请注意:下文中的一些示例引用自 ClickHouse 社区文档 并经过一定修改确保可以在 ByteHouse 中正常使用。 anySelects the first encountered value.The query can be executed in any order and even in a differen... ByteHouse (in contrast to MySQL) requires that all expressions in the SELECT , HAVING , and ORDER BY clauses be calculated from keys or from aggregate functions. In other words, each column selecte...
请注意:下文中的一些示例引用自 ClickHouse 社区文档 并经过一定修改确保可以在 ByteHouse 中正常使用。 CASTConverts an input value to the specified data type. Unlike the reinterpret function, CAST tries to present the same value using the new data type. If the conversion can not be done then an exception is raised. Syntax sql CAST(x, T)CAST(x AS t)Arguments x — A value to convert. May be of any type...
请注意:下文中的一些示例引用自 ClickHouse 社区文档 并经过一定修改确保可以在 ByteHouse 中正常使用。 generateUUIDv4Generates the UUID of version 4 . Syntax sql generateUUIDv4()Returned value The UUID type value. ExamplesThis example demonstrates creating a table with the UUID type column and inserting a value into the table. sql CREATE TABLE test.functionGenerateUUIDv4 (x UUID) ENGINE=CnchMergeTree...