import paramiko, time, re, os from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse import telnetlib ###cherche hotes depuis fichier hosts.txt### with open("./hosts/hosts.txt","r") as f: hosts = re.findall(r'(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)', f.read()) f.close() ###boucle pour chaque hotes### for host in hosts: state = "" running_config = "" ###Connexion SSH switch### client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(host, username='admin', password='XXXXX') ###création shell interactif### connection = client.invoke_shell() ###commande enable### connection.send("enable\n") time.sleep(1) connection.send("XXXX\n") ###commande running-config### connection.send("terminal length 0\n") ###Permet l'affichage de l'intégralité des commande### time.sleep(1) connection.send("show running-config\n") ###récupération commande running-config### resp_run = connection.recv(10000).decode(encoding='utf-8') ###fermeture sessions SSH### connection.close() client.close() ###Traitement running-config### regex = re.compile(r'(Current configuration : (.+\n)+end)') res = re.findall (regex, resp_run) running_config = res[0][0] ###aide appel variable except: ###si fail SSH test telnet### state = "SSH NOK "###Permet génération rapport### ###connexion telnet si SSH NOK### session = telnetlib.Telnet(host, 23) session.write(b"admin\n") session.read_until(b"Password: ") session.write(b"XXXXXX\n") time.sleep(1) session.write(b"enable\n") session.read_until(b"Password: ") session.write(b"XXXXXX\n") session.read_until(b"#") session.write(b"term len 0\n") session.write(b"show run\n") res = session.read_until(b"\nend").decode('utf-8') ###fermeture session telnet### session.close() ###récupération commande running-config### regex = re.compile(r'(Current configuration : (.+\n)+end)') res = re.findall(regex, res) running_config = res[0][0] ###aide appel variable### except: state += "TELNET NOK"###Permet génération rapport### ###Création fichier running_config.txt + dir selon host### newpath = ('./config_switch/'+host+'/') if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) f = open("./config_switch/"+host+"/running_config.txt", "w+") f.write(running_config) f.close() ###test ssh telnet pour rapport### if not state: print (host+" OK") else: print (host+" : "+state+" ERREUR") ###generation rapport### f = open("./rapport.txt","a") f.write(state) f.close() ###arrêt de 2sec par sécurité### time.sleep(2)
发布于 2019-11-30 22:00:14
#Make Connection To Device Through SSH (If returns None Do Not Proceed) def connectToCPESSH(ip, uname, pin, CI_LOCAL_ID, CI_Name, CI_Org_Name, runIDnull): ip = ip.strip() SSHCliente = None client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(ip, port=22, username=uname, password=pin, timeout=240,banner_timeout=250, auth_timeout=500) SSHCliente = client.invoke_shell() return SSHCliente except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as ssh1Err: return "Equipment SSH version error : " + str(ssh1Err) if isinstance(SSHCliente, paramiko.channel.Channel): SSHCliente.close() sys.exit() return None except Exception as e: if isinstance(SSHCliente, paramiko.channel.Channel): SSHCliente.close() tln = telnetlib.Telnet(ip) print("Use Telnet Access to " + str(e) + " ### " + str(t)) except Exception as t: print("Crab! Both Telnet and SSH Connection Failed ! " + str(e) + " ### " + str(t)) return None
因此,在上面的代码中,我们尝试通过SSH进行连接,如果我们得到一个关于SSHException的错误,我们记录它,如果我们得到任何错误,尝试Telnet (这是可选的,我们对一些旧设备使用Telnet )。
#Wait Prompt For The First Connection def waitForPrompt(cxn): appendedScrnRslt = "" lastScrnRslt = "" routerType = "" outerLoop = True timerx = 0 while outerLoop == True: tempScrn = cxn.recv(65100).decode('ascii') if(lastScrnRslt != tempScrn): appendedScrnRslt += tempScrn lastScrnRslt = tempScrn if("#" in tempScrn or ">" in tempScrn or "]" in tempScrn): if("#" in tempScrn): routerType = "Cisco" if(("<" in tempScrn and ">" in tempScrn) or ("[" in tempScrn and "]" in tempScrn) ): routerType = "Huawei" break timerx += 1 if(timerx >= 100): logging.warn("Uppss! No Connection") routerType = "N/A" break return routerType
#Send Command and Recevie CIdatafromSQL def sendCmdToSSH(cxn, cmd, routerType, timeout): appendedScrnRslt = "" lastScrnRslt = "" cxn.send(bytes(cmd+ "\x0D", 'utf-8')) time.sleep(2) timery = time.perf_counter() while time.perf_counter() - timery <= timeout: if(routerType == "Cisco"): tempScrn = cxn.recv(65100).decode('ascii') if(lastScrnRslt != tempScrn): appendedScrnRslt += tempScrn lastScrnRslt = tempScrn arrTmp = tempScrn.split('\r\n') arrTmp.reverse() if("#" in arrTmp[0]): break arrTmp = [] if(routerType == "Huawei"): tempScrn = cxn.recv(65100).decode('ascii') if(lastScrnRslt != tempScrn): appendedScrnRslt += tempScrn lastScrnRslt = tempScrn arrTmp = tempScrn.split('\r\n') arrTmp.reverse() if(">" in arrTmp[0] or "]" in arrTmp[0] ): break