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1945年抗⽇战争胜利,⼤量⽇本遗孤被中国东北家庭收养。七⼋⼗年代随着两国邦交正常化,许多遗孤归国,这其中就包括陈奶奶(吴彦姝饰)的养⼥丽华。2005年,许久未收到养⼥回信的陈奶奶忍不住思念,远赴⽇本奈良,在⼆代遗孤⼩泽(英泽饰)和退休警察⼀雄(國村隼饰)的帮助下踏上漫漫寻⼈之旅。在异国他乡,他们邂逅了许多归国遗孤,他们的⽣活展现了战争创伤的另⼀个侧剖⾯,⽂化差异与冲突下, 寻⼈旅程变得波折不断,养⼥⾝在何处成为所有⼈⼼中最⼤的谜团……
After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1945, a large number of Japanese orphans were adopted by families in Northeast China. With the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries in the 1970s and 1980s, many orphans returned to China, including Lihua, the adopted daughter of Grandma Chen (played by Wu Yanshu). In 2005, Grandma Chen, who hadn't received a reply from her adopted daughter for a long time, couldn't help but miss her. She went to Nara, Japan. People journey. In a foreign country, they met many returned orphans. Their lives showed another side-section of war trauma. Under cultural differences and conflicts, the journey of tracing people became turbulent. Where did the adopted daughter become the biggest in everyone's hearts Mystery. 又见奈良.Seeing.Nara.Again.2020.x265.HD4K.国语中字.mp4( 3.15GB