  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Kong Customize Python Plugin

前情提要:由于公司业务需求,需要针对 Kong 自定义插件,而 Kong 的插件主要是 Lua 语言,公司的技术栈是 Python,所以升级了 Kong 版本到 3.1。Kong3.1支持使用 Python 语言的插件,从此走上了踏坑填坑之路。(因为官方文档写的模棱两可,给的示例也不是很全面,所以升级版本和写插件过程很曲折)

该文档中的流程前提是 Kong 通过容器启动,详情请仔细阅读官方文档,或者查看我的 快速初始化网关 ,想要了解我在使用网关中碰到各种各种的坑,也可以查看 记录升级 KONG3.1 网关遇到的坑 .

首先先上一波 官方文档 ,同志们想要尝鲜,就得阅读官方文档,因为没有最新版本的中文文档,所以只能硬着头皮读官方文档,不懂得地方要去看 Kong 的源码 ,希望大家一起去踏坑填坑。


Write plugin in Python

根据文档我们可以知道,要想使用插件,依赖于 Kong 本身支持的插件服务也就是PDK,名称是 kong-pdk

下载命令为: pip3 install kong-pdk

根据要求,插件的书写要求是 Kong 规定好的,虽然不是那么pythonic,但是必须按照他的要求去书写,不然后边 Kong 不干活。

Kong Gateway Python 插件实现具有以下属性:

Schema = (
    { "message": { "type": "string" } },
version = '0.1.0'
priority = 0
class Plugin(object):
  • 名为Plugin的类定义实现此插件的类。
  • Schema定义插件的预期值和数据类型的字典。
  • 变量versionpriority分别定义了版本号和执行优先级。
  • 根据我们的需求,代码如下:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import kong_pdk.pdk.kong as kong
    Schema = ({"message": {"type": "string"}},)
    version = "1.0.0"
    priority = 9
    class Plugin(object):
    # add below section to allow this plugin optionally be running in a dedicated process
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    		# 启动服务
        from kong_pdk.cli import start_dedicated_server
        start_dedicated_server("customer_verification", Plugin, version, priority, Schema)



    class Plugin(object):
        def __init__(self, config):
            self.config = config
        def access(self, kong):


    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import os
    import hashlib
    import kong_pdk.pdk.kong as kong
    Schema = ({"message": {"type": "string"}},)
    version = "1.0.0"
    priority = 9
    # This is an example plugin that add a header to the response
    class Plugin(object):
        def __init__(self, config):
            self.config = config
        def access(self, kong: kong.kong):
                headers = kong.request.get_headers()
                client_certificate_id = headers.get("client-certificate-id")
                client_request_signature = headers.get("client-request-signature")
                client_request_time = headers.get("client-request-time")
                # 如果 header中缺少我们验证需要数据,返回 400
                if not client_certificate_id or not client_request_signature or not client_request_time:
                    kong.response.error(400, "Invalid Headers")
                client_certificate_key = "xxx"
                customer_uuid = "xxx"
                old_hash_data = f"{client_certificate_id}|{client_certificate_key}|{client_request_time}"
                new_hash_data = hashlib.sha256(old_hash_data.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
                if new_hash_data != client_request_signature:
                		# 未通过验证时返回 403
                    kong.response.error(403, "Access Forbidden")
                # 此处注意,是 kong.service.request
                kong.service.request.add_header(f"X-Customer-Id", f"{customer_uuid}")
            # 出现其他错误,一律按照 403 处理
            except Exception as ex:
                kong.response.error(403, "Access Forbidden")
    # add below section to allow this plugin optionally be running in a dedicated process
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from kong_pdk.cli import start_dedicated_server
        start_dedicated_server("customer_verification", Plugin, version, priority, Schema)


  • certificate:请求协议为:https,grpcs,wss,在 SSL 握手的 SSL 证书服务阶段执行。
  • rewrite:请求协议为:*,作为重写阶段处理程序从客户端接收到每个请求时执行。
  • access:请求协议为:http(s),grpc(s),ws(s),针对来自客户端的每个请求以及在将其代理到上游服务之前执行。
  • response:请求协议为:http(s),grpc(s),替换header_filter()body_filter()。在从上游服务接收到整个响应之后,但在将响应的任何部分发送到客户端之前执行。
  • preread:每个连接执行一次。
  • log:每个连接关闭后执行一次。
  • 创建连接外部数据库



    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import os
    import hashlib
    import psycopg2
    import kong_pdk.pdk.kong as kong
    from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv
    # 此处注意需要从外部加载配置文件(位置可以自定义)
    Schema = ({"message": {"type": "string"}},)
    version = "1.0.0"
    priority = 9
    # This is an example plugin that add a header to the response
    class Plugin(object):
        def __init__(self, config):
            self.config = config
        def access(self, kong: kong.kong):
                headers = kong.request.get_headers()
                client_certificate_id = headers.get("client-certificate-id")
                client_request_signature = headers.get("client-request-signature")
                client_request_time = headers.get("client-request-time")
                if not client_certificate_id or not client_request_signature or not client_request_time:
                    kong.response.error(400, "Invalid Headers")
                client_certificate_key = ""
                customer_uuid = ""
                conn = psycopg2.connect(
                cur = conn.cursor()
                # 执行查询命令
                cur.execute(f"select uuid, authentication from customer where certificate = '{client_certificate_id}'")
                rows = cur.fetchall()
                for row in rows:
                    customer_uuid = row[0]
                    customer_authentication = row[1]
                    client_certificate_key = customer_authentication["client_key"]
                old_hash_data = f"{client_certificate_id}|{client_certificate_key}|{client_request_time}"
                new_hash_data = hashlib.sha256(old_hash_data.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
                if new_hash_data != client_request_signature:
                    kong.response.error(403, "Access Forbidden")
                kong.service.request.add_header(f"X-Customer-Id", f"{customer_uuid}")
            except Exception as ex:
                kong.response.error(403, "Access Forbidden")
    # add below section to allow this plugin optionally be running in a dedicated process
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from kong_pdk.cli import start_dedicated_server
        start_dedicated_server("customer_verification", Plugin, version, priority, Schema)

    到此为止,我们的插件基础逻辑已经结束, 接下来就是怎么让 Kong 能识别到这个插件并加载插件供我们使用!


    因为前期使用网关时是通过 Docker 启动的,所以此处插件也需要通过容器加载

    要使用需要外部插件服务器的插件,插件服务器和插件本身都需要安装在 Kong Gateway 容器内,将插件的源代码复制或挂载到 Kong Gateway 容器中。

  • 修改Dockerfile-Kong文件
  • FROM kong
    USER root
    # Example for GO:
    # COPY your-go-plugin /usr/local/bin/your-go-plugin
    # Example for JavaScript:
    # RUN apk update && apk add nodejs npm && npm install -g kong-pdk
    # COPY your-js-plugin /path/to/your/js-plugins/your-js-plugin
    # Example for Python
    # PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore is needed to build gevent on Python 3.9
    # RUN apk update && \
    #     apk add python3 py3-pip python3-dev musl-dev libffi-dev gcc g++ file make && \
    #    PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore pip3 install kong-pdk
    # 由于我们需要连接数据库和加载配置文件,所以需要改写 dockerfile
    # 安装Python3和第三方库
    RUN apk update && \
        apk add python3 py3-pip python3-dev musl-dev libffi-dev gcc g++ file make && \
        PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore pip3 install kong-pdk==0.32 python-dotenv==0.21.0 psycopg2-binary==2.9.5
    # 将源代码复制到容器中
    COPY plugins/customer-verification/customer_verification.py /usr/local/bin/customer_verification.py  # 注意这个位置,后期修改kong 的配置文件时需要保持一下
    # 赋权给文件,必须赋权不然会出现无权限无法执行文件,从而无法启动插件的情况
    RUN chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/customer_verification.py
    ## reset back the defaults
    #USER kong
    #ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
    #EXPOSE 8000 8443 8001 8444
    #HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s --timeout=10s --retries=10 CMD kong health
    #CMD ["kong", "docker-start"]

    修改 kong 配置文件

    # 修改日志级别为 debug,方便排查问题
    log_level = debug
    # 新增配置
    pluginserver_names = customer_verification  #名称自定义,需要与 Python 文件启动时的名称一样
    pluginserver_customer_verification_socket = /usr/local/kong/customer_verification.sock  # 可自定义,也可以直接放在kong 默认路径/usr/local/kong下
    pluginserver_customer_verification_start_cmd = /usr/local/bin/customer_verification.py -v  # 可自定义,也可以直接放在kong 默认路径/usr/local/bin下, -v 是可以输出更多信息
    pluginserver_customer_verification_query_cmd = /usr/local/bin/customer_verification.py --dump
    #pluginserver_names =            # Comma-separated list of names for pluginserver
                                     # processes.  The actual names are used for
                                     # log messages and to relate the actual settings.
    #pluginserver_XXX_socket = <prefix>/<XXX>.socket            # Path to the unix socket
                                                                # used by the <XXX> pluginserver.
    #pluginserver_XXX_start_cmd = /usr/local/bin/<XXX>          # Full command (including
                                                                # any needed arguments) to
                                                                # start the <XXX> pluginserver
    #pluginserver_XXX_query_cmd = /usr/local/bin/query_<XXX>    # Full command to "query" the
                                                                # <XXX> pluginserver.  Should
                                                                # produce a JSON with the
                                                                # dump info of all plugins it
                                                                # manages


    # /kong/kong/runloop/plugin_servers/process.lua
    local function get_server_defs()
      local config = kong.configuration
      if not _servers then
        _servers = {}
        for i, name in ipairs(config.pluginserver_names) do
          name = name:lower()
          kong.log.debug("search config for pluginserver named: ", name)
          local env_prefix = "pluginserver_" .. name:gsub("-", "_")
          _servers[i] = {
            name = name,
            socket = config[env_prefix .. "_socket"] or "/usr/local/kong/" .. name .. ".socket",
            start_command = config[env_prefix .. "_start_cmd"] or ifexists("/usr/local/bin/"..name),
            query_command = config[env_prefix .. "_query_cmd"] or ifexists("/usr/local/bin/query_"..name),
      return _servers
  • 修改 docker-compose 文件为
  • kong:
        image: kong:3.1
        container_name: kong
          context: ../kong
          dockerfile: Dockerfile-Kong
        restart: always
          - network
          - kong.env
          - 48000:8000 # 接收处理 http 流量
          - 48443:8443 # 接收处理 https 流量
          #- 8001:8001 # http 管理 API
          #- 8444:8444 # https 管理 API
          - './plugins/soc-log:/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/soc-log'  # 挂载路径不可变,需要是/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/
          - './plugins/constants.lua:/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/constants.lua'  ## 必须挂载,因为需要修改文件后使用自定义文件
          - './plugins/kong.conf.default:/etc/kong/kong.conf'  ## 挂载自定义的 kong 配置文件
          - './kong.env:/usr/local/kong/kong.env'  ## 挂载数据库配置文件

    修改 constants.lua文件

    需要再次修改constants.lua文件,因为 Kong 会从该文件根据名字加载插件。



    kong   | 2023/02/06 16:40:11 [debug] 1#0: [kong] process.lua:66 search config for pluginserver named: customer_verification  # 代表已经从配置文件中获取到插件配置
    kong   | 2023/02/06 16:40:11 [debug] 1#0: [kong] mp_rpc.lua:33 mp_rpc.new: /usr/local/kong/customer_verification.sock  # 该文件可自定义,或者由 kong 自己在默认路径中生成
    kong   | 2023/02/06 16:40:11 [debug] 1#0: [lua] plugins.lua:284: load_plugin(): Loading plugin: customer_verification  # 代表创建已经被 kong 识别到并加载
    kong   | 2023/02/06 16:40:12 [info] 1129#0: *602 [customer_verification:1133] WARN - [16:40:12] lua-style return values are used, this will be deprecated in the future; instead of returning (data, err) tuple, only data will be returned and err will be thrown as PDKException; please adjust your plugin to use the new python-style PDK API., context: ngx.timer
    kong   | 2023/02/06 16:40:12 [info] 1129#0: *602 [customer_verification:1133] INFO - [16:40:12] server started at path /usr/local/kong/customer_verification.sock, context: ngx.timer  # 代表插件服务器已经启动


    如果你还不相信,可以去 konga 中查看

    同志们,只要按照上述步骤去执行,你也可以开始开心的使用 Python 插件了!✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿