  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

R包 export 可以轻松的将R绘制的图和统计表输出到 Microsoft Office (Word、PowerPoint和Excel)、HTML和Latex中,其质量可以直接用于发表。

  1. 可以用命令将交互式R图或 ggplot2 Lattice base R 图保存到Microsoft Word、Powerpoint或其他各种位图或矢量格式。

  2. 完全可编辑的Powerpoint矢量格式输出,支持手动整理绘图布局。

  3. 统计分析 的输出保存为Excel、Word、PowerPoint、Latex或HTML文档的表格形式。

  4. 自定义R输出格式。

export 包可以在Windows、Ubuntu和Mac上跨平台运行。不过有些Mac发行版默认情况下没有安装cairo设备,需要自行安装。如果Mac用户已安装XQuartz,这个问题就解决了,它可以从https://www.xquartz.org/免费获得。




  • graph2bitmap

  • graph2office

  • graph2vector

  • rgl2bitmap 转换3D图

  • table2office

  • table2spreadsheet

  • table2tex

  • graph2bitmap: 将当前R图保存到bmp文件中

  • graph2png: 将当前R图保存到png文件中

  • graph2tif: 将当前R图保存到TIF文件中

  • graph2jpg: 将当前R图保存为JPEG文件


graph2bitmap(x = NULL, file = "Rplot", fun = NULL, type = c("PNG","JPG", "TIF"),
        aspectr = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, dpi = 300,scaling = 100,
        font =ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "Arial",
        "Helvetica")[[1]], bg = "white", cairo = TRUE,
        tiffcompression = c("lzw", "rle", "jpeg", "zip", "lzw+p", "zip+p"),
        jpegquality = 99, ...)
  • aspectr: 期望纵横比。如果设置为空,则使用图形设备的纵横比。

  • width: 所需宽度(英寸);可以与期望的纵横比aspectr组合。

  • height: 所需高度(英寸);可以与期望的纵横比aspectr组合。

  • scaling: 按一定比例缩放宽度和高度。

  • font: PNG和TIFF输出中标签所需的字体; Windows系统默认为Arial,其他系统默认为Helvetica。

  • bg: 所需的背景颜色,例如“白色”或“透明”。

  • cairo: 逻辑,指定是否使用Cairographics导出。

  • tiffcompression: 用于TIF文件的压缩。

  • jpegquality: JPEG压缩的质量。

安装完 export包后,先调用该包



x=qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris,
        color = Species, size = Petal.Width, alpha = I(0.7))


使用半透明的颜色可以有效减少图形元素重叠的现象,要创建半透明的颜色,可以使用alpha图形属性,其值从0(完全透明)到1(完全不透明)。更多ggplot2绘图见ggplot2高效实用指南 (可视化脚本、工具、套路、配色) (往期教程更有很多生物信息相关的例子)。


在console里展示数据图 (长宽比自己调节):


# 需运行上面的ggplot2绘图
# Create a file name
# 程序会自动加后缀
filen <- "output_filename" # or
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/ggplot")
# There are 3 ways to use graph2bitmap():
### 1. Pass the plot as an object
graph2png(x=x, file=filen, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)
graph2tif(x=x, file=filen, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)
graph2jpg(x=x, file=filen, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)


### 2. Get the plot from current screen device
# 注意这个x,是运行命令,展示图像
graph2png(file=filen, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)
graph2tif(file=filen, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)
graph2jpg(file=filen, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)


### 3. Pass the plot as a functio
plot.fun <- function(){
  print(qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris,
              color = Species, size = Petal.Width, alpha = 0.7))
graph2png(file=filen, fun=plot.fun, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)
graph2tif(file=filen, fun=plot.fun, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)
graph2jpg(file=filen, fun=plot.fun, dpi=400, height = 5, aspectr=4)




graph2ppt: 将当前R图保存到Microsoft Office PowerPoint/LibreOffice Impress演示文稿中。

graph2doc:将当前的R图保存到Microsoft Office Word/LibreOffice Writer文档中。


graph2office(x = NULL, file = "Rplot", fun = NULL, type = c("PPT", "DOC"),
        append = FALSE, aspectr = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL,scaling = 100,
        paper = "auto", orient = ifelse(type[1] == "PPT","landscape", "auto"),
        margins = c(top = 0.5, right = 0.5, bottom = 0.5, left= 0.5),
        center = TRUE, offx = 1, offy = 1, upscale = FALSE, vector.graphic = TRUE, ...)
  • margins: 预设留白边距向量。

  • paper: 纸张尺寸——“A5”至“A1”用于Powerpoint导出,或“A5”至“A3”用于Word输出;默认“auto”自动选择适合您的图形的纸张大小。如果图太大,无法在给定的纸张大小上显示,则按比例缩小。

  • orient: 所需的纸张方向-“自动”,“纵向”或“横向”; Word输出默认为“自动”,Powerpoint默认为“横向”。

  • vector.graphic: 指定是否以可编辑的向量DrawingML格式输出。默认值为TRUE,在这种情况下,编辑Powerpoint或Word中的图形时,可以先对图形元素进行分组。如果设置为FALSE,则将该图以300 dpi的分辨率栅格化为PNG位图格式。(栅(shān)格化,是PS中的一个专业术语,栅格即像素,栅格化即将矢量图形转化为位图。)


# 需运行上面的ggplot2绘图
# Create a file name
filen <- "output_filename" # or
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/ggplot")
# There are 3 ways to use graph2office():
### 1. Pass the plot as an object
# 导出图形对象
graph2ppt(x=x, file=filen)
graph2doc(x=x, file=filen, aspectr=0.5)
### 2. Get the plot from current screen device
# 导出当前预览窗口呈现的图
graph2ppt(file=filen, width=9, aspectr=2, append = TRUE)
graph2doc(file=filen, aspectr=1.7, append =TRUE)
### 3. Pass the plot as a function
# 导出自定义函数输出的一系列图
graph2ppt(fun=plot.fun, file=filen, aspectr=0.5, append = TRUE)
graph2doc(fun=plot.fun, file=filen, aspectr=0.5, append = TRUE)



graph2ppt(file="ggplot2_plot.pptx", aspectr=1.7)

增加第二张同样的图,9英寸宽和A4长宽比的幻灯片 (append=T,追加)

graph2ppt(file="ggplot2_plot.pptx", width=9, aspectr=sqrt(2), append=TRUE)


graph2ppt(file="ggplot2_plot.pptx", width=6, height=5, append=TRUE)


graph2ppt(x=x, file=filen, vector.graphic=FALSE, width=9, aspectr=sqrt(2), append = TRUE)


graph2ppt(x=x, file=filen, margins=0, upscale=TRUE, append=TRUE)
  • graph2svg: 将当前的R图保存为SVG格式

  • graph2pdf: 将当前的R图保存为PDF格式

  • graph2eps: 将当前的R图保存为EPS格式


graph2vector(x = NULL, file = "Rplot", fun = NULL, type = "SVG",aspectr = NULL,
        width = NULL, height = NULL, scaling = 100,
        font = ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows",
        "Arial","Helvetica")[[1]], bg = "white", colormodel = "rgb",
        cairo = TRUE,fallback_resolution = 600, ...)
  • fallback_resolution: dpi中的分辨率用于栅格化不支持的矢量图形。

# Create a file name
filen <- "output_filename" # or
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/ggplot")
# There are 3 ways to use graph2vector():
### 1. Pass the plot as an object
# 导出图形对象
graph2svg(x=x, file=filen, aspectr=2, font = "Times New Roman",
          height = 5, bg = "white")
graph2pdf(x=x, file=filen, aspectr=2, font = "Arial",
          height = 5,  bg = "transparent")
graph2eps(x=x, file=filen, aspectr=2, font = "Arial",
          height = 5, bg = "transparent")
# 导出当前预览窗口呈现的图
### 2. Get the plot from current screen device
graph2svg(file=filen, aspectr=2, font = "Arial",
          height = 5, bg = "transparent")
graph2pdf(file=filen, aspectr=2, font = "Times New Roman",
          height = 5, bg = "white")
graph2eps(file=filen, aspectr=2, font = "Times New Roman",
          height = 5, bg = "white")
# 导出自定义函数输出的一系列图
### 3. Pass the plot as a function
graph2svg(file=filen, fun = plot.fun, aspectr=2, font = "Arial",
          height = 5, bg = "transparent")
graph2pdf(file=filen, fun=plot.fun, aspectr=2, font = "Arial",
          height = 5, bg = "transparent")
graph2eps(file=filen, fun=plot.fun, aspectr=2, font = "Arial",
          height = 5, bg = "transparent")

rgl2png: 将当前的rgl 3D图形保存为PNG格式。

rgl2bitmap(file = "Rplot", type = c("PNG"))
# Create a file name
filen <- tempfile("rgl") # or
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/rgl")
# Generate a 3D plot using 'rgl'
x = y = seq(-10, 10, length = 20)
z = outer(x, y, function(x, y) x^2 + y^2)
rgl::persp3d(x, y, z, col = 'lightblue')
# Save the plot as a png
rgl2png(file = filen)
# Note that omitting 'file' will save in current directory



输出统计结果到表格 table2spreadsheet
  • table2excel: 导出统计输出到Microsoft Office Excel/ LibreOffice Calc电子表格中的一个表.

  • table2csv:将统计输出以CSV格式导出到表中(“,”表示值分隔,“。”表示小数)

  • table2csv2: 将统计输出以CSV格式导出到表中(“;”表示值分隔,”,”表示小数)

table2spreadsheet(x = NULL, file = "Rtable", type = c("XLS", "CSV",
  "CSV2"), append = FALSE, sheetName = "new sheet", digits = 2,
  digitspvals = 2, trim.pval = TRUE, add.rownames = FALSE, ...)
  • sheetName: 一个字符串,给出创建的新工作表的名称(仅针对type==”XLS”)。它必须是惟一的(不区分大小写),不受文件中任何现有工作表名称的影响。

  • digits:除具有p值的列外,要显示所有列的有效位数的数目。

  • digitspvals:具有p值的列要显示的有效位数的数目。

# Create a file name
filen <- "table_aov" # or
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/table_aov")
# Generate ANOVA output
fit=aov(yield ~ block + N * P + K, data = npk) # 'npk' dataset from base 'datasets'
# Save ANOVA table as a CSV
### Option 1: pass output as object
# 输出对象
table2csv(x=x,file=filen, digits = 1, digitspvals = 3, add.rownames=TRUE)
# 屏幕输出导出到文件
### Option 2: get output from console
table2csv(file=filen, digits = 2, digitspvals = 4, add.rownames=TRUE)
# Save ANOVA table as an Excel
# Without formatting of the worksheet
table2excel(file=filen, sheetName="aov_noformatting", digits = 1, digitspvals = 3, add.rownames=TRUE)
# 更多参数
# With formatting of the worksheet
table2excel(x=x,file=filen, sheetName="aov_formated", append = TRUE, add.rownames=TRUE, fontName="Arial", fontSize = 14, fontColour = rgb(0.15,0.3,0.75),  border=c("top", "bottom"), fgFill = rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9), halign = "center", valign = "center", textDecoration="italic")




导出为Word中的表,再也不用复制粘贴调格式了 table2office

table2ppt: 导出统计输出到Microsoft Office PowerPoint/ LibreOffice Impress演示文稿中的表

table2doc: 将统计输出导出到Microsoft Office Word/ LibreOffice Writer文档中的表

table2office(x = NULL, file = "Rtable", type = c("PPT", "DOC"),
  append = FALSE, digits = 2, digitspvals = 2, trim.pval = TRUE,
  width = NULL, height = NULL, offx = 1, offy = 1,
  font = ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "Arial",
  "Helvetica")[[1]], pointsize = 12, add.rownames = FALSE)
# Create a file name
filen <- "table_aov"
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/table_aov")
# Generate ANOVA output
fit=aov(yield ~ block + N * P + K, data = npk) # 'npk' dataset from base 'datasets'
# Save ANOVA table as a PPT
### Option 1: pass output as object
table2ppt(x=x,file=filen, digits = 1, digitspvals = 3, add.rownames =TRUE)
### Option 2: get output from console
table2ppt(x=x,file=filen, width=5, font="Times New Roman", pointsize=14, digits=4, digitspvals=1, append=TRUE, add.rownames =TRUE) # append table to previous slide
# Save ANOVA table as a DOC file
table2doc(x=x,file=filen, digits = 1, digitspvals = 3, add.rownames =TRUE)
table2doc(file=filen, width=3.5, font="Times New Roman", pointsize=14,  digits=4, digitspvals=1, append=TRUE, add.rownames =TRUE) # append table at end of document



table2html: 导出统计输出到HTML表。

table2tex(x = NULL, file = "Rtable", type = "TEX", digits = 2,
  digitspvals = 2, trim.pval = TRUE, summary = FALSE, standAlone = TRUE,
  add.rownames = FALSE, ...)




# Create a file name
filen <- tempfile(pattern = "table_aov") # or
# filen <- paste("YOUR_DIR/table_aov")
# Generate ANOVA output
fit=aov(yield ~ block + N * P + K, data = npk) # 'npk' dataset from base 'datasets'
# Export to Latex in standAlone format
table2tex(x=x,file=filen,add.rownames = TRUE)
# Export to Latex to paste in tex document
summary(fit) # get output from the console
table2tex(file=filen, standAlone = FALSE,add.rownames = TRUE)
# Export to HTML
table2html(x=x,file=filen) # or
summary(fit) # get output from the console
table2html(file=filen,add.rownames = TRUE)



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第七讲R语言 导入导出数据.ppt第七讲 导入导出数据;导入数据;read.table(file, header = FALSE,sep = "",quote = "\"'", dec = ".",row.names, col.names, as.is = FALSE,na.strings = "NA",colClasses = NA,nrows = -1,skip = 0, check.nam... R包export可以轻松的将R绘制的图和统计表输出到 Microsoft Office (Word、PowerPoint和Excel)、HTMLLatex中,其质量可以直接用于发表。你... 最近CRAN上新了一个叫eoffice的package,并且不时被各路大佬提起。这个包的功能刚好也符合我最近的需求,这次带各位先来试试水。包的官方介绍:1. Introduction​cran.r-project.org这次主要试试在word中用该包插入ggplot。既然要试,图就整的复杂一点:> rm(list = ls()) used (Mb) ... 这个样子,如果变量很多的话就需要码很多字非常麻烦,于是我写了一个python程序,只要把 (Intercept) -3.690e-15 2.785e-02 0.000 1.00000 x1 3.193e-01 9.120e-02 3.501 0.00296 ** x2 1.215e+00 1.718e-01 7.073 2.64e-0