  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接



  • XML文件内容长什么样
  • COCO的数据格式长什么样
  • XML如何转化成COCO格式
  • VOC XML长什么样?


    <annotation>     <folder>文件夹目录</folder>     <filename>图片名.jpg</filename>     <path>path_to\at002eg001.jpg</path>     <source>         <database>Unknown</database>     </source>         <width>550</width>         <height>518</height>         <depth>3</depth>     </size>     <segmented>0</segmented>     <object>         <name>Apple</name>         <pose>Unspecified</pose>         <truncated>0</truncated>         <difficult>0</difficult>         <bndbox>             <xmin>292</xmin>             <ymin>218</ymin>             <xmax>410</xmax>             <ymax>331</ymax>         </bndbox>     </object>     <object>     </object> </annotation>


  • folder : 文件夹
  • filename :文件名
  • path :路径
  • source:我项目里没有用到
  • size :图片大小
  • segmented:图像分割会用到,本文仅以目标检测(bounding box为例进行介绍)
  • object :一个xml文件可以有多个object,每个object表示一个box,每个box有如下信息组成:
  • name :改box框出来的object属于哪一类,例如Apple
  • bndbox :给出左上角和右下角的坐标
  • truncated:略
  • difficult:略
  • COCO长什么样?



    |______annotations # 存放标注信息 | |__train.json | |__val.json | |__test.json |______trainset # 存放训练集图像 |______valset # 存放验证集图像 |______testset # 存放测试集图像



    "info": info, "images": [image], "annotations": [annotation], "licenses": [license], info{ "year": int, "version": str, "description": str, "contributor": str, "url": str, "date_created": datetime, image{ "id": int, "width": int, "height": int, "file_name": str, "license": int, "flickr_url": str, "coco_url": str, "date_captured": datetime, license{ "id": int, "name": str, "url": str,


    那么json里具体每一个是干嘛用的呢?且let me一一道来。(散装英语说的好爽)

  • info: 这个记录的是你的数据集信息,例如
  • "info": { # 数据集信息描述
            "description": "COCO 2017 Dataset", # 数据集描述
            "url": "http://cocodataset.org", # 下载地址
            "version": "1.0", # 版本
            "year": 2017, # 年份
            "contributor": "COCO Consortium", # 提供者
            "date_created": "2017/09/01" # 数据创建日期
        }    `
  • licenses: 记录的就是license。。。,license可以有多个,因为可能你是从多个渠道获得的数据,例如
  • "licenses": [
                "url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/",
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License"
  • images:这个其实就是记录每一张图片的信息,主要的有 文件名、宽、高、id,其他的可选,如:
  • "images": [
                "file_name": "000000397133.jpg", # 图片名
                "id": 397133 # 图片的ID编号(每张图片ID是唯一的)
                "height": 427, # 高
                "width": 640, # 宽
                "license": 4,
                "coco_url":  "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000397133.jpg",# 网路地址路径
                "date_captured": "2013-11-14 17:02:52", # 数据获取日期
                "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6116/6255196340_da26cf2c9e_z.jpg",# flickr网路地址
  • categories:这个很好理解,就是你的类别信息。
  • 有一个key是“supercategory”,之所以有这个是因为在COCO数据集中有的类别其实是可以归类为同一类的,例如猫和狗都属于Animal
  • id编号是从1开始的,0默认为背景
  • "categories": [ 
                "supercategory": "person", # 主类别
                "id": 1, # 类对应的id (0 默认为背景)
                "name": "person" # 子类别
                "supercategory": "Animal", 
                "id": 2,
                "name": "bicycle"
                "supercategory": "vehicle",
                "id": 3,
                "name": "car"



    #!/usr/bin/python # pip install lxml import sys import os import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET START_BOUNDING_BOX_ID = 1 PRE_DEFINE_CATEGORIES = {} # If necessary, pre-define category and its id # PRE_DEFINE_CATEGORIES = {"aeroplane": 1, "bicycle": 2, "bird": 3, "boat": 4, # "bottle":5, "bus": 6, "car": 7, "cat": 8, "chair": 9, # "cow": 10, "diningtable": 11, "dog": 12, "horse": 13, # "motorbike": 14, "person": 15, "pottedplant": 16, # "sheep": 17, "sofa": 18, "train": 19, "tvmonitor": 20} def get(root, name): vars = root.findall(name) return vars def get_and_check(root, name, length): vars = root.findall(name) if len(vars) == 0: raise NotImplementedError('Can not find %s in %s.'%(name, root.tag)) if length > 0 and len(vars) != length: raise NotImplementedError('The size of %s is supposed to be %d, but is %d.'%(name, length, len(vars))) if length == 1: vars = vars[0] return vars def get_filename_as_int(filename): filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] return int(filename) except: raise NotImplementedError('Filename %s is supposed to be an integer.'%(filename)) def convert(xml_list, xml_dir, json_file): list_fp = open(xml_list, 'r') json_dict = {"images":[], "type": "instances", "annotations": [], "categories": []} categories = PRE_DEFINE_CATEGORIES bnd_id = START_BOUNDING_BOX_ID for line in list_fp: line = line.strip() print("Processing %s"%(line)) xml_f = os.path.join(xml_dir, line) tree = ET.parse(xml_f) root = tree.getroot() path = get(root, 'path') if len(path) == 1: filename = os.path.basename(path[0].text) elif len(path) == 0: filename = get_and_check(root, 'filename', 1).text else: raise NotImplementedError('%d paths found in %s'%(len(path), line)) ## The filename must be a number image_id = get_filename_as_int(filename) size = get_and_check(root, 'size', 1) width = int(get_and_check(size, 'width', 1).text) height = int(get_and_check(size, 'height', 1).text) image = {'file_name': filename, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'id':image_id} json_dict['images'].append(image) ## Cruuently we do not support segmentation # segmented = get_and_check(root, 'segmented', 1).text # assert segmented == '0' for obj in get(root, 'object'): category = get_and_check(obj, 'name', 1).text if category not in categories: new_id = len(categories) categories[category] = new_id category_id = categories[category] bndbox = get_and_check(obj, 'bndbox', 1) xmin = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'xmin', 1).text) - 1 ymin = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'ymin', 1).text) - 1 xmax = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'xmax', 1).text) ymax = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'ymax', 1).text) assert(xmax > xmin) assert(ymax > ymin) o_width = abs(xmax - xmin) o_height = abs(ymax - ymin) ann = {'area': o_width*o_height, 'iscrowd': 0, 'image_id': image_id, 'bbox':[xmin, ymin, o_width, o_height], 'category_id': category_id, 'id': bnd_id, 'ignore': 0, 'segmentation': []} json_dict['annotations'].append(ann) bnd_id = bnd_id + 1 for cate, cid in categories.items(): cat = {'supercategory': 'none', 'id': cid, 'name': cate} json_dict['categories'].append(cat) json_fp = open(json_file, 'w') json_str = json.dumps(json_dict) json_fp.write(json_str) json_fp.close() list_fp.close() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('3 auguments are need.') print('Usage: %s XML_LIST.txt XML_DIR OUTPU_JSON.json'%(sys.argv[0])) exit(1) convert(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
  • https://github.com/shiyemin/voc2coco/blob/master/voc2coco.py
  • http://cocodataset.org/#format-data
  • https://blog.csdn.net/wc781708249/article/details/79603522