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题图 卫城 柯布西耶《走向新建筑》


米诺斯文明(Minoan civilization) 岛屿 青铜时代(始自前3000年)

以希腊神话中的克里特岛国王米诺斯而得名(Arthur Evans)

克诺索斯宫 (Knossos, Palace of Minos)> 据说是神话中的建筑师、工匠、设计师 代达罗斯(Daedalus)所建

no sighs of fortification, defensive strategy, an agrarian kingdom


fried egg scheme : a clearly defined center and a kind of hodgepodge of elements that accrete at the perimeter, kind of like a fried egg.

Like a labyrinth

工艺美术、室内装饰方面, a predilection for formal organizations, favoring the curvilinear, favoring the organic

迈锡尼文明(Mycenaean Greece) 半岛/本土

在米诺斯文明末期(前1600年)兴起 古希腊青铜时代最后阶段

军事文明 > City of Mycenae(cyclopean masonry 砖石建筑) > Lion's Gate (figural arhitectural element) > lintel/post&beam + corbelling

Treasury of Atreus (tomb) > corbelled dome

Lion's Gate > Treasury of Atreus

plane cobelled archway > 3-dimensional cobelled dome

basic dwelling type of Mycenae: Megaron 中央大厅

古希腊文明(Hellenic Greece)

ancient Greece artifact


Archaic: geometric style (amphora, 800-750 BC)

Later: figral void (red figure pottery, 500 BC-) VS figural solid (black figure pottery, 500 BC-)

Figure/Ground > M.C.Escher's monochrome

much more attetive to the specificity of the human figure than what we saw in ancient Egypt



Kouros = archaic statue of young man, 615-590 BC

witnessing a clear cultural connection between the Egyptians and the Greeks 海上民族的入侵

Kritios Boy = paradigm of classical Hellenic Statue, 480 BC

contraposto (contrary posture) emerged

the contraposto begins to enforce a sort of turning in space, to spatialize the field around the figure, render the figure fully plastic

term " plastic " = 3-dimensional, can be viewed obliquely <-> frontal

a plastic entity: something that you can experience as an object in space in a complex way

a study of geometry distinguished from Egyptian canon

Egyptian canon: modular, a series of repeated units,

Greek proportional system: geometric progressions unfold over/organize space, hierachical range of difference


"Man is the measure of all things" by Protagoras 普罗泰戈拉

" Beauty consists of many numbers " by Polycleitus 波利克里托斯> ratios, geometric progression, the Polycleitus' canon

golden rectangle : an objective truth that's noble and verifiable to all people


认识论: information apprehended through the senses VS information apprehended through reason

Doryphous (450 BC): fully liberated contraposto, the period of Pericles/the high Hellenic period, repose, ideality, timeless and eternal mask that disguises the psuchological difficulties of the individual and universalize the condition

Kouros ( 615-590 BC) > Doryphous (450 BC)

Kore ( 675-530 BC) > Knidian Venu (300 BC)


希腊人留下的建筑理论很少,最多不过是 Polycleitus' canon

但罗马建筑师 维特鲁威(Vitruvius)进行了部分总结

myth about the origin of architecture: Primitive Hut

The Orders /the fomalization of The Orders:

describing the system of columns and horizontal spanning elements called entablatures or architraves

e.g. Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

多立克、爱奥尼克等希腊柱式不单纯是一种装饰样式,还是一种 建筑规范(The Orders)

the origin of Doric friez with triglyphs :petrified carpentry of the Primitive Hut

拟人的柱式 拟人(anthropomorphize) 人类学(anthropology)

capital/caput(Latin) > head

shaft > body

base > foot

Doric > masculine 男性化的 Zeus

Ionic > matronly 女性化的 Hera

Corinthian > maidenly 少女化的 Artemis

by Vitruvius

柱式风格存在地区差异(regional preference)

colum with entasis > optical correction of Greek architecture

希腊柱身的微妙母线,给人一种肌肉承载隆起的感觉(bulging),属于一种视觉矫正手法(optical correction)

Temple type

Greece temple is the type that has endured, and its form begins to symbolize things that we associate with the grandeur of Greece :

the birth place of the democracy, the birth place of the high cultural institutions , a place for art, architecture and theater came into their own, a place where philosophy flourished

希腊建筑形式成为一种 高雅文化 的象征活跃在现代社会之中

Samos Temple: the germ of idea the has been identified, but the design has not yet taken form

Parthenon: the refinement—the proportion, the detailing, the systemization of all these ideas to a lagre over-arching idea—take place,

optical corrections in Greek temples:

1. entasis

2.bowing of the stylobate (platform)

3.irregular intercolumniation

Genius loci/Genius locus = the protective spirit of a place

a guiding principle in organizing sites: to make visible and to house the sacrality (genius loci), already there within the site

Greek space/site planning in Delphi: all the buildings arrange themselves in such a way as to be viewed obliquely , as fully plastic objects , and also to help us see and understand the landscape beyond

Theater type

theater in Epidaurus, Delphi

Like the temples, they find a place in the landscape that needs to be clarified in its power and made visible in its power and in its geometry

古希腊剧院建筑善用低洼的地形(locks into the natural geometry of the site)

the origin of theater ("The Birth of Tragedy", Nietzsche) :the battle between rival cults

chthonic deities VS Olympian gods

Dionysius VS Apollo

给我一根柱子,我可以还原整个(希腊)庙宇 by 18世纪的考古学家



genius low site: every site is already loaded with spiritual meanings and architecture simply makes them visible

Acropolis 卫城 :Temples = Figural Object

Pompell 庞贝: Forum = Figural Void

Acropolis 卫城 前5世纪 the alike scared site planning as Delphi

Acropolis Erechtheon , Mnesikles, 421-05 BC, a hybrid temple

Caryatid Porch 女神像柱门廊

Early Modernist & Ancient Greece

柯布西耶《东方游记》 (Voyage d'Orient Carnet):

Principles of proportion

Principles of simple volumes bathed in light

Principles of clear geometry

Principles of locking into a landscape and making the architcture cause the lanscape to spring to life

米斯 Crown Hall, Barcelona Pavilion

ITT's Crown Hall

Pavilion's cella become open to the world > democratization

巴塞隆纳展馆对希腊神庙的效仿,并加入了新的时代精神: read it really critically and transform it into something different

Urban site planning/organization: Figural Obeject (sacral) > Figural Obeject (urban)


stoa (as a type)柱廊 仓库+社交

古希腊第一位城市规划师:Hippodamos 希波达摩斯 亚历山大大帝时代(前4世纪) 使用栅格(grid)对希腊殖民地进行规划

代表作 Miletus

编辑于 2017-06-10 16:29