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Abstract: The experiment aimed to examine whether internal-control motivation of suicide play a role of moderator between cognitive resource and implicit suicide attitude. The study found that implicit suicide attitude of low self-determination motivation students is remarkably lower when there exists cognitive resource, but implicit suicide attitude of high self-determination motivation students has no significant differences whether there is cognitive resource or not. The results indicated that internal-control motivation of suicide moderates the relationship of cognitive resource and implicit suicide attitude.

Key words: cognitive resource, implicit suicide attitude, internal-control motivation of suicide. [1] 陈艺华, 叶一舵, 王丽馨, 梁世钟, 孙洁.(2012). 大学生生命意义感与自杀意念的关系研究. 南京医科大学学报(社会科学版), 12(6), 423-426.
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