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google官方给出了详细的解释 ,相比于之前,堆的内存划分更为细致:

Java: Memory from objects allocated from Java or Kotlin code.【Java内存区域,主要是对象和Bitmap】

Native: Memory from objects allocated from C or C++ code.【C相关】

Stack: Memory used by both native and Java stacks in your app. This usually relates to how many threads your app is running.【这是一些方法栈和线程占用的区域】

Code: 就是写代码库.so等等;

Other: Memory used by your app that the system isn't sure how to categorize.【系统也不确定是个啥】

Graphics: Memory used for graphics buffer queues to display pixels to the screen, including GL surfaces, GL textures, and so on. (Note that this is memory shared with the CPU, not dedicated GPU memory.)【像素图像图形渲染我的理解,这是之前我们没见过的】

对于Java堆的内存分析如果不熟悉的可以google一下,可以通过MAT去看,MAT相对于自身工具或者Leak Cannary之类的工具更为详细和全面。
