calculate the absolute value of {0}.", _ value) End Try End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(127) = 127 ' Abs(98) = 98 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-32) = 32 ' Unable to calculate the absolute value of -128.

符号付きバイトの絶対値は、符号なしの数値です。 たとえば、12 と -12 の両方の絶対値は 12 です。

static float Abs(float value);
public static float Abs (float value);
static member Abs : single -> single
Public Shared Function Abs (value As Single) As Single


次の例では、メソッドを Abs(Single) 使用して、複数 Single の値の絶対値を取得します。

float[] values= { Single.MaxValue, 16.354e-12F, 15.098123F, 0F, -19.069713F, -15.058e17F, Single.MinValue }; foreach (float value in values) Console.WriteLine($"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs(value)}"); // The example displays the following output: // Abs(3.402823E+38) = 3.402823E+38 // Abs(1.6354E-11) = 1.6354E-11 // Abs(15.09812) = 15.09812 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-19.06971) = 19.06971 // Abs(-1.5058E+18) = 1.5058E+18 // Abs(-3.402823E+38) = 3.402823E+38 open System let values = [ Single.MaxValue; 16.354e-12f; 15.098123f; 0f -19.069713f; -15.058e17f; Single.MinValue ] for value in values do // The 'abs' function may be used instead. printfn $"Abs({value}) = {Math.Abs value}" // The example displays the following output: // Abs(3.402823E+38) = 3.402823E+38 // Abs(1.6354E-11) = 1.6354E-11 // Abs(15.09812) = 15.09812 // Abs(0) = 0 // Abs(-19.06971) = 19.06971 // Abs(-1.5058E+18) = 1.5058E+18 // Abs(-3.402823E+38) = 3.402823E+38 Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim values() As Single = { Single.MaxValue, 16.354e-12, 15.098123, 0, _ -19.069713, -15.058e17, Single.MinValue } For Each value As Single In values Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", value, Math.Abs(value)) End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Abs(3.402823E+38) = 3.402823E+38 ' Abs(1.6354E-11) = 1.6354E-11 ' Abs(15.09812) = 15.09812 ' Abs(0) = 0 ' Abs(-19.06971) = 19.06971 ' Abs(-1.5058E+18) = 1.5058E+18 ' Abs(-3.402823E+38) = 3.402823E+38

a Single の絶対値は、符号のない数値です。 たとえば、1.2e-03 と -1.2e03 の両方の絶対値は 1.2e03 です。

等しいか、または PositiveInfinity 等しい NegativeInfinity 場合 value 、戻り値は PositiveInfinity . が等しい NaN 場合 value 、戻り値は NaN .