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地球外辐射带中的电子能通量是使用基于对地静止轨道观测的 Tikhonov 正则化的逆理论来估计的。粒子检测器(PD)实验船上对地静止卫星在128.2地理经度GEO-KOMPSAT-2A(GK2A)°E提供一个150内的电子的观测- 2400千电子伏能量范围与Δ的前所未有的能量分辨率 ê / é 在5 – 25 % 的 范围 . 使用蒙特卡罗模拟计算的仪器响应函数通过电子观测进行解卷积。使用从广义交叉验证 (GCV) 确定的正则化参数,将 Tikhonov 方法应用于在地磁安静时期进行的观测。这种 Tikhonov 正则化方法现在首次可以用于地球辐射带中的观测,它允许直接推断电子通量,而无需求助于预定的函数形式。将我们的结果与传统方法的结果进行比较表明,结果之间的差异高达 200 %

Electron energy fluxes in the Earth’s outer radiation belt are estimated using an inverse theory of the Tikhonov regularization based upon observations in geostationary orbits. Particle Detector (PD) experiment aboard a geostationary satellite GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) at a geographic longitude of 128.2°E provided observations of electrons within a 150 – 2,400 keV energy range with an unprecedented energy resolution of Δ E / E in the range of 5 – 25 % . Instrument response functions, calculated with Monte-Carlo simulations, are deconvoluted with electron observations. Using regularization parameters determined from Generalized Cross Validation (GCV), the Tikhonov method was applied to observations made during a geomagnetically quiet period. This Tikhonov regularization method, now possible for observations in the Earth’s radiation belt for the first time, allows direct inference of electron fluxes without resorting to predetermined functional forms. Comparisons of our results with those from conventional methods indicate differences among the results as large as ∼200 % .