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After going through this discussion, I'm led to believe the option to attach to the same VM, by default has been disabled in OpenJDK11.

I'm trying to upgrade a java agent to OpenJDK11, during the test cases when VirtualMachine.attach(pid) is called I see it failing with below error. What is the correct way to deal with this situation?


java.io.IOException: Can not attach to current VM

at jdk.attach/sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:75)

at jdk.attach/sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachineImpl.(VirtualMachineImpl.java:48)

at jdk.attach/sun.tools.attach.AttachProviderImpl.attachVirtualMachine(AttachProviderImpl.java:69)

at jdk.attach/com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine.attach(VirtualMachine.java:207)

at org.kantega.notsoserial.WithAgentIT.attachAgent(WithAgentIT.java:76)

at org.kantega.notsoserial.WithAgentIT.attackShouldBePre

After going through this discussion, I'm led to believe the option to attach to the same VM, by default has been disabled in OpenJDK11.I'm trying to upgrade a java agent to OpenJDK11, during the test ...
1、报错信息 java .lang.IllegalStateExcept io n: Native library for Att ach API not available in this JRE Caused by: java .lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no att ach in java .library.path [TestNG] Running: C:\Users\lia
升级 jdk 8后系统报错解决: java .lang.RuntimeExcept io n: java . io . IOException : invalid constant type: 18
今天项目从 jdk 7升级到 jdk 8,Tomcat启动竟然报出这个运行时错误。 错误信息: java . io . IOException : invalid constant type: 18 2015-09-17 09:06:16:ERROR localhost-startStop-1 org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Context init
import com. sun . tools . att ach .AgentInitializat io nExcept io n; import com. sun . tools . att ach .AgentLoadExcept io n; import com. sun . tools . att ach . Att ach Not
文章目录1. 简介2.主要接口与类2.1 class Virtual Machine 2.1.1 概述2.1.2 方法2.1.3 使用示例2.2 Class Att ach Permiss io n att ach 实现 1. 简介 关于 Att ach API: This is a Sun private mechanism that allows an external process to start a th...
1. 问题:编译org.omg 无法 识别     原因:使用 JDK 11,某些类被removed掉了,详见https://gunnarmorling.github. io / jdk -api-diff/ jdk 10- jdk 11-api-diff.html     解决方法:使用 JDK 8 2. 问题:Cannot resolve symbol 'jmockit' IDEA    原因:引入包名错了
##首先 Virtual Machine d的作用 Virtual Machine 所支持的操作 在 JDK 中com. sun . tools . att ach . Virtual Machine 提供了一些从外部进程 att ach 到j vm 上,并执行一些操作的功能。 Virtual Machine 的子类HotSpot Virtual Machine 表示hotspot的虚拟机。 com. sun . tools . att ach . Virtual M...
[302 Found] during [GET] to [ io . virtual machine s] [ Virtual Machine OpenApi# virtual Machine 1()]: [<a href=" io . virtual machine s">Found</a>.