  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • mbedtls | 01 - 移植mbedtls库到STM32的两种方法
  • mbedtls | 02 - 伪随机数生成器(ctr_drbg)的配置与使用
  • mbedtls | 03 - 单向散列算法的配置与使用(MD5、SHA1、SHA256、SHA512)
  • mbedtls | 04 - 对称加密算法的配置与使用(AES算法)
  • mbedtls | 05 - 消息认证码的配置与使用(HMAC算法、GCM算法)
  • mbedtls | 06 - 非对称加密算法的配置与使用(RSA算法)
  • mbedtls | 07 - DH秘钥协商算法的配置与使用
  • mbedtls | 08 - ECDH秘钥协商算法的配置与使用
  • mbedtls | 09 - 数字签名算法的配置与使用(RSA数字签名算法、ECDSA数字签名算法)
  • https://github.com/Mculover666/mbedtls-study-demo


  • mbedtls系列文章
  • Demo工程源码
  • 一、X.509证书标准
    • 1. X.509证书的结构
    • 2. 获取证书示例(百度)
    • 3. 查看百度证书内容
    • 二、X509证书解析验证功能的配置与使用
      • 1. 配置宏
      • 2. API说明
      • 3. 编写测试函数
      • 4. 测试结果

      • 一、X.509证书标准


        1. X.509证书的结构


        Version Serial number 证书的唯一序列号 Signature CA对证书进行签名所使用的签名算法 Issuer 发行商名称 标识对证书进行签名并颁发的实体 Validity 标识证书的生效日期和终止日期 Subject 证书主体名称 标识获得证书的主体 Subject public key infomation 用于指示使用者公钥信息 Issure unique ID 颁发者唯一标识 用于标识证书签发机构 subject unique ID 使用者唯一标识 用于标识证书使用者实体 Extensions 一个或多个扩展域 signature Algorithm 标识CA对证书签名所使用的签名算法和参数 signature Value CA对证书的签名结果

        2. 获取证书示例(百度)


        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_02
        ① 点击【证书路径】,将一级证书(根证书)导出:
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_03
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_04
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_05
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_06
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_07
        导出成功: mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_08
        ② 同样的方法,将二级证书导出为baidu_2.cer:
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_09
        ③ 同样的方法,将三级证书导出为baidu_3.cer:
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_10
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_11
        使用记事本打开任意一份,可以看到该证书内容: mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_12
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_13

        3. 查看百度证书内容


        openssl x509 -text -in baidu_3.cer -noout

        ① 证书颁发者和使用者信息:
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_14
        ② 公钥算法和公钥内容:
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_15
        ③ 签名算法和内容:
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_16


        1. 配置宏

        * \def MBEDTLS_PK_C * Enable the generic public (asymetric) key layer. * Module: library/pk.c * Caller: library/ssl_tls.c * library/ssl_cli.c * library/ssl_srv.c * Requires: MBEDTLS_RSA_C or MBEDTLS_ECP_C * Uncomment to enable generic public key wrappers. #define MBEDTLS_PK_C * \def MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_C * Enable the generic public (asymetric) key parser. * Module: library/pkparse.c * Caller: library/x509_crt.c * library/x509_csr.c * Requires: MBEDTLS_PK_C * Uncomment to enable generic public key parse functions. #define MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_C * \def MBEDTLS_ASN1_PARSE_C * Enable the generic ASN1 parser. * Module: library/asn1.c * Caller: library/x509.c * library/dhm.c * library/pkcs12.c * library/pkcs5.c * library/pkparse.c #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_PARSE_C * \def MBEDTLS_ASN1_WRITE_C * Enable the generic ASN1 writer. * Module: library/asn1write.c * Caller: library/ecdsa.c * library/pkwrite.c * library/x509_create.c * library/x509write_crt.c * library/x509write_csr.c #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_WRITE_C * \def MBEDTLS_X509_USE_C * Enable X.509 core for using certificates. * Module: library/x509.c * Caller: library/x509_crl.c * library/x509_crt.c * library/x509_csr.c * Requires: MBEDTLS_ASN1_PARSE_C, MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C, MBEDTLS_OID_C, * MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_C * This module is required for the X.509 parsing modules. #define MBEDTLS_X509_USE_C * \def MBEDTLS_BASE64_C * Enable the Base64 module. * Module: library/base64.c * Caller: library/pem.c * This module is required for PEM support (required by X.509). #define MBEDTLS_BASE64_C * \def MBEDTLS_PEM_PARSE_C * Enable PEM decoding / parsing. * Module: library/pem.c * Caller: library/dhm.c * library/pkparse.c * library/x509_crl.c * library/x509_crt.c * library/x509_csr.c * Requires: MBEDTLS_BASE64_C * This modules adds support for decoding / parsing PEM files. #define MBEDTLS_PEM_PARSE_C * \def MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C * Enable X.509 certificate parsing. * Module: library/x509_crt.c * Caller: library/ssl_cli.c * library/ssl_srv.c * library/ssl_tls.c * Requires: MBEDTLS_X509_USE_C * This module is required for X.509 certificate parsing. #define MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C


        * @brief Minimal configuration for X509 Function * @author mculover666 * @date 2020/10/04 #ifndef _MBEDTLS_CONFIG_X509_H_ #define _MBEDTLS_CONFIG_X509_H_ /* System support */ #define MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM //#define MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME /* mbed feature support */ #define MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_HARDWARE_ALT //#define MBEDTLS_NO_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_SOURCES #define MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY /* mbed modules */ #define MBEDTLS_SHA1_C #define MBEDTLS_SHA256_C #define MBEDTLS_MD_C #define MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C #define MBEDTLS_OID_C #define MBEDTLS_RSA_C #define MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V21 #define MBEDTLS_PK_C #define MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_C #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_PARSE_C #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_WRITE_C #define MBEDTLS_X509_USE_C #define MBEDTLS_BASE64_C #define MBEDTLS_PEM_PARSE_C #define MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C #include "mbedtls/check_config.h" #endif /* _MBEDTLS_CONFIG_X509_H_ */

        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_17

        2. API说明


        #include "mbedtls/x509_crt.h"

        ① 初始化证书结构体

        * \brief Initialize a certificate (chain) * \param crt Certificate chain to initialize void mbedtls_x509_crt_init( mbedtls_x509_crt *crt );

        ② 证书解析

        * \brief Parse one DER-encoded or one or more concatenated PEM-encoded * certificates and add them to the chained list. * For CRTs in PEM encoding, the function parses permissively: * if at least one certificate can be parsed, the function * returns the number of certificates for which parsing failed * (hence \c 0 if all certificates were parsed successfully). * If no certificate could be parsed, the function returns * the first (negative) error encountered during parsing. * PEM encoded certificates may be interleaved by other data * such as human readable descriptions of their content, as * long as the certificates are enclosed in the PEM specific * '-----{BEGIN/END} CERTIFICATE-----' delimiters. * \param chain The chain to which to add the parsed certificates. * \param buf The buffer holding the certificate data in PEM or DER format. * For certificates in PEM encoding, this may be a concatenation * of multiple certificates; for DER encoding, the buffer must * comprise exactly one certificate. * \param buflen The size of \p buf, including the terminating \c NULL byte * in case of PEM encoded data. * \return \c 0 if all certificates were parsed successfully. * \return The (positive) number of certificates that couldn't * be parsed if parsing was partly successful (see above). * \return A negative X509 or PEM error code otherwise. int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse( mbedtls_x509_crt *chain, const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen );

        ③ 获取证书信息

        * \brief Returns an informational string about the * certificate. * \param buf Buffer to write to * \param size Maximum size of buffer * \param prefix A line prefix * \param crt The X509 certificate to represent * \return The length of the string written (not including the * terminated nul byte), or a negative error code. int mbedtls_x509_crt_info( char *buf, size_t size, const char *prefix, const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt );

        ④ 获取证书认证信息:

        * \brief Returns an informational string about the * verification status of a certificate. * \param buf Buffer to write to * \param size Maximum size of buffer * \param prefix A line prefix * \param flags Verification flags created by mbedtls_x509_crt_verify() * \return The length of the string written (not including the * terminated nul byte), or a negative error code. int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info( char *buf, size_t size, const char *prefix, uint32_t flags );

        ⑤ 证书认证

        * \brief Verify a chain of certificates. * The verify callback is a user-supplied callback that * can clear / modify / add flags for a certificate. If set, * the verification callback is called for each * certificate in the chain (from the trust-ca down to the * presented crt). The parameters for the callback are: * (void *parameter, mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, int certificate_depth, * int *flags). With the flags representing current flags for * that specific certificate and the certificate depth from * the bottom (Peer cert depth = 0). * All flags left after returning from the callback * are also returned to the application. The function should * return 0 for anything (including invalid certificates) * other than fatal error, as a non-zero return code * immediately aborts the verification process. For fatal * errors, a specific error code should be used (different * from MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_CERT_VERIFY_FAILED which should not * be returned at this point), or MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_FATAL_ERROR * can be used if no better code is available. * \note In case verification failed, the results can be displayed * using \c mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info() * \note Same as \c mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_with_profile() with the * default security profile. * \note It is your responsibility to provide up-to-date CRLs for * all trusted CAs. If no CRL is provided for the CA that was * used to sign the certificate, CRL verification is skipped * silently, that is *without* setting any flag. * \note The \c trust_ca list can contain two types of certificates: * (1) those of trusted root CAs, so that certificates * chaining up to those CAs will be trusted, and (2) * self-signed end-entity certificates to be trusted (for * specific peers you know) - in that case, the self-signed * certificate doesn't need to have the CA bit set. * \param crt The certificate chain to be verified. * \param trust_ca The list of trusted CAs. * \param ca_crl The list of CRLs for trusted CAs. * \param cn The expected Common Name. This will be checked to be * present in the certificate's subjectAltNames extension or, * if this extension is absent, as a CN component in its * Subject name. Currently only DNS names are supported. This * may be \c NULL if the CN need not be verified. * \param flags The address at which to store the result of the verification. * If the verification couldn't be completed, the flag value is * set to (uint32_t) -1. * \param f_vrfy The verification callback to use. See the documentation * of mbedtls_x509_crt_verify() for more information. * \param p_vrfy The context to be passed to \p f_vrfy. * \return \c 0 if the chain is valid with respect to the * passed CN, CAs, CRLs and security profile. * \return #MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_CERT_VERIFY_FAILED in case the * certificate chain verification failed. In this case, * \c *flags will have one or more * \c MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_XXX or \c MBEDTLS_X509_BADCRL_XXX * flags set. * \return Another negative error code in case of a fatal error * encountered during the verification process. int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify( mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca, mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl, const char *cn, uint32_t *flags, int (*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *), void *p_vrfy );

        ⑥ 释放证书结构体

        * \brief Unallocate all certificate data * \param crt Certificate chain to free void mbedtls_x509_crt_free( mbedtls_x509_crt *crt );

        ⑦ 错误码:

        * \name X509 Error codes #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE -0x2080 /**< Unavailable feature, e.g. RSA hashing/encryption combination. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_UNKNOWN_OID -0x2100 /**< Requested OID is unknown. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_FORMAT -0x2180 /**< The CRT/CRL/CSR format is invalid, e.g. different type expected. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_VERSION -0x2200 /**< The CRT/CRL/CSR version element is invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_SERIAL -0x2280 /**< The serial tag or value is invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_ALG -0x2300 /**< The algorithm tag or value is invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_NAME -0x2380 /**< The name tag or value is invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_DATE -0x2400 /**< The date tag or value is invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_SIGNATURE -0x2480 /**< The signature tag or value invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS -0x2500 /**< The extension tag or value is invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_UNKNOWN_VERSION -0x2580 /**< CRT/CRL/CSR has an unsupported version number. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_UNKNOWN_SIG_ALG -0x2600 /**< Signature algorithm (oid) is unsupported. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_SIG_MISMATCH -0x2680 /**< Signature algorithms do not match. (see \c ::mbedtls_x509_crt sig_oid) */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_CERT_VERIFY_FAILED -0x2700 /**< Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failed. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_CERT_UNKNOWN_FORMAT -0x2780 /**< Format not recognized as DER or PEM. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_BAD_INPUT_DATA -0x2800 /**< Input invalid. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_ALLOC_FAILED -0x2880 /**< Allocation of memory failed. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_FILE_IO_ERROR -0x2900 /**< Read/write of file failed. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -0x2980 /**< Destination buffer is too small. */ #define MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_FATAL_ERROR -0x3000 /**< A fatal error occurred, eg the chain is too long or the vrfy callback failed. */

        3. 编写测试函数


        #ifndef __CERTS_H__
        #define __CERTS_H__
        const char baidu_ca_cert[] =
        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"
        "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n";


        * @brief X509 Function demo * @author mculover666 * @date 2020/10/04 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE) #include "mbedtls/config.h" #else #include MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE #endif #if defined(MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C) #include <stdio.h> #include "string.h" #include "mbedtls/x509_crt.h" #include "baidu_certs.h" char buf[4096]; int mbedtls_x509_test(void) int ret; mbedtls_x509_crt cert, cacert; /* 1. init structure */ mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&cert); mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&cacert); /* 2. Parser cacert */ printf( "\n . Parse cacert..." ); ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&cacert, (unsigned char *)baidu_ca_cert, sizeof(baidu_ca_cert)); if(ret != 0) { printf( " failed\n ! mbedtls_x509_crt_parse cacert returned %d(-0x%04x)\n", ret, -ret); goto exit; printf( " ok\n" ); /* 2. Cacert parser result */ printf( "\n . Cacert parser result..." ); ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, " ", &cacert); if (ret < 0) { printf("fail! mbedtls_x509_crt_info return %d(-0x%04x)\n", ret, -ret); goto exit; } else { buf[ret] = '\0'; printf("ok!\r\n"); printf("crt info has %d chars\r\n", strlen(buf)); printf("%s\r\n", buf); exit: /* 3. release structure */ mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&cert); mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&cacert); return ret; #endif /* MBEDTLS_RSA_C */

        4. 测试结果


        extern int mbedtls_x509_test(void);


        /* 10. x509 test */

        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_18
        mbedtls | 10 - 数字证书及 X.509 证书标准_mbedtls_19