

<!-- -->


//缩短到某长度,用...结尾.其实就是(substring(str, 0, max-3) + "...")
        //public static String abbreviate(String str,int maxWidth)
        StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 6);// ---"abc..."
        //字符串扩充至指定大小且居中(若扩充大小少于原字符大小则返回原字符,若扩充大小为 负数则为0计算 )"abcd", 2);//--- "abcd""ab", -1);//--- "ab""ab", 4);//---" ab ""a", 4, "yz");//---"yayz""abc", 7, "");//---"  abc  "
        //去除字符串中的"\n", "\r", or "\r\n"
        StringUtils.contains("abc", "z");//---false
        StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase("abc", "A");//---true
        StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "a");//---2
        StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("   ab  c  ");//---"abc"
        StringUtils.difference("abcde", "abxyz");//---"xyz"
        StringUtils.endsWith("abcdef", "def");//---true
        StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("ABCDEF", "def");//---true
        StringUtils.endsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {null, "xyz", "abc"});//---true
        StringUtils.startsWith("abcdef", "abc");//---true
        StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("ABCDEF", "abc");//---true
        StringUtils.startsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {null, "xyz", "abc"});//---true
        StringUtils.equals("abc", "abc");//---true
        StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC");//---true
        StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"});//---"ab"
        StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b");//---2
        StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 3);//---5(从角标3后查找)
        StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 3);//---1(查找第n次出现的位置)
        StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", ‘b‘);//---5
        StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", ‘b‘, 4);//---2
        StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 2);//---1
        //判断是否为空(注:isBlank与isEmpty 区别)
        StringUtils.isBlank(null);StringUtils.isBlank("");StringUtils.isBlank(" ");//---true
        StringUtils.isNoneBlank(" ", "bar");//---false
        StringUtils.isEmpty(" ");//---false
        StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(" ", "bar");//---true
        StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3");//---false (不识别运算符号、小数点、空格……)
        StringUtils.isNumericSpace("12 3");//---true
        //StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ‘;‘);//---"1;2;3"
        StringUtils.swapCase("The dog has a BONE");//---"tHE DOG HAS A bone"
        StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "z");//---"zbz"
        StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zz", 2, 4);//---"abzzef"(指定区域)
        StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"},
                new String[]{"w", "t"});//---"wcte"(多组指定替换ab->w,d->t)
        StringUtils.repeat(‘e‘, 3);//---"eee"
        StringUtils.remove("queued", ‘u‘);//---"qeed"
        StringUtils.split("a..b.c", ‘.‘);//---["a", "b", "c"]
        StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2);//---["ab", "cd:ef"]
        StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 2);//---["ab", "cd-!-ef"]
        StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab::cd:ef", ":");//-["ab"," ","cd","ef"]
        StringUtils.strip(" ab c ");//---"ab c"
        StringUtils.substring("abcd", 2);//---"cd"
        StringUtils.substring("abcdef", 2, 4);//---"cd"
        StringUtils.left("abc", 2);//---"ab"
        StringUtils.right("abc", 2);//---"bc"
        //从第n位开始截取m位字符       n  m
        StringUtils.mid("abcdefg", 2, 4);//---"cdef"
        StringUtils.substringBefore("abcba", "b");//---"a"
        StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abcba", "b");//---"abc"
        StringUtils.substringAfter("abcba", "b");//---"cba"
        StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abcba", "b");//---"a"
        StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "tag");//---"abc"
        StringUtils.substringBetween("yabczyabcz", "y", "z");//---"abc"


        RandomStringUtils.random(n, "abcdefghijk");
        System.out.println(RandomStringUtils.random(n, true, false));  
        System.out.println(RandomStringUtils.random(n, false, true));


        NumberUtils.max(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });//---4

数组类 ArrayUtils

        String[] array = ArrayUtils.toArray("1", "2");
        //判断两个数据是否相等,如果内容相同, 顺序相同 则返回 true
        ArrayUtils.contains(arr, "33");
        Map map = ArrayUtils.toMap(new String[][] { 
                { "RED", "#FF0000" }, { "GREEN", "#00FF00" }, { "BLUE", "#0000FF" } });


        DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), n);
        DateUtils.isSameDay(date1, date2);
        DateUtils.parseDate(str, parsePatterns);

附: StringUtile

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. package com.funtl.leesite.common.utils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder; import org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes; import org.springframework.web.servlet.LocaleResolver; * 字符串工具类, 继承org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils类 * @author Lusifer * @version 2013-05-22 public class StringUtils extends org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils { private static final char SEPARATOR = '_'; private static final String CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8"; * 转换为字节数组 * @param str * @return public static byte[] getBytes(String str) { if (str != null) { try { return str.getBytes(CHARSET_NAME); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } else { return null; * 转换为字节数组 * @param str * @return public static String toString(byte[] bytes) { try { return new String(bytes, CHARSET_NAME); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return EMPTY; * 是否包含字符串 * @param str 验证字符串 * @param strs 字符串组 * @return 包含返回true public static boolean inString(String str, String... strs) { if (str != null) { for (String s : strs) { if (str.equals(trim(s))) { return true; return false; * 替换掉HTML标签方法 public static String replaceHtml(String html) { if (isBlank(html)) { return ""; String regEx = "<.+?>"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx); Matcher m = p.matcher(html); String s = m.replaceAll(""); return s; * 替换为手机识别的HTML,去掉样式及属性,保留回车。 * @param html * @return public static String replaceMobileHtml(String html) { if (html == null) { return ""; return html.replaceAll("<([a-z]+?)\\s+?.*?>", "<$1>"); * 替换为手机识别的HTML,去掉样式及属性,保留回车。 * @param txt * @return public static String toHtml(String txt) { if (txt == null) { return ""; return replace(replace(Encodes.escapeHtml(txt), "\n", "<br/>"), "\t", "&nbsp; &nbsp; "); * 缩略字符串(不区分中英文字符) * @param str 目标字符串 * @param length 截取长度 * @return public static String abbr(String str, int length) { if (str == null) { return ""; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int currentLength = 0; for (char c : replaceHtml(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(str)).toCharArray()) { currentLength += String.valueOf(c).getBytes("GBK").length; if (currentLength <= length - 3) { sb.append(c); } else { sb.append("..."); break; return sb.toString(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; public static String abbr2(String param, int length) { if (param == null) { return ""; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int n = 0; char temp; boolean isCode = false; // 是不是HTML代码 boolean isHTML = false; // 是不是HTML特殊字符,如&nbsp; for (int i = 0; i < param.length(); i++) { temp = param.charAt(i); if (temp == '<') { isCode = true; } else if (temp == '&') { isHTML = true; } else if (temp == '>' && isCode) { n = n - 1; isCode = false; } else if (temp == ';' && isHTML) { isHTML = false; try { if (!isCode && !isHTML) { n += String.valueOf(temp).getBytes("GBK").length; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (n <= length - 3) { result.append(temp); } else { result.append("..."); break; // 取出截取字符串中的HTML标记 String temp_result = result.toString().replaceAll("(>)[^<>]*(<?)", "$1$2"); // 去掉不需要结素标记的HTML标记 temp_result = temp_result.replaceAll("</?(AREA|BASE|BASEFONT|BODY|BR|COL|COLGROUP|DD|DT|FRAME|HEAD|HR|HTML|IMG|INPUT|ISINDEX|LI|LINK|META|OPTION|P|PARAM|TBODY|TD|TFOOT|TH|THEAD|TR|area|base|basefont|body|br|col|colgroup|dd|dt|frame|head|hr|html|img|input|isindex|li|link|meta|option|p|param|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|tr)[^<>]*/?>", ""); // 去掉成对的HTML标记 temp_result = temp_result.replaceAll("<([a-zA-Z]+)[^<>]*>(.*?)</\\1>", "$2"); // 用正则表达式取出标记 Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<([a-zA-Z]+)[^<>]*>"); Matcher m = p.matcher(temp_result); List<String> endHTML = Lists.newArrayList(); while (m.find()) { endHTML.add(; // 补全不成对的HTML标记 for (int i = endHTML.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result.append("</"); result.append(endHTML.get(i)); result.append(">"); return result.toString(); * 转换为Double类型 public static Double toDouble(Object val) { if (val == null) { return 0D; try { return Double.valueOf(trim(val.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { return 0D; * 转换为Float类型 public static Float toFloat(Object val) { return toDouble(val).floatValue(); * 转换为Long类型 public static Long toLong(Object val) { return toDouble(val).longValue(); * 转换为Integer类型 public static Integer toInteger(Object val) { return toLong(val).intValue(); * 获得i18n字符串 public static String getMessage(String code, Object[] args) { LocaleResolver localLocaleResolver = (LocaleResolver) SpringContextHolder.getBean(LocaleResolver.class); HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest(); Locale localLocale = localLocaleResolver.resolveLocale(request); return SpringContextHolder.getApplicationContext().getMessage(code, args, localLocale); * 获得用户远程地址 public static String getRemoteAddr(HttpServletRequest request) { String remoteAddr = request.getHeader("X-Real-IP"); if (isNotBlank(remoteAddr)) { remoteAddr = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For"); } else if (isNotBlank(remoteAddr)) { remoteAddr = request.getHeader("Proxy-Client-IP"); } else if (isNotBlank(remoteAddr)) { remoteAddr = request.getHeader("WL-Proxy-Client-IP"); return remoteAddr != null ? remoteAddr : request.getRemoteAddr(); * 驼峰命名法工具 * @return toCamelCase("hello_world") == "helloWorld" * toCapitalizeCamelCase("hello_world") == "HelloWorld" * toUnderScoreCase("helloWorld") = "hello_world" public static String toCamelCase(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; s = s.toLowerCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.length()); boolean upperCase = false; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == SEPARATOR) { upperCase = true; } else if (upperCase) { sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); upperCase = false; } else { sb.append(c); return sb.toString(); * 驼峰命名法工具 * @return toCamelCase("hello_world") == "helloWorld" * toCapitalizeCamelCase("hello_world") == "HelloWorld" * toUnderScoreCase("helloWorld") = "hello_world" public static String toCapitalizeCamelCase(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; s = toCamelCase(s); return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); * 驼峰命名法工具 * @return toCamelCase("hello_world") == "helloWorld" * toCapitalizeCamelCase("hello_world") == "HelloWorld" * toUnderScoreCase("helloWorld") = "hello_world" public static String toUnderScoreCase(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean upperCase = false; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); boolean nextUpperCase = true; if (i < (s.length() - 1)) { nextUpperCase = Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(i + 1)); if ((i > 0) && Character.isUpperCase(c)) { if (!upperCase || !nextUpperCase) { sb.append(SEPARATOR); upperCase = true; } else { upperCase = false; sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); return sb.toString(); * 如果不为空,则设置值 * @param target * @param source public static void setValueIfNotBlank(String target, String source) { if (isNotBlank(source)) { target = source; * 转换为JS获取对象值,生成三目运算返回结果 * @param objectString 对象串 * 例如 * 返回:!row?'':!row.user?'':!'' public static String jsGetVal(String objectString) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder(); String[] vals = split(objectString, "."); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { val.append("." + vals[i]); result.append("!" + (val.substring(1)) + "?'':"); result.append(val.substring(1)); return result.toString(); * 通过正则表达式获取内容 * @param regex 正则表达式 * @param from 原字符串 * @return public static String[] regex(String regex, String from) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(from); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); while (matcher.find()) { for (int i = 0; i < matcher.groupCount(); i++) { results.add( + 1)); return results.toArray(new String[]{});