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RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [64, 256, 7, 7]], which is output 0 of InPlaceABNBackward, is at version 3; expected version 1 instead. Hint: the backtrace further above shows the operation that failed to compute its gradient. The variable in question was changed in there or anywhere later. Good luck!


1. InplaceABN提供的block

ABN is standard BN + activation (no memory savings).
InPlaceABN is BN+activation done inplace (with memory savings).
InPlaceABNSync is BN+activation done inplace (with memory savings) + computation of BN (fwd+bwd) with data from all the gpus.

2. Inplace shortcut

out += residual to out = out + residual


我遇到的问题其实是,在 ResidualBlock中,有InplaceABN和add_两个连续的inplce操作。

3. 解决方案



inplace_abn/resnet.py at main · mapillary/inplace_abn · GitHub

inplace_abn/residual.py at main · mapillary/inplace_abn · GitHub

近日在对一个包含InplaceABN模块的网络进行魔改的时候,遇到了如下报错:RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [64, 256, 7, 7]], which is output 0 of InPlaceABNBackward, is at version 3; expec
就地激活的批次标准 就地激活的BatchNorm( InPl ace - ABN )是一种新颖的方法,可以减少训练深度网络所需的内存。 通过将BN +非线性激活重新定义为一次就地操作,它可以在现代体系结构(如ResNet,ResNeXt和Wider ResNet)中节省多达50%的内存,同时根据需要智能地丢弃或重新计算中间缓冲区。 该存储库包含 InPl ace - ABN 层的实现,以及一些用于重现本文中报告的ImageNet分类结果的训练脚本。 现在,我们还发布了用于语义分割的推理代码,以及的Mapillary Vistas训练模型。 可以在本页底部找到更多信息。 如果您在研究中使用就地激活的批次标准,请引用: @inproce ed ings { rotabulo2017pl ace , title = { In-Pl ace Activat ed BatchNorm for Memory-Opti
Tr ace back (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 14, in <module> from unet import UNet File "/data3/yuechen/new/ pytorch _unet/unet/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> from .unet_model import UNet
pytorch GPU多卡并行的一点坑说在前头1、torch.cuda()2、ninja 的问题3、libcudart.so.9.1 找不到4、os.environ[&amp;quot;CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES&amp;quot;] 设置无效5、 Inpl ace ABN Sync 使用中的编译相关问题6、 Inpl ace ABN Sync 同步时卡住不动 众所周知,torch.nn.DataParallel(va...
2、大部分情况是model为GPU而输入data为CPU,此时 错误内容大概就是指输入类型是CPU(torch.FloatTensor),而参数类型是GPU(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)。 关于数据类型的链接:官方链接 首先,请先检查是否正确使用了CUDA。 通常我们这样指定使用CUDA: device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_availabl
PyTorch 报错“Runtime Error : one of the variables ne ed ed for gradient computation has been modifi ed by……”
如果安装 inpl ace _ abn 报错如下: distutils. error s.Distutils Error : Could not find suitable distribution forRequirement.parse('setuptools_scm') Command "python setup.py egg