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2. 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目, QYZDJ-SSW-JSC015 ,高强韧 / 高导纳米碳 - 金属复合材料的多尺度构型设计与制备基础, 2016.08-2021.07 300 万元,在研。 3. 国家自然科学基金辽宁省联合项目, U1508216 ,核燃料贮运用新型 B 4 C/Al 中子吸收材料高效制备及成型基础研究, 2016.01-2019.12 295.2 万元,结题。 4. 国家自然科学基金 重点项目 51331008 轻合金搅拌摩擦焊接 / 加工中组织控制与力学行为研究, 2014.01-2018.12 300 万元,结题。 5. 国家重大科学研究计划( 973 计划)项目, 2011CB932603 碳纳米管复合材料关键制备技术及规模化应用研究, 2011.01-2015.08 300 万元,结题。 (3) 马宗义 倪丁瑞,薛鹏, 肖伯律,王东, 一种改善铝铜异质金属连接强度的搅拌摩擦焊接方法, 专利号 200810230080.4 2012 1 11 日授权。 (4) 马宗义 ,肖伯律,王东, 一种提高铝 - 锆基非晶合金搅拌摩擦焊接头强度的方法, 专利号 200810230192.x 2012 5 23 日授权。 (5) 薛鹏, 马宗义 ,肖伯律,一种增强接头力学性能的搅拌摩擦焊接工艺,专利号: 201010594943.3 2014 5 7 日授权。 (6) 马宗义 ,刘振宇,肖伯律,一种高体积分数的碳纳米管增强金属基复合材料制备方法,专利号: 201110338421.1 2014 7 2 日。 (7) 肖伯律,马宗义,王全兆,王东,倪丁瑞,一种铝基复合材料板材的轧制方法,专利号: 201611144480.4 2019 2 26 日授权。 (8) 马宗义,昝宇宁,肖伯律,王全兆,王东,倪丁瑞,一种耐高温 AlN Al 2 O 3 共增强的铝基复合材料及其制备方法,专利号: 201811453938.3 2019 10 18 日授权。 (9) 王东,马宗义,肖伯律,王全兆,倪丁瑞,张星星,刘振宇,薛鹏,一种不连续增强铝基复合材料的锻件制备工艺,专利号: 201611113534.0 2019 11 8 日授权。 (10) 倪丁瑞,马宗义,肖伯律,王东,王全兆,薛鹏,张星星,刘振宇,一种提高铝基复合材料板材轧制成品率的加工方法,专利号: 201611091554.2 2019 11 8 日授权。 (1) Y.N. Zan, Y.T. Zhou, H. Zhao, Z.Y. Liu, Q.Z. Wang*, D. Wang, W.G. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma*, Enhancing high-temperature strength of (B 4 C+Al 2 O 3 )/Al designed for neutron absorbing materials by constructing lamellar structure, Compos. B , 183 (2020) 107674. (2) Z.Y. Liu, K. Ma, G.H. Fan, K. Zhao, J.F. Zhang, B.L. Xiao*, Z.Y. Ma*, Enhancement of the strength-ductility relationship for carbon nanotube/Al–Cu–Mg nanocomposites by material parameter optimi z ation, Carbon , 157 (2020) 602-613. (3) Y.N. Zan, Q. Zhang, Y.T. Zhou, Z.Y. Liu, Q.Z. Wang, D. Wang, B.L. Xiao*, W.C. Ren, Z.Y. Ma*, Introducing graphene (reduced graphene oxide) into Al matrix composites for enhanced high-temperature strength, Compos. B , 195 (2020) 108095. (4) H. Zhang, P. Xue*, L.H. Wu, Q.N. Song, D. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma*, Effect of grain ultra-refinement on corrosion behavior of ultra-high strength high nitrogen stainless steel, Corros. Sci ., 174 (2020) 108847. (5) L.H. Wu, X.B. Hu, Y.Z. Li, B.L. Xiao, X.L. Ma, Z.Y. Ma , Fabrication of high-quality Ti joint with ultrafine grains using submerged friction stirring technology and its microstructural evolution mechanism, Acta Mater ., 166, 3 (2019) 371-385. (6) P. Xue, B.B. Wang, X.H. An*, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao , Z.Y. Ma* , Improved cyclic softening behavior of ultrafine-grained Cu with high microstructural stability, Scripta Mater ., 166 (2019) 10-14 (June 2019) . (7) Z.W. Zhang, Z.Y. Liu, B.L. Xiao, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma , High efficiency dispersal and strengthening of graphene reinforced aluminum alloy composites fabricated by powder metallurgy combined with friction stir processing, Carbon , 135 (2018) 215-223. (8) Z.Y. Liu, B.L. Xiao, W.G. Wang, Z.Y. Ma*, Modelling of carbon nanotube dispersion and strengthening mechanisms in Al matrix composites prepared by high energy ball milling-powder metallurgy method, Compos. A , 94 (2017) 189-198. (9) L.H. Wu, P. Xue, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma*, Achieving superior low-temperature superplasticity for lamellar microstructure in nugget of a friction stir welded Ti-6Al-4V joint, Scripta Mater ., 122 (2016) 26-30. (10) X.X. Zhang, D.R. Ni, B.L. Xiao, H. Andrä, W.M. Gan, M. Hofmann, Z.Y. Ma , Determination of macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses in friction stir welded metal matrix composites via neutron diffraction, Acta Mater. , 87 (2015) 161-173.