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kiran_Konda kiran_Konda

Invalid HTTP method: PATCH

How do i solve the issue
Shingo Yamazaki Shingo Yamazaki
Hi, kiran0808.p.

I'm Shingo.

Are you using HttpRequest class in Apex?
If so, HttpRequest class doesn't allow PATCH method and you need to consider using PUT or others instead.


CyberJus CyberJus

Please post more information about where you recieved this issue. Without context it is very hard for anyone to assist you.
kiran_Konda kiran_Konda
HI, Put also not working, How do i solved the issues
kiran_Konda kiran_Konda
HI, PUT also not working ,How do i solved the issues
Shingo Yamazaki Shingo Yamazaki
Did you get same error when using PUT method?
It would be helpful if you give us more information (the code your trying to execute, for example),
Demo Zinfitech Demo Zinfitech
Tried to update a record using "PATCH" from c# using simple httpRequest . But got no response from server. Also tried with postman.. Result is

. Postman screenshot