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· 博士( 2011.9-2015.12 ):香港大学,地质学专业(导师:张素菁博士 & 周美夫教授)

· 硕士( 2008.9-2011.7 ):中国石油大学(华东),构造地质学专业(导师:吕洪波教授)

· 本科( 2004.9-2008.7 ):中国石油大学(华东),地质学专业


· 2020.1-2020.2 :澳大利亚科廷大学,访问学者

· 2019.10- 今:云南大学,副教授(云南大学“双一流”建设引进人才)

· 2016.1-2019.9 :香港大学,研究助理及博士后

· 2016.10 :德国哥廷根大学,访问学者

· 2011, 2012 & 2013 :台湾大学 & 中央研究院,访问学者


· NSFC- 云南联合基金重点支持项目,滇中成矿带元古代裂谷盆地铜钴和富铁矿成矿作用,子课题, 2023-2027 ,主持

· 云南省“兴滇英才支持计划” 青年人才专项(滇中恐龙动物群同位素定年:对蜥脚类恐龙起源和演化的启示, 2023-2027 ,主持

· “川渝共建古生物与古环境协同演化”重庆市重点实验室开放课题,黔江正阳盆地正阳组地层年龄格架研究, 2024-2026 ,参与

· 云南省基础研究计划青年项目,苏鲁造山带中段胶莱盆地白垩系沉积物源研究, 2021-2024 ,主持

· 云南大学“双一流”建设引进人才项目,川、滇地区中生代陆相盆地构造 - 沉积耦合关系, 2019-2025 ,主持


· 本科生:《构造地质学》、《地球系统科学导论》

· 硕士研究生:《沉积学》


Wang, J. , Luo, L.D., Yuan, Y.J., Chu, C., He, H. 2024. Jurassic tectonic regime transition of the southwestern Yangtze block, SW China: evidence from sedimentary provenance analysis. Journal of the Geological Society. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2023-190

Luo, L.D., Wang, J.* , Yuan, Y.J., Liu, Z.R., Jiao, M.Y., Zhang, Y.A., Zhang, S.K. 2023. Detrital zircon geochronology of Early Jurassic successions in the Central Yunnan Basin, SW China: implications of sedimentary provenance and tectonic evolution. Journal of Earth Science. Accepted.

Wang, J. , Yuan, Y. J., Zhang, D. X., et al., 2022b. Detrital zircon geochronology of Late Cretaceous successions in the Ganzhou basin, South China: Evidence of a major tectonic transition. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 521.  SP521-2021-168.

Wang, J. , Zhou, C. F., Jourdan, F., et al., 2022a. Jehol fossils from the Jiaolai Basin of Shandong, North China: review and new perspectives. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 521. SP521-2021-138.

Wang, J. , Norell, M., Chang, S.C., et al., 2019c. Surprisingly young age for the primitive sauropod Mamenchisaurus in South China. Cretaceous Research 104, 104176.

Wang, J. , Chang, S.C., Chen,Y., et al., 2019b. Early Cretaceous transpressional and transtensional tectonics straddling the Sulu Orogenic Belt, East China . Geoscience Frontiers 10, 2287-2300.

Wang, J. , Pei, R., Zhou, Z.Z., et al., 2019a. New age constraints for the Middle Triassic archosaur Lotosaurus : Implications for basal archosaurian appearance and radiation in South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 521, 30-41.

Wang, J., Ye, Y., Pei, R., et al., 2018. Age of the Jurassic basal sauropods in Sichuan, China: A reappraisal of the evolution of basal sauropods. GSA Bulletin 130, 1493-1500 .

Wang, J., Chang, S.C., Lin, P.J., et al. 2016b. Evidence of Early Cretaceous transpression in the Sulu orogenic belt, eastern China . Tec t onoph y sics 687, 44- 5 5 .

Wang, J., Chang, S.C., Lu, H.B., et al. 2016a. Detrital zircon provenances of the Wangshi and Laiyang groups of the Jiaolai Basin: evidence for Early Cretaceous uplift of the Sulu orogen, Eastern China. International Geology Review 58, 719-736.

Wang, J., Chang, S.C., Lu, H.B., et al. 201 5 . Geochronology and geochemistry of Early Cretaceous igneous suites from central Sulu orogenic belt: Evidence for crustal delamination during a shift in regional regime. Journal of Asian Earth Science 112, 49-59 .

Wang, J. , Chang, S.C., Lu, H.B., et al. 2014. Detrital zircon U-Pb age constraints on Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Lingshan Island and implications for tectonic evolution of Eastern Shandong, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Science 96, 27-45.

王俊 , 江武龙 , 余雅兰 , 华仕豪 , 孔凡浩 , 袁玉洁 , 王世炎 . 2023. 华北克拉通南缘中元古界熊耳群大古石组沉积环境——来自地球化学的证据.沉积学报 . doi:10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.012

林雨 , 王俊 *, 罗亮东 , 李德亮 , 熊璨 , 肖明 , 张赛柯 , 方瑞泽 , 杨代峰 . 2024. 渝东南正阳盆地晚白垩世沉积及构造演化 . 地质论评 . doi:10.16509/j.georeview.2024.04.022

Dai, H., Ma, Q., Xiong, C., Lin, Y., Zeng, H., Tan, C., Wang, J. , Zhang, Y., Xing, H., 2025. A new late-diverging non-hadrosaurid hadrosauroid (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from southwest China: Support for interchange of dinosaur faunas across East Asia during the Late Cretaceous, Cretaceous Research, 166, 105995.

Liang, Y., Liu, Z.R., Algeo, T.J., Meng, L., Ming, C.D., Wang, J. , Song, B.W., Liu, Z.H., Zhou, M.F., 2024. Contrasting dynamics of marine bacterial-algal communities between the two main pulses of the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 645, 118956.

Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Gu, J., Wu, S., Al-Khdheeawi, E.A., Wang, J. , Pan, B., 2023. High-resolution coupling of stratigraphic sweet spot lithofacies and petrophysical properties: A multiscale study of Ordovician Goldwyer Formation, Western Australia. Petroleum Science, 20 , 1312-1326.

Zhou, T., Zhou, Y., Søager, N., Holm, P.M., Zhang, Z., Wang, J. , Liang, Z., Mu, H., Cheng, Y., Liu, F., Wang, M., 2022. Late Mesozoic rifting and its deep dynamic mechanisms in the central Sulu orogenic belt: Records from Lingshan Island. Science China Earth Sciences, 65, 1751-1771.

Zheng, D.R., Chang, S.C., Algeo, T., Zhang, H., Wang, B., Wang, H., Wang, J., Feng, C.Q., Xu, H.H., 2020. Age constraint for an earliest Famennian forest and its implications for Frasnian-Famennian boundary in West Junggar, Northwest China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 552, 109749.

Zheng , D.R., Nel, A., Jarzembowski, E.A., Wang , J. , et al., 2019. New gomphaeschnid dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnoptera) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research 100, 138-144.

Chen, Q., Sun, M., Zhao, G., Zhao, J., Zhu, W., Long, X., Wang, J. , 2019. Episodic crustal growth and reworking of the Yudongzi terrane, South China: Constraints from the Archean TTGs and potassic granites and Paleoproterozoic amphibolites. Lithos 326, 1-18.

Zheng, D.R., Chang, S.C., Perrichot, V., Dutta, S., Rudra, A., Mu, L., Kell, R.S., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q.Q., Wang, J. , et al., 2018a. A latest Cretaceous amber biota from central Myanmar, Nature Communications 9, p.3170.

Zheng, D.R., Chang, S.C., Wang, H., Fang, Y., Wang, J. , et al., 2018b. Middle-Late Triassic insect radiation revealed by diverse fossils and isotopic ages from China. Science Advances 4, p.eaat1380.

Feng, C.Q., Gao, C.H., Yin, Q.Z., Jacobsen, B., Wang, J. , et al. 2018. Tracking physicochemical conditions of evaporite deposition by stable magnesium isotopes: a case study of late Permian langbeinites. Geochemistry, Geophyics, Geosystem 19, 2615-2630.

Chen, Q., Sun, M., Long, X., Zhao, G., Wang, J. , et al. 2018. Provenance study for Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from west Yangtze Block:Constraint on possible link of South China to Gondwana supercontinent reconstruction. Precambrian Research 309, 271-289.

Chen, Q., Sun, M., Zhao, G., Yang, F., Long, X., Li, J., Wang, J. , et al. 2017. Origin of the mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) and their host granitoids from the Tagong pluton in Songpan-Ganze terrane: An igneous response to the closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean. Lithos 290, 1-17. (SCI, IF: 3.7)

Zheng, D.R., Xu, H.H., Wang, J. , et al. 2016. Geochronologic age constraints on the Middle Devonian Hujiersite Flora of Xinjiang, NW China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 463, 230-237.

Chang, S.C., Dassanayake, S., Wang, J. 2016. Preliminary analysis of detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the fossil-rich Tabbowa beds, Sri Lanka. Palaeoworld 26, 396-402.

王俊 , 江武龙 , 余雅兰 , 华仕豪 , 孔凡浩 , 袁玉洁 , 王世炎 . 2023. 华北克拉通南缘中元古界熊耳群大古石组沉积环境——来自地球化学的证据.沉积学报 . https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.012

肖嵩 , 王俊 , 王敏 , 洪刚 , 刘凤祥 , 李音 , 周家喜 , 2022. 云南临沧岔河稀土矿床矿物学和微量元素地球化学特征 . 大地构造与成矿学 , 202105007.

吕洪波 , 冯雪东 , 王俊 , . 2018. 狼山发现蛇绿混杂岩 - 华北克拉通与中亚造山带碰撞边界的关键证据 . 地质论评 64 , 7 7 7- 805 .


· 李哲瀚(2024级,矿物、岩石、矿床学专业)

· 鲁宇童(2024级,资源与环境专业)

· 温倩茹( 2023 级,地球化学专业)

· 果( 2023 级,矿物、岩石、矿床学专业)

· 张世英( 2022 级,构造地质学专业,论文题目:昆阳裂谷古 - 中元古带构造 - 沉积演化)

· 张赛柯( 2021 级,构造地质学专业,论文题目:渝东南正阳盆地白垩纪构造演化)

· 方瑞泽( 2021 级,构造地质学专业,论文题目:点苍山地区晚新生代构造运动学及动力学研究)

· 杨思梦( 2021 级,资源与环境专业,论文题目:基于 InSAR GIS 技术的大理市地震应急避难方案研究

· 焦梦妍( 2020 级,矿物、岩石、矿床学专业,论文题目:川中五峰 - 龙马溪组火山灰层与页岩有机质富集的耦合关系)

· 罗亮东( 2020 级,构造地质学专业,论文题目:滇中盆地侏罗纪构造演化 - 来自重矿物的证据)

· 嵩( 2019 级,构造地质学专业,论文题目:云南临沧岔河花岗岩成因、构造意义及其对稀土成矿的制约)


1. 构造地质学; 2. 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学; 3. 地球化学 4. 资源与环境专硕