  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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在Centos7 中 使用 Intellij IDEA 来 Spark 本地模式启动时,报错:

java.net.BindException: 无法指定被请求的地址: Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries!
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 
16/06/27 19:36:34 ERROR SparkContext: Error initializing SparkContext. 
Java.NET.BindException: 无法指定被请求的地址: Service ‘sparkDriver’ failed after 16 retries!


val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
  .set("spark.driver.host", "localhost")
在Centos7 中 使用 Intellij IDEA 来 Spark 本地模式启动时,报错:java.net.BindException: 无法指定被请求的地址: Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries!16/06/27 19:36:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind... Setting default log level to “WARN”. To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel). 19/12/24 09:58...
在Scala本地运行时,出现 无法 指定 请求 地址 ,通过朋友帮助终于解决问题` java .net . BindException : 无法 指定 请求 地址 : Service ‘sparkDriver’ failed after 16 retries ! 19/011/5 20:10:34 WARN Utils: Service ‘sparkDriver’ could not bind on port 0. A...
18/10/25 13:07:58 WARN Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 18/10/25 13:07:58 WARN Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 18/10/...
bug描述 py4j.protocol.Py4J Java Error: An error occurred while calling None.org.apache.spark.api. java . Java SparkContext. java .net . BindException : Can’t assign requested address: Service ‘sparkDriver’ faile...
启动spark-shell的时候出现的错误: **原因:**该虚拟机是其他虚拟机的副本,复制过来的时候没有修改etc/hosts的 地址 ,导致主机 地址 与etc/hosts 地址 不一致。 查看本机 地址 命令:ifconfig 修改etc/hosts下的 地址 :sudo vi /etc/hosts 改完重启shell即可
1.直接运行本地模式,显示未知服务,那么很可能就是/etc/hosts文件中的主机名和IP 地址 没配或者配置错误 2.如果本地模式出现ERROR SparkContext: Error initializing SparkContext. java .net . BindException : 无法 指定 请求 地址 : Service ‘sparkDriver’ failed after 16 retries (starting from 0)! Consider explicitly setting the appr
1、用./bin/spark-shell启动spark时遇到异常: java .net . BindException : Can't assign requested address: Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries ! 解决方法:add export SPARK_LOCAL_IP="" to spark-env....