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【译】10 个有用的 git log 技巧

【译】10 个有用的 git log 技巧

原作者:Srebalaji 原文地址: Ten Useful Git Log Tricks | Hacker Noon
译者: KIWI的碎碎念

If you are using Git for a while you should have come across git log. As everyone knows, the git log is a simple command that helps us to view the changes or project history.

(如果你在使用 Git 一段时间后,应该会遇到访问 git 日志的场景。众所周知,git log 是一个帮助我们查看项目变更或项目历史的简单命令。)

Even with that simplicity, it is a very powerful tool and it comes with numerous options that help us to view the project changes and its structure. We will see some of the most used options in this article.


git log —oneline

This command helps you to view the commits in a cleaner way. It condenses each commit to a line and has only minimal information like shorter commit hash, commit message.


git log --oneline

Filter commits by time period


These commands will filter out the commits by the given time period. For example, — after will only filter commits after the given time period and — before will only filter commits before the given time period.

(这些命令可以筛选出指定时间段的提交记录,例如, --after 会筛选出指定时间之后的提交记录,**--before ** 会筛选出指定时间之前的提交记录。)

git log --after="2020-05-15"
// 译者注:注意原文这里的日期格式是 2020-15-05 ,年日月?我本地测试时间不对,不知道是不是跟原作者配置或环境不一样,大家可以试一下自己本地可以支持哪种格式,后文的日期格式都是如此,不再赘述。

The above command will show only commits after May 15th, 2020

(上面这条命令将只显示 2020 年 5 月 15 日 之后的提交记录)

git log --after="2020-05-15" --before="2020-05-25"

The above command will show only commits from May 15 to May 25

(上面这条命令将只显示 5 月 15 号到 5 月 25 日之间的提交记录)

You can also use the following date formats


git log --after="yesterday" // shows only commits from yeserday
git log --after="today" // shows only today commits
git log --before="10 day ago" // omits last 10 days commits
(只显示 10 天前的提交记录)
git log --after="1 week ago" //show only commits from last week
git log --after="2 week ago"