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问题核心原因是 Grade 和 JDK 的版本不兼容,因此有两个解决方法:

  • 升级 Gradle

    Gradle 官网 下载了最新版本 4.10.2,可以解决这个问题。

  • 降级 JDK

    ORACLE 官网 下载 JDK 1.8.0 ,也可以解决这个问题。

事实情况下,我使用 Gradle 的目的就是管理 Android 项目,而且项目的 Gradle 版本一般不会轻易修改,所以我采用的是降级 JDK 的方法。大家可以根据自己的情况选择。

欢迎关注个人微信公众号,最新的博客,好玩的事情,都会在上面分享,期待与你共同成长。 title: Gradle-Could not determine java version from ‘11’date: 2018-10-24 18:18:18tags:问题描述因为换工作,需要新配置的环境,所以遇到了各种问题,例如下面这个:发生错误的相关环境配置JDK 11Gradle 4.4如果不知道自己安装的 Java 版本,可以根据一下命令查看:Mac :#查...
Android Android Studio 报错Unable to start the daemon process. The project uses Gradle 4.4 which is i
Android 开发 关于 Gradle -Could not d eterm ine java version from ‘ 11 ‘的错误 产生原因,是当前 Android 版本和 gradle 版本不匹配的问题 解决办法:打开一个可以运行的项目 本人 Android 小菜一枚,之前一直没有写博客文章的习惯,刚刚入职新公司接手一个比较老的项目,遇到了一些问题,感觉比较有分享性,于是开始了人生第一次文章的编写,废话不多说直接进入主题。 ![image](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/26436670-cc1b466737ffd784.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) * 本地环境: Android Studio
Windows Intellij环境下 Gradle 的 “Could not d eterm ine Java version from ‘9.0.1’”的解决方式 学习了:https://www.hello java .com/article/1586 在Intellij下面配置好 Gradle Home;
The ` gradle -wrapper.properties` file is typically located in the ` gradle /wrapper` directory of your project. If you're getting an error that the file is not found, it's possible that it may have been deleted or moved by mistake. To resolve this issue, you can try one of the following solutions: 1. Check if the ` gradle -wrapper.properties` file exists in the ` gradle /wrapper` directory. If it doesn't, you can create a new one by running the following command in the terminal at the root of your project: ./ gradle w wrapper -- gradle - version < version > Replace `< version >` with the version of Gradle you want to use. 2. If the file exists but you're still getting an error, try deleting the ` gradle /wrapper` directory and re-running the `./ gradle w wrapper` command to generate a new wrapper. 3. If you're using a build tool like IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio , try refreshing your project or syncing your Gradle files to see if that resolves the issue. I hope one of these solutions helps you resolve the issue!