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犯傻的菠萝  ·  [便捷性],修改Python ...·  3 小时前    · 
被表白的八宝粥  ·  Python ...·  3 小时前    · 
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干练的小刀  ·  chrome.tabs.executeScr ...·  1 年前    · 
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百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1_eoVIw

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/ac822635

  • 机器学习:Python&R实践,Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science
  • 动手使用Python进行自然语言处理(NLP),Hands On Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Python
  • 自动驾驶—计算机视觉全课程,Autonomous Cars The Complete Computer Vision Course 2021
  • Python强化学习实战—8类智能体,Practical Reinforcement Learning using Python-8 AI Agents
  • Python强化学习高级教程,Advanced AI Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python
  • 从零学习如何构建人工智能,Artificial Intelligence A-Z Learn How To Build An AI
  • TensorFlow2.0大师班:动手深度学习和人工智能,TensorFlow 2.0 Masterclass Hands-On Deep Learning and AI
  • 计算机视觉大师班Opencv和Python,Complete Python OpenCV Computer Vision Masterclass
  • KaggleMasterclass-构建机器学习组合,Kaggle Masterclass - build a Data Science Portfolio
  • Python数据科学实战,Data Science Real World Projects in Python
  • Docker机器学习和数据科学大师班,Docker Masterclass for Machine Learning and Data Science
  • 机器学习Python实战,Machine Learning Real World projects in Python
  • R语言文本挖掘和自然语言处理教程,Text Mining and Natural Language Processing in R
  • 使用Python和Keras进行深度学习,Deep Learning with Python and Keras
  • Python中的聚类分析和无监督学习,Cluster Analysis and Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python
  • Streamlit数据科学应用程序完整指南,Complete Guide to Data Science Applications with Streamlit
  • 图像处理Web应用开发教程,Complete Image Processing MACHINE LEANRING WEBSITE in CLOUD
  • 计算机视觉中的深度学习方法,Computer Vision with Deep Learning
  • Pytorch卷积神经网络教程,Convolutional Neural Networks with Pytorch
  • R语言NLP及情感分析教程,Data Science NLP and Sentimental Analysis in R
  • 深度学习:高级计算机视觉教程(GAN、SSD等!),Deep Learning Advanced Computer Vision (GANs, SSD, +More!)
  • Tensorflow2深度学习图像分割教程,Deep learning for image segmentation using Tensorflow 2
  • 深度学习:Python循环神经网络教程,Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Networks with Python
  • 机器学习的超参数优化,Hyperparameter Optimization for Machine Learning
  • R语言机器学习回归分析教程,Machine Learning 2021 Practical Regression Analysis in R
  • Javascript机器学习和人工智能教程,Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Javascript
  • 机器学习在GIS中的理论与实践,Machine Learning in GIS Understand the Theory and Practice
  • 机器学习面试教程,Machine Learning Interview Questions & Answers
  • ML.NET 机器学习教程,Machine Learning with ML.NET
  • Tensorflow2及Keras深度学习教程,Tensorflow 2 & KerasDeep Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • Tensorflow2.0深度学习及人工智能教程,Tensorflow 2.0 Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • 医学领域人工智能完整教程,The Complete Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Course 2021
  • 如何用Excel进行机器学习,Excel for Data Science and Machine Learning
  • 使用 Kibana 进行数据可视化,Data Visualization with Kibana
  • Python 和 Tableau:完整的数据分析训练营,Python and Tableau The Complete Data Analytics Bootcamp!
  • R语言商业推荐系统实战,Practical Recommender Systems For Business Applications in R
  • 用于数据科学的 Web Scraping – Python 和 Selenium – 基础,Web Scraping for Data Science - Python & Selenium - Basics
  • PyTorch深度学习医学图像分析教程,Deep Learning with PyTorch for Medical Image Analysis
  • Python 中的高级强化学习:从 DQN 到 SAC,Advanced Reinforcement Learning in Python from DQN to SAC
  • Python推荐系统和深度学习教程,Recommender Systems and Deep Learning in Python
  • Javascript机器学习教程,Machine Learning with Javascript
  • Python工作任务自动化教程,Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
  • Python遗传算法初学者教程,The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Genetic Algorithms In Python
  • Python金融领域人工智能教程,Financial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence in Python
  • 机器学习数据不均衡处理教程,Machine Learning with Imbalanced Data
  • ROS2初学者2022教程,ROS2 For Beginners (ROS Foxy, Humble - 2022)
  • ChatGPT初学者写作教程,ChatGPT for Beginners - Get Up & Running with ChatGPT Now
  • ChatGPT各种玩法教程,OpenAI ChatGPT - Learn How to Use an AI Bo
  • 声纹分割聚类教程,A Tutorial on Speaker Diarization
  • 高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS)教程,Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
  • Python生物统计学基础教程,Biostatistics Fundamentals using Python
  • ROS2 Nav2 [Navigation 2 Stack] –SLAM导航教程,ROS2 Nav2 [Navigation 2 Stack] - with SLAM and Navigation
  • 深度学习语音识别教程,Speaker Recognition By Award Winning Textbook Author


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1301-Yp

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/b7d5097a

  • UE4:学习C++开发游戏,Unreal Engine C++ Developer Learn C++ and Make Video Games
  • 精通UE4:使用C++创建多人游戏,Unreal Engine 4 Mastery: Create Multiplayer Games with C++
  • 使用PyGame进行FlappyBird开发,Game Development with PyGame Real World Games
  • Unity多人游戏初学者教程,Beginner's Guide to Multiplayer Game Development in Unity
  • 使用JavaScript及Three.js开发3D网页游戏,3D Web Game Development with JavaScript and Three.js
  • Unity:从零开始构建2D游戏,Building 2D Games in Unity Beginner to Advanced
  • 用Python制作10款高级专业游戏,Learn 10 Games using Python - 2021
  • Unity2020网络初学者教程,Unity Networking From Scratch for (Unity 5 to Unity 2020)
  • Unity3D开发TPS僵尸生存游戏,Build TPS Zombies Survival Game - Unity 3D Game Engine
  • 完整的虚幻引擎超级课程:从初学者到专家,Complete Unreal Engine Megacourse - Beginner to Expert
  • JS中的游戏开发完整指南,Game Development in JS - The Complete Guide (Phaser 3)
  • Unity2D游戏教程,Learn to create a 2D Platformer Game with Unity 2021
  • Unity多人在线游戏教程,Learn To Create An Online Multiplayer Game In Unity
  • 从零开始学习Lua脚本,Lua Scripting Master complete Lua Programming from scratch
  • 虚幻5游戏教程,Make an Unreal Engine 5 Platform Game
  • ThreeJS开发3D网页游戏初学者指南,The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS
  • 终极Unity完整教程,Ultimate Unity Overview (30+ Tools and Features Explained!)
  • UE5第一人称射击游戏蓝图教程,Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints - First Person Shooter (FPS)
  • JavaScript游戏开发实战,JavaScript Create 5 Fun Word Games
  • 虚幻引擎5制作3A大作教程,Unreal Engine 5 - Make AAA Game Vehicles
  • 基于行为树的高级游戏AI教程,Learn Advanced AI for Games with Behaviour Trees 07.2021
  • 使用Unity制作3D驾驶游戏,Make a Driving Game in Unity 08.2021
  • 虚幻引擎5 C++游戏开发教程,Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer Learn C++ & Make Video Games
  • Unity VR游戏教程,Mastering Unity VR Games
  • Oculus Quest 2 和 Unity 的 VR 开发基础知识,VR Development Fundamentals With Oculus Quest 2 And Unity
  • Unity VR太空射击游戏教程,Learn Unity Games Engine & C# By Creating A VR Space Shooter
  • Unity计算着色器视频教程,Learn to Write Unity Compute Shaders
  • Maya Xgen游戏角色的头发创作教程,Hair Creation for Game Characters Maya Xgen
  • 2023年Unity UI教程,Modern Unity UI with UI Toolkit
  • Scratch少儿编程英语教程,Programming for Kids and Beginners Learn to Code in Scratch
  • Unity Cg着色器开发教程,Shader Development from Scratch for Unity with Cg
  • Unity人工智能初学者指南,The Beginners Guide to Artificial Intelligence Unity 2022
  • Blender 3D环境场景创建教程,Creating 3D Environments in Blender 2.81 by Rob Tuytel (2019)
  • Unity VFX图表初级到中级教程,Unity VFX Graph - Beginner To Intermediate
  • 虚幻引擎VR游戏开发基础教程,Unreal Engine VR Development Fundamentals
  • Unity初学者Shader Graph教程,Your Ultimate Guide to Shader Graph for Beginners
  • 3D Lighting理论与实践教程,3D Lighting Theory and Practice
  • Zbrush新手教程,Absolute Beginners ZBrush Course


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1CsCVJF

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/f22e6365

  • React、Next.js和Django:快速指南,React, Next.js and Django A Rapid Guide - Advanced
  • WordPress主题及插件完整开发教程,Complete WordPress Theme & Plugin Development Course
  • HTML,CSS&PythonDjango全栈Web开发,HTML, CSS & Python Django Full Stack for Web Development
  • Angular新手到大师全教程,The Complete Angular Course Beginner to Advanced
  • HTML&CSS完整指南:像老板一样建立网站,HTML CSS Complete Guide Build a Website Like a Boss
  • 用3个项目从头开始完成Bootstrap5课程,Complete Bootstrap 5 Course From Scratch With 3 Projects
  • PythonDjango电子商务网站教程,Django Ecommerce Project with Bootstrap Django Development
  • 构建一个使用PHP和MySQL的电子商务网站,Online Store E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch!
  • 使用React、Node和Stripe构建购物车应用,Build a Shopping Cart App with React, Node, and Stripe
  • 完整的渐进式Web应用训练营,Complete Progressive Web App Bootcamp
  • 使用SpringBoot和MongoDB进行全栈开发,Full Stack Development With Spring Boot And MongoDB
  • 通过构建电影网页应用来学习Vue.js,Vue.js Learning the basics by building a movie web app
  • 使用JQuery开发WordPress插件(2021年,WordPress Plugin Development with JQuery (2021)
  • 在Go(Golang)中使用WebSockets,Working with WebSockets in Go (Golang)
  • 完整的ASPNETMVCWeb开发教程,Complete ASP NET MVC Web Development - Newbie to Ninja!
  • 2022前端框架Angular视频教程,Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition)
  • 熟练掌握TypeScript教程-2022,Mastering TypeScript - 2022 Edition
  • Django 4 和 Python 全栈开发者大师班,Django 4 and Python Full-Stack Developer Masterclass (12.2021)
  • NGINX 基础知识:从零开始配置高性能服务器,NGINX Fundamentals High Performance Servers from Scratch
  • Chrome开发者工具课程,Chrome Developer Tools Course
  • 谷歌浏览器扩展开发初学者课程,Google Chrome Extension Development From Beginning [2021]
  • 高级WordPress主题开发完整指南,The Complete Guide to Building Premium WordPress Themes
  • 高级Shopify主题开发教程,Build an Advanced Shopify Theme from the Future (Vue.js 3.0)
  • Flask全栈开发教程,Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/11fq7xp

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/788b3e6f

  • 使用SpringBoot构建金融App,Hands On Spring Boot Course - Build a FinTech App
  • 通过Pycharm学习Python3,Learn Python 3 programming Become job ready using Pycharm
  • 使用SpringBoot和SpringCloud掌握微服务,Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
  • QTC++开发教程,QT Core Beginners with C++
  • JavaScript从零开始实战教程,Modern JavaScript From Scratch With Examples and Projects
  • NodeJs:初学者实用指南-电子商务WebAPI构建,NodeJs Build The Complete E-Commerce Web API
  • Python算法交易:市场中性对冲基金策略,Python Algo Trading Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy
  • JavaPersistenceHibernate和JPA基础教程,Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals
  • 面向初学者的PHP:2021年PHP速成课程,PHP for Beginners PHP Crash Course 2021
  • 使用TKinter进行PythonGUI编程,Python GUI Programming With TKinter - Build 10 GUI Projects
  • 高级Scala和函数式编程,Advanced Scala and Functional Programming
  • Perl初学者编程,Perl Programming for Beginners
  • SpringBootActuator-构建管理仪表板,Spring Boot Actuator - Build an Admin Dashboard
  • Java开发训练营,The Complete Java Development Bootcamp
  • R语言科学计算-7合1课程,The Complete R Programming for Data Science - 7 courses in 1
  • 掌握NestJS-JavaScriptNode.js框架,Master NestJS - The JavaScript Node.js Framework
  • 使用Python实现Excel自动化,Excel Automation Using Python
  • Scala初学者编程完整指南,Scala Programming For Beginners Complete Guide
  • R语言数据科学编程-新手到大师,R 4.0 Programming for Data Science - Beginners to Pro
  • 面向初学者的Java编程语言,Core Java Programming Language Tutorial for Beginners
  • Java设计模式大师班,Java Design Patterns - The Complete Masterclass
  • Java初学者完全教程, Java for Beginners -Learn all the Basics of Java
  • JavaSwing(GUI)编程:从初学者到专家,JAVA GUI Programming with Swing
  • JavaScript游戏开发:创建僵尸部落游戏,JavaScript Game Development Create a Zombie Horde Game
  • 如何使用Kotlin编写更简洁的Android代码,How to write clean Kotlin and Android code!
  • 使用SpringCloudStreams创建KafkaStreams,Kafka Streams with Spring Cloud Stream
  • 使用NumPy预处理数据,Preprocessing Data with NumPy
  • 面向初学者的SAS编程教程,Programming in SAS for beginners
  • Android12JetpackCompose开发者课程-从0到1,Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course - From 0 To Hero
  • Dart-从新手到专家的完整课程,Dart - from Novice to Expert Complete Course
  • iOS应用程序开发Swift教程,SwiftUI Masterclass 2021 – iOS 15 App Development & Swift 5
  • 从零开始学习Kotlin,2021 - Learn Kotlin from scratch step by step
  • C++编程完全教程,A Complete Introduction to the C++ Programming Language
  • Java初学者教程,Java Basics for Beginners
  • Java基础教程,Java for Beginners - Learn all the Basics of Java
  • Julia初学者教程,Julia Programming For Beginners Learn Julia Programming
  • Rust初学者完全指南,Rust lang - The complete beginner's guide
  • SalesforceApex训练营,Salesforce Apex programming Language Bootcamp for 2021
  • Salesforce验证规则教程,Salesforce Validation Rules - Beginner to Advanced
  • iOS15中Swift5开发教程,SwiftUI Masterclass 2022 - iOS 15 App Development & Swift 5
  • Android及iOS黑客教程,Mobile Security and Hacking Android iOS
  • 使用 PyQT 和 Qt 设计器进行 Python GUI 开发,Python GUI Development with PyQT & Qt Designer (09.2021)
  • 使用 C++ 进行 CUDA 编程教程,CUDA programming with C++ Masterclass__2020-04
  • gRPC [Node.js] MasterClass:构建现代 API 和微服务,gRPC [Node.js] MasterClass Build Modern API & Microservices
  • Deno 完整教程,Deno - The Complete Introduction
  • QT 核心与 C++中级教程,QT Core Intermediate with C++
  • QML初学者教程,qml-for-beginners
  • QT 核心与 C++高级教程,QT Core Advanced with C++
  • Vue零基础实战教程,Vue from Scratch with Real Life Vue JS Web Application
  • Threejs及TypeScript教程,Three.js and TypeScrip
  • Webpack5构建微前端和Web应用程序2022教程,Webpack 5 Ninja (2022) - Build Micro frontend and web apps
  • 2022年Webpack 5初学者完整指南,Webpack 5 in 2022 The Complete Guide For Beginners
  • 掌握微控制器和嵌入式驱动程序开发,Mastering Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development
  • 使用Ionic和Angular构建iOS、Android 和 Web 应用程序,Ionic - Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular
  • Material UI – React (2022) 版的完整指南,Material UI - The Complete Guide With React (2022) Editio
  • WebdriverIO – 完整的初学者课程 2022,WebdriverIO - Complete Beginner Course 2022
  • 构建Cucumber Playwright TypeScript自动化框架,Build a Cucumber Playwright Typescript Automation Framework
  • Playwright自动化软件测试教程,Automated Software Testing with Playwright
  • Playwright初学者教程,Playwright - Complete Beginner Course
  • Python商业和金融训练营,Complete 2-in-1 Python for Business and Finance Bootcamp
  • Greensock JavaScript动画教程,Master JavaScript Animations with Greensock
  • Minecraft插件Java开发教程,Develop Minecraft Plugins Java
  • 2022深入学习C++教程,Learn C++ Programming -Beginner to Advance- Deep Dive in C++
  • Go编程项目实战教程,Learn Go Programming by Building 11 Projects – Full Course
  • 使用 Web 应用程序示例在 Java 中进行安全编码,Secure coding Dive into Injections with Java & Spring boot
  • LaTeX从基础到高级综合指南,LaTeX A-Z Simplified Basics to Advanced Step-wise Journey
  • WebVR A-Frame学习教程,Learn A-Frame And Get Ready For WebVR
  • TestNG初级到高级教程2023,Master Course on TestNG Beginner to Advanced 2023
  • 使用PySide6进行Python GUI开发 – Qt for Python,Python GUI Development with PySide6 - Qt for Python
  • SocketIO详细教程,socketio-with-websockets-the-details


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1ivLIGK

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/c284e4d4

  • Ansible新手到大师,Ansible Beginner to Pro
  • Linux命令行基础知识进阶,Linux Command Line basics to Advance
  • 使用Python进行自动化软件测试,Automated Software Testing with Python
  • 软件测试完全训练营,The Software Testing Bootcamp
  • Linux黑客教程从初学者到高级!,Learn Ethical Hacking Advance Level Using Kali Linux
  • VisualStudioCode速成教程,Visual Studio Code Crash Course 2019
  • ApacheTomcat服务器从初学者到高手,Apache Tomcat Server from Beginners to Advanced
  • 通过JavaScript学习构建区块链,Learn Blockchain By Building Your Own In JavaScript
  • 在解决问题的同时学习MATLAB编程技巧,Learn MATLAB Programming Skills While Solving Problems
  • 使用ENVI软件完成遥感图像分析,Complete Remote Sensing Image Analysis with ENVI Software
  • MicroPython中的硬件编程,MicroPython Programming Hardware in MicroPython
  • 使用Python开发QGIS插件,QGIS plugin development with Python
  • 互联网安全和网络安全黑客指南,A Hacker's Guide to Internet Safety and Cybersecurity
  • 基于物联网的数据分析的高级Python教程,Advanced Python for IoT Based Data Analysis
  • 高级网页抓取教程(图像、图表、Ajax动态),Advanced Web scraping (Images, Charts, Dynamic with Ajax)
  • Git及Github初学者到专家,Complete Git and Github Beginner to Expert
  • 物联网(IoT)-超级课程,Internet of Things (IOT) - Full Course for Learners
  • IoT物联网速成课程,IoT Internet of Things Crash Course
  • 使用JUnit5进行实用的Java单元测试,Practical Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5
  • 产品经理速成课程,Product Management Crash Course
  • Python物联网教程,Python for IoT Tutorials
  • Python空间分析和地理空间数据科学教程,Spatial Analysis & Geospatial Data Science in Python
  • 无需编码免费制作专业网站,Blogger Make A Professional Website For Free With No Coding
  • 加密艺术和NFT速成课程,Crypto Art and NFT Crash Course
  • 网络安全:使用Python3进行渗透测试,Cyber Security Penetration Testing with Python
  • GeoServer完整教程,GeoServer from A-Z
  • Wireshark入门实践课程,Getting Started with Wireshark-The Ultimate Hands-On Course
  • UnityIoTAR物联网增强现实教程,Internet of Things using Augmented Reality in Unity IoTAR
  • Linux初学者教程,Linux for Beginners Linux Basics
  • Linux安全新手教程,Linux Security for Beginners
  • 程序员刷题指南,Mastering Coding Interviews & Competitions
  • RaspberryPi初学者完整教程,Raspberry Pi for Beginners - Python3, GPIOs, Pi Camera, Flask, and More!
  • 2022年SEO完整教程,SEO TRAINING Best SEO Techniques to Drive Traffic in 2021
  • WordPress网站SEO完整教程,The Ultimate SEO Training 2021 + SEO For WordPress Websites
  • 从工程师到技术经理:生存指南,From Engineer to Technical Manager A Survival Guide
  • Git零基础教程,Git from Scratch
  • Excel新手教程,Mastering Excel 2021 - Beginner
  • Excel新手到大师教程,Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced
  • PowerPoint基础培训教程,PowerPoint 2021 Essential Training (Office 2021 LTSC)
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  • 完整的实用正则表达式 (Regex) 2022,Complete Practical Regular Expressions (Regex) 2022
  • x86 汇编语言编程教程,x86 Assembly Language From Ground Up
  • ARM 汇编语言教程,ARM Assembly Language From Ground Up- Build over 50 Assembly Program
  • Postman:完整指南,Postman The Complete Guide - REST API Testin
  • 工程师控制系统简介,Introduction to Control Systems for Engineers
  • 飞行动力学教程,Flight Mechanics - From Theory to Certification of Aircraft
  • 飞行动力学矩阵计算教程,Flight Dynamics with Tensors
  • 六自由度飞行动力学,Flight Dynamics in Six Degrees of Freedom
  • 导弹和火箭控制C++模拟教程,Missile and Rocket Simulations in C++
  • 航空航天C++模拟教程,C++ in Aerospace Simulations
  • 产品经理视频教程,Become a Product Manager - Learn the Skills & Get the Job
  • SAP Business One B1 高级专业培训课程 2022,SAP-Business-B1-Advance-Pro-Training-2021
  • 领导力科学课程,The Science of Leadership
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  • 工作沟通技巧,Workplace Communication You Can Speak Up at Meetings
  • 掌握 Microsoft Excel 宏和 Excel VBA,Master Microsoft Excel Macros and Excel VBA
  • VideoScribe Expert:制作专业视频,VideoScribe Expert Training Producing Professional Videos
  • 股市交易:完整的技术分析课程,Stock Market Trading The Complete Technical Analysis Course
  • 从零开始学习 TradingView Pine 脚本编程,Learn TradingView Pine Script Programming From Scratch
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  • 卖空及日间交易教程,Short Sell & Day Trading 2 Course Bundle 21 Hours
  • PCI-DSS 基础教程,Fundamentals of PCI-DSS
  • 传感器完整教程,Sensors Everything You Need To Know
  • 项目管理课程:从初学者到项目经理,The Project Management Course Beginner to PROject Manager
  • FortiGate防火墙教程,FortiGate Firewall NSE4 Version 7 Training Part1
  • 完整的金融分析师课程2022,The Complete Financial Analyst Course
  • 完整的吉他课程系统 – 从初级到高级,Complete Guitar Lessons System (2020)
  • FL Studio 20音乐制作教程,FL Studio 20 Music Production In FL Studio for Mac & PC
  • 从零开始学习JMETER性能测试,Learn JMETER from Scratch on Live Apps Performance Testing
  • 使用 Jest 和 React 测试库 (RTL) 测试 React,Testing React with Jest and React Testing Library (RTL)
  • 计算流体力学基础课程,Computational Fluid Dynamics Fundamentals Course
  • 在线商务大师班:销售您自己的数字产品,Digital Products Masterclass Start Your Own Online Business
  • 有限元分析培训:Altair Hypermesh & Abaqus,Finite Element Analysis Training Altair Hypermesh & Abaqus
  • 如何创建在线课程 – 终极入门指南,How To Create Online Courses the Ultimate Starting Guide
  • Memoq 10.0使用教程,Learn how to use Memoq
  • 掌握CAN网络:Vector CANoe、CANalyzer、CAPL&理论,Mastering CAN Network Vector CANoe,CANalyzer, CAPL& Theory
  • 机器交易系统教程,Mechanical Trading Systems Using Technical Analysis
  • Puppet DevOps新手教程,Puppet for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on - DevOps
  • Tradingview Pine Script策略完整教程,Tradingview Pine Script Strategies The Complete Guide
  • UPF电源感知设计与验证,UPF Power Aware Design & Verification


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1qGJzKM

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/03b693d0

  • Docker及Kubernetes完全指南,Docker and Kubernetes The Complete Guide
  • Kubernetes实践-将微服务上云,Kubernetes Microservices
  • Kubernetes和Docker专家教程,Kubernetes and Docker Recipes for Experts (2-in-1 Course)
  • 完整的云网络安全课程,Cloud Computing and the Cyber Security Challenges
  • 云计算和虚拟化:简介,Cloud Computing and Virtualization An Introduction
  • 使用Terraform在云端部署Infra,Deploy Infra in the Cloud using Terraform
  • Kubernetes上的Argo工作流实践指南,Hands-On Guide to Argo Workflows on Kubernetes
  • 学习SpringCloud微服务,Microservices with Spring Cloud
  • Docker&Kubernetes:实用指南,Docker & Kubernetes The Practical Guide
  • Docker和Kubernetes:完整指南,Docker and Kubernetes The Complete Guide
  • Docker机器学习和数据科学大师班,Docker Masterclass for Machine Learning and Data Science
  • Docker、Kubernetes、Swarm教程,Docker Mastery with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain
  • Docker快速入门,Docker Quick Start
  • Elasticsearch 完整指南,Complete Guide to Elasticsearch
  • RabbitMQ:使用 Java、Spring Boot 和 Spring MVC 进行消息传递,RabbitMQ - Messaging with Java, Spring Boot And Spring MVC
  • Elasticsearch 7 和 Elastic Stack:深入实践,Elasticsearch 7 and the Elastic Stack In Depth and Hands On
  • 终极Hadoop大数据教程,The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop - Tame your Big Data!
  • Java分布式系统和云计算教程,Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing with Java
  • 基于事件驱动的微服务教程,Event-Driven Microservices Spring Boot, Kafka and Elastic
  • 事件驱动的微服务、CQRS、SAGA、Axon、Spring Boot,Event-Driven Microservices, CQRS, SAGA, Axon, Spring Boot
  • AWS高级网络专业认证教程,Ultimate AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty 2021


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1mCEdU8

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/c5d5641c

  • 数据结构及算法入门教程,Data Structures and Algorithms for Beginners
  • 初学者实用数据库课程:6门课程合1,Practical Database Course for Beginners : 6 courses in 1
  • 图形数据库:通过SpringBoot学习Neo4j,Graph Database Neo4j with Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL初学者教程,PostgreSQL Tutorial for Beginners - Learn PostgreSQL
  • PythonforExcel:将xlwings用于数据科学和金融,Python for Excel: Use xlwings for Data Science and Finance
  • 用于数据分析和数据科学的SQL教程,SQL for Data Analysis & Data Science
  • Tableau10中的顶级可视化技术,Tableau Expert - Top Visualization Techniques in Tableau 10
  • 密码学算法,Algorithms for Cryptography
  • 数据库迁移教程,SQL Database Migration
  • 算法设计与分析大师班,Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • MicrosoftSQLServer备份和恢复课程,Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery Course
  • NodejsMySQL登录系统教程,The Complete Nodejs MySQL Login System
  • 时间和空间复杂度分析(大O表示法),Time and space complexity analysis (big-O notation)
  • 使用PowerBI进行时间序列分析和预测,Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Model in Power BI
  • Python数据分析及可视化教程,Data Understanding and Data Visualization with Python
  • Python特征工程及降维教程,Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction with Python
  • SQL 和 PostgreSQL:完整的开发人员指南,SQL and PostgreSQL The Complete Developer's Guide
  • AWS DynamoDB完整教程,AWS DynamoDB - The Complete Guide (Build 18+ Hands On Demos)
  • Snowflake Decoded基础教程,Snowflake Decoded Fundamentals and hands on Training
  • PySpark大数据计算教程,Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark
  • Python Apache Spark大数据实战教程,Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python - Hands On


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1lrp_xN

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/aca0d5cf

  • 7个项目实战掌握Photoshop网页设计项目,7 Photoshop Web Design Project. Learn UX Web Design by Doing
  • Photoshop网页设计、响应式设计及UI教程,Adobe Photoshop CC - Web Design, Responsive Design & UI
  • 成为人工智能产品经理,AI Product Manager ND v1.0.0
  • Adob​​eXD网页设计教程,Adobe XD for Web Design Essential Principles for UI & UX
  • Photoshop网页设计教程,Learn Photoshop, Web Design & Profitable Freelancing
  • Final Cut Pro X 教程,Final Cut Pro X Tutorial
  • Autodesk AutoCAD初级到高级教程,Autodesk AutoCAD - Beginner to an advanced level
  • AutoCAD 初学者课程,AutoCAD Beginners Course
  • Adobe After Effects从新手到专家的完整课程,Adobe After Effects Complete Course from Novice to Expert
  • Catia V5 实践项目从初学者到专家设,Catia V5 Practice Projects - From Beginner to Expert Designs
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC – 基础培训课程,Adobe Premiere Pro CC – Essentials Training Cours
  • Final Cut Pro X初级到中级完整课程,The Complete Final Cut Pro X Course Beginner To Intermediat
  • Adobe Audition CC完整初学者指南,Adobe Audition Cc - Complete Beginners Guide to Intermediat
  • VideoScribe白板动画教程,VideoScribe Advanced TrainingMastering Whiteboard Animation
  • VideoScribe基础教程创建动画视频,VideoScribe Fundamentals Training Creating Animated Videos
  • 7 小时精通 3ds Max,3ds Max Mastery in 7 Hrs - Project Based Intro for Beginners
  • After Effects动态图形和数据可视化,After Effects Motion Graphics & Data Visualization
  • Axure RP 9 原型设计基础教程,Axure RP 9 Fundamentals and Mobile prototyping for UX Design
  • Cinema 4D初学者终极指南,Cinema 4D Masterclass The Ultimate Guide for Beginners
  • Procreate iPad绘画教程,Drawing and Painting on the iPad with Procreate
  • Figma UI UX设计教程,Figma UI UX Design Essentials
  • Procreate绘画教程,Procreate Solid Foundations
  • SolidWorks综合教程,SOLIDWORKS Academy A Comprehensive Course on SolidWorks


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1BPQlDh

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/48136b81

  • 掌握系统架构设计面试,Mastering the System Design Interview
  • Java和Python中的20个基本编码面试问题,20 Essential Coding Interview Questions in Java and Python
  • 50个常问编码面试问题,50 popular coding interview problems
  • Python算法和数据结构面试指南,Algorithms and Data Structures in Python (INTERVIEW Q&A)
  • Android开发者面试准备指南,Android Developer Interview Preparation Guide
  • JavaScript编码面试指南,Beat the Codility Coding Interview in JavaScript
  • Java面试指南,Java Interview Help
  • JavaLeetCode算法编程面试教程,LeetCode in Java Algorithms Coding Interview Questions
  • PythonLeetCode:50个算法编程面试题,LeetCode In Python 50 Algorithms Coding Interview Questions
  • Web开发面试指南,Mastering Web Developer Interview Code
  • Java面试指南,Nail Your Java Interview
  • 软件测试面试问题及答案,Software Testing Interview Questions with Answers
  • 程序员面试及机考完全指南,The Bible of Coding Interviews & Competitive Programming
  • 世界上最畅销的求职课程,[2022] Career Hacking World's Bestselling Job Search Course


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1gDdZ0V

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/64844d81

  • Web3.0入门教程,What Is Web3?
  • Moralis去中心化Web3应用开发教程,Moralis Web3 dApp Programming
  • React中的Solidity和Ethereum(NextJS):完整指南,Solidity & Ethereum in React (Next JS): The Complete Guide
  • MetaverseWeb3.0和DeFi大师班,Metaverse Web 3.0 and DeFi: A Fintech Masterclass
  • 无代码构建Web3.0应用,How to build Web 3.0 apps with No-code
  • Solidity区块链完整开发指南,The Complete Solidity Course – Blockchain – Zero to Expert
  • 智能合约安全教程,Ethereum Smart Contract Security
  • 基于React、Typescript和Solidity的 NFT完整教程,NFT Marketplace in React, Typescript & Solidity - Full Guide
  • 完整NFT Web开发课程,The Complete NFT Web Development Course - Zero To Expert
  • Solana区块链开发教程,Solana Blockchain Developer Bootcamp with Rust + Javascript
  • 2022 Python和C++加密货币量化交易策略,Backtesting Crypto Trading Strategies with Python & C++


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1eb-XCe

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/8a5f1918

  • 雅思写作课程 band 7+1,Score band 7 + in Academic IELTS Writing Task 1
  • 掌握雅思写作:任务 2(在 7 小时内达到 7+ 级),Mastering IELTS Writing Task 2 (Achieve Band 7+ in 7 Hours)
  • 雅思写作高分课程(通用培训模块),Score High Ielts Writing (General Training Module)
  • 雅思口语高分课程,Score High Ielts Speaking
  • 雅思技能提升:雅思 Task 1 学术写作课程,Move Up In IELTS - Succeed in IELTS Task 1 Academic Writing
  • 雅思 Band 7+ 预备课程,IELTS Band 7+ Complete Prep Course
  • A1到B2意大利语学习教程,Complete Italian course Learn Italian from level A1 to B2
  • PTE考试写作教程,PTE Academic Exam Preparation Writing Mastery (Achieve 79+)
  • 初级西班牙语教程,Spanish Made Simple Beginner Spanish
  • Duolingo English Test教程,Emergency Course for the Duolingo English Test (2-day prep)
  • 法语初级教程,French for Beginners Level 1
  • 荷兰语初学者教程1,Learn Dutch... in Dutch 1 the Dutch language for beginners
  • 荷兰语初学者教程2,Learn Dutch... in Dutch 2 the Dutch language for beginners
  • 在线日语N1课程(共10节课),Online Japanese N1 Course(All 10 lessons)
  • 在线日语N2课程(共10节课),Online Japanese N2 Course(All 10 lessons)
  • 在线日语N3课程(共10节课),Online Japanese N3 Course(All 10 lessons)
  • 在线日语N4课程(共15节课),Online Japanese N4 CourseAll 15 lessons
  • 在线日语N5课程(共15节课),Online Japanese N5 Course(All 15 lessons)
  • 学术论文写作教程,Writing Winning Research Papers


百度网盘地址: pan.baidu.com/s/1wJ_zQi

夸克网盘地址(不限速): pan.quark.cn/s/fec7e085

  • GIS 应用程序的 Web 编程简介,Introduction to web programming for GIS applications
  • QGIS 3初级到高级,QGIS 3 - from Beginner to Advance
  • ArcGIS流域划分基础知识初学者课程,Learn the basics of GIS and use of ArcGIS softwar
  • Python QGIS 3自动化教程,Automating QGIS 3.xx with Python
  • Openlayers 6 零基础教程,Openlayers 6 From Scratch With A Projec
  • GIS 和遥感QGIS初学者教程,Get started with GIS & Remote Sensing in QGIS #Beginner
  • QGIS 超级课程:GIS 和遥感 – 从初学者到专家,QGIS Mega Course - GIS and Remote Sensing- Beginner to Exper
  • QGIS地理信息系统教程:GIS分析基础,Geographic Information System in QGIS - Basic of GIS Analysi
  • QGIS空间分析项目实战,Practical GIS in QGIS - Project-based GIS, Spatial Analysi
  • QGIS 用于GIS中的土地退化评估和SDG监测,QGIS for Land Degradation Assessment & SDG monitoring in GIS
  • 基于Leaflet 和 PostGIS 的服务端 Web GIS 应用程序开发教程,Server-side web GIS applications with Leaflet and PostGIS
  • QGIS无人机数据分析教程,GIS for Drone Pilots using QGIS (w - Airspace Data Template
  • Web GIS开发教程,Web GIS development course
发布于 2023-02-25 09:31 ・IP 属地北京
