I guess it is because some of my data contains null values. here the json file sample:
Here are also some screenshots from my pipline configuration for source, sink and mapping
Thanks in advance. Any suggestion will be valuable to me
Hello @BartoszWachocki-4076 and welcome to Microsoft Q&A and Data Factory. Thank you for your question.
I was able to reproduce your issue... until I hooked up the SQL. However I think I know where to fix this anyway.
First, go to your sink dataset
and import schema
Then go back to the copy activity mapping and import schemas again (to ensure it is up to date). If you click clear first, don't forget to check the collection reference.
The idea behind this, is to make the mapping explicit to Data Factory, so it doesn't try to guess data type from the data.
Please let me know if this solves your issue. If not, we can try the same on the source side, and if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll figure something out.
Welcome and Thank you
I like this new Q&A portal and you guys from msft for your rapid responses and relevant solutions.
You saved me a few hours of frustrations and hope better sleep tonight.
I was able to load a couple of jsons with success, so may say it works :)
Thanks a lot!
@Hofman, Rob
Thank you for letting us know. Something in this new version of Q&A is eating images. Our engineers are looking into it now.
These aren't the original images, but they should do for now.