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/usr/bin/ld: unrecognised emulation mode: armelf_linux_eabi


/opt/android-ndk-r18b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc --version

Android (4751641 based on r328903) clang version 7.0.2 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/clang 003100370607242ddd5815e4a043907ea9004281) (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm 1d739ffb0366421d383e04ff80ec2ee591315116) (based on LLVM 7.0.2svn)

Target: arm--linux-android

Thread model: posix

InstalledDir: /opt/android-ndk-r18b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/../../../../llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin


刚刚下载的NDK在链接旧项目时失败:/usr/bin/ld: unrecognised emulation mode: armelf_linux_eabi看来,clang隐藏在gcc的面具后面:/opt/android-ndk-r18b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androide...
BOOK DESCRIPTION Android NDK is used for multimedia applications which require direct access to a system’s resources. Android NDK is also the key for portability, which in turn provides a reasonably comfortable development and debugging process using familiar tools such as GCC and Clang toolchains. If your wish to build Android games using this amazing framework, then this book is a must-have. This book provides you with a number of clear step-by-step recipes which will help you to start developing mobile games with Android NDK and boost your productivity debugging them on your computer. This book will also provide you with new ways of TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Establishing a Build Environment Chapter 2. Porting Common Libraries Chapter 3. Networking Chapter 4. Organizing a Virtual Filesystem Chapter 5. Cross-platform Audio Streaming Chapter 6. Unifying OpenGL ES 3 and OpenGL 3
一般而言在 Android 上使用JAVA实现彩图转换为灰度图,与J2ME上的实现方法类似,不过遇到频繁地转换或者是大图转换时,就必须使用 NDK 来提高速度了。本文主要通过JAVA和 NDK 这两种方式来分别实现彩图转换为灰度图,并给出速度的对比,供大家参考。 先来简单地介绍一下 Android NDK 使用步骤: 以 NDK r4为例,或许以后新版的 NDK 的使用方法略有不同。 1、下载支持C++的 android - ndk -r4-crystax,支持C++的话可玩性更强。 2、下载cygwin,选择ftp://mirrors.kernel.org这个镜像,搜索  Devel Install 安装 gcc 和 m
ISBN-13: 978-1782167785 For C++ developers, this is the book that can swiftly propel you into the potentially profitable world of Android games. The 70+ step-by-step recipes using Android NDK will give you the wide-ranging knowledge you need. Overview Tips and tricks for developing and debugging mobile games on your desktop Enhance your applications by writing multithreaded code for audio playback, network access, and asynchronous resource loading Enhance your game development skills by using modern OpenGL ES and develop applications without using an IDE Features two ready-to-run Android games In Detail Android NDK is used for multimedia applications which require direct access to a system's resources. Android NDK is also the key for portability, which in turn provides a reasonably comfortable development and debugging process using familiar tools such as GCC and Clang toolchains. If your wish to build Android games using this amazing framework, then this book is a must-have. This book provides you with a number of clear step-by-step recipes which will help you to start developing mobile games with Android NDK and boost your productivity debugging them on your computer. This book will also provide you with new ways of working as well as some useful tips and tricks that will demonstrably increase your development speed and efficiency. This book will take you through a number of easy-to-follow recipes that will help you to take advantage of the Android NDK as well as some popular C++ libraries. It presents Android application development in C++ and shows you how to create a complete gaming application. You will learn how to write portable multithreaded C++ code, use HTTP networking, play audio files, use OpenGL ES, to render high-quality text, and how to recognize user gestures on multi-touch devices. If you want to leverage your C++ skills in mobile development and add performance to your Android applications, then this is the book for you. What you will learn from this book Port popular C++ libraries to Android Write portable multithreaded code Play audio with OpenAL Implement gesture recognition Render text with FreeType Use OpenGL ES to port and abstract APIs from the game code to develop games on a desktop PC Debug mobile applications on your desktop Access Flickr and Picasa web services from C++ Extract resources from APK archives Develop Android applications without an IDE tar xf gcc -linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar -C /opt/ 2 修改交叉编译链权限: chmod -Rf 777 /opt/ gcc -linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/ 3 修改/etc/profile,配置PATH。 export ARCH=arm export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/ gcc -linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86
在编译osg的 Android 库时遇到的问题。 使用的 NDK 版本为 android - ndk -r19c,在 android - ndk -r16b中能找到相关的 gcc 程序。 问题原因: ndk 慢慢把clang作为主编译器, gcc 将会被移除。 ndk 16b的一个重要发布提示: GCC 不再受支持,虽然尚未从 NDK 中移除,但其已不再接收向后移植项。只有在 libc++ 足够稳定,可以成为默认 STL 之后,才能移除 GCC ,因为 gnustl 的某些部分仍与 Clang 不兼容。当从 r18 中移除其他 STL