\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math
本文参考资料来源于APS模板,详见网址 \href{https://journals.aps.org/revtex/revtex-faq#u1}{https://journals.aps.org/revtex/revtex-faq}, 找到并下载“The current release of REVTeX 4.2 may be download directly from this site as a zipfile: \textcolor{red}{revtex4-2-tds.zip}. In addition, it may be found on CTAN in the latex/contrib/revtex directory.”模板来源于“REVTeX 4.2 comes with template files called apstemplate.tex for APS journals and aiptemplate.tex for AIP journals as well additional templates for AAPM and SOR journals. They are located in the doc/latex/revtex/sample directory.”
The equation that follows is set in a wide format, i.e., it spans the full page.
The wide format is reserved for long equations
that cannot easily be set in a single column:
{\cal R}^{(\text{d})}=
+ x_WQ_e
\caption{\label{tab:table1}A table that fits into a single column of a two-column layout.
Note that REV\TeX~4 adjusts the intercolumn spacing so that the table fills the
entire width of the column. Table captions are numbered
This table illustrates left-, center-, decimal- and right-aligned columns,
along with the use of the \texttt{ruledtabular} environment which sets the
Scotch (double) rules above and below the alignment, per APS style.
\textrm{Left\footnote{Note a.}}&
\textrm{Centered\footnote{Note b.}}&
1 & 2 & 3.001 & 4\\
10 & 20 & 30 & 40\\
100 & 200 & 300.0 & 400\\
\clearpage %双栏另起一页
\caption{\label{tab:table3}This is a wide table that spans the full page
width in a two-column layout. It is formatted using the
\texttt{table*} environment. It also demonstates the use of
\textbackslash\texttt{multicolumn} in rows with entries that span
more than one column.}
Ion&1st alternative&2nd alternative&lst alternative
&2nd alternative\\ \hline
K&$(2e)+(2f)$&$(4i)$ &$(2c)+(2d)$&$(4f)$ \\
Mn&$(2g)$\footnote{The $z$ parameter of these positions is $z\sim\frac{1}{4}$.}
Ag& &$(4k)^{\text{a}}$& &$(4h)^{\text{a}}$\\