  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

I am trying to deploy my SpringAPI to Azure Web App using Azure Maven Plugin but I am getting this Error

Failed to execute goal com.microsoft.azure:azure-webapp-maven-plugin:2.12.0:deploy (default-cli) on project demo: deploy to Azure Web App with resource creation or updating: AzureToolkitRuntimeException: deploy to Azure Web App(GSHFLCSpringApiDev) with resource creation or updating: Status code 400, (empty body) -> [Help 1]

[WARNING] 'Content-Type' not found. Returning default encoding: JSON

[ERROR] Status code 400, (empty body)

2023-09-15T01:32:34.437610191Z: [INFO]  Extracted jar entry point. Class name is: ''
2023-09-15T01:32:34.450039049Z: [INFO]  Defaulting to UTF-8
2023-09-15T01:32:34.450393579Z: [INFO]  Failed to query jar entry point. Falling back to legacy command-line
2023-09-15T01:32:34.451472271Z: [INFO]  Running command: java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/local/appservice/logging.properties -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  -Dserver.port=80 -XX:ErrorFile=/home/LogFiles/java_error_GSHFLCSpringApiDev_10-30-0-53_%p.log -XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/LogFiles/java_memdump_GSHFLCSpringApiDev_10-30-0-53.log -Duser.dir=/home/site/wwwroot -jar /home/site/wwwroot/app.jar:/usr/local/appservice/lib/azure.appservice.jar
2023-09-15T01:32:34.452219635Z: [INFO]  Launched child process with pid: 97
2023-09-15T01:32:34.458934106Z: [ERROR]  Error: Unable to access jarfile /home/site/wwwroot/app.jar:/usr/local/appservice/lib/azure.appservice.jar
2023-09-15T01:32:34.482425006Z: [INFO]  Waiting for main process to exit. GLOBAL_PID_MAIN=97
2023-09-15T01:32:34.482808739Z: [INFO]  Done waiting for main process. GLOBAL_PID_MAIN=97.
2023-09-15T01:32:34.482832341Z: [INFO]  Exiting entry script!

From what I understand , it is because the server is being sent a bad request during deployment, hence the server return empty body

Here is my Configuration for the Azure Maven Plugin

          <region>Southeast Asia</region>
            <javaVersion>Java 17</javaVersion>
            <webContainer>Java SE</webContainer>

Hi @Anonymous

We are sorry to hear you're facing this problem. We are checking internally with the engineering team to see if this is a known issue and will get back to you when we hear back from them.



Hello @Anonymous apologies for the delayed response. The error you’re encountering is a common issue when deploying to Azure Web App. It’s often due to the server receiving a bad request during deployment. Here’s a few things to try to resolve this issue:

  • Ensure you are using the latest version of the azure-webapp-maven-plugin. The current version is 1.17.0:
  • Verify your pom.xml file is configured properly for the plugin according to the Spring documentation
  • Lastly set an application setting WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM and value true in Azure Portalsthen Retry the deployment after 1 minute
  • Here are the steps to set the application setting: Go to Azure portal > Navigate to App service > Go to Configuration >Add application setting and save it

    If the problem persists after trying those steps, please let us know.


    @Yong Minyue thanks for bringing for the update. It looks like this issue requires deeper investigation. Could you please send us an email to AzCommunity[at]Microsoft[dot]com with the below details, so that we can enable a one-time-free support for you to work closely on this issue?

    Email subject: <Attn - Grace >

    Thread URL: <Microsoft Q&A Thread>

    Subscription ID: <your Azure subscription id>

    Please let me know here once the email is sent along with above requested details.

