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Abstract: Nowadays, under the dual impact of capitalist crisis and COVID-19 pandemic, neoliberalism, which takes the dominant position in the West, has once again become the focus of criticism by foreign left-wing scholars in the paradox of theoretical logic and its global practice. The neo-Gramscian perspective in the field of international political economics starts from the social relations of production and focuses on transnational factors. Based on the logic of production and capital, it criticizes neoliberalism as an ideology as well as a hegemonic scheme with both deconstruction and construction, which plays an important role in European integration and globalization. From the standpoint of historical materialism and transnationalism, the neo-Gramscian perspective, breaks through the implication that neoliberalism is only regarded as a kind of "cultural hegemony" in the ideological field, and provides a new theoretical perspective for understanding and criticizing neoliberalism.